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Zywa Sep 2021
Shall I open up

to this man, shall I venture --

on falling in love?
Collection "Without reserve"
Zywa Sep 2021
I want his face
nicely towards me

I don't want to tear it open
because he chooses
me this weekend

I want his stubble
his fabric softener

he is so different
from the men of my friends
with their itchy *****

I want his words
his withheld love

for me under clothes
of inaccessibility
For Sheree Paridon #1

Collection "Without reserve"
fray narte Sep 2021
I don't know how I can ever begin to fathom all the consuming ways that I have loved you.
fray narte Aug 2021
this is love stripped of poetry, so here darling, i might as well just rip out my chest because not loving you is the last act of self-inflicted violence. how i rue the days. i might as well just rip my chest out and give you my heart — burrow your way under my skin, like wood dusts drawn to the wounds in my heels. i will give up poetry to be loved by you in ways not dreamy. in ways raw. sober. aware. unadulterated. lawless. infinite. in intense, longing gazes. in ways that stray from falling apart so beautifully, in such chest-tearing grace. in ways that stain tenderness. in ways that crash and burn.

my love, catch me. watch me tear down the world in the name of your eyes. watch me tear down poetry. i have no need for it.
fray narte Aug 2021
i spent too many times trying not to love you, darling, but i know this now: loving you has always been in my very nature — repressed and buried in my bone marrows.

i'm sorry it took me so long to realize this, my love. i am coming home now. ❤️
Krizel Grace Jul 2021
The intricate details of his soul
were long etched beyond the sky that I've known
Along with the stars at night,
And like the clouds above
Soft but sometimes fierce,
Like the light that pierces through leaves
The different colors of dawn
Painted in a way your attention will be drawn.

He's the light that falls on my skin
And I'd fall for him a thousand times more.
Tina RSH Jul 2021
All gone now
and you're nothing
but a wound
cracking open
at 3 am- unsolicited

-Farewell, my beloved! Is there a farewell at all?
Every kiss you blew me
was a kiss goodbye
Every inch of skin
that caressed yours
was a vow
I bestowed
to love you
forever and ever more.
And the wine in my veins
says shut up! He's gone
And the cigarette smoke
takes you away from me
And all these men I toy with
they are nothing like you.

I've missed the train
of my thoughts
I sit back
and gaze at them
from afar
taking you away
I call out your name
but there are no words
I am stuck in nirvana
or else-
in sheer garrulous void
without you.

Who opened this wound anyway?
I'm sure it was open
from the scratch
I just couldn't feel it
bleeding me away.

Only a caress away
but I'm a *****
in your eyes
a ******* ***** *****
with no feelings
I can defend
my dignity only
before the strike
of midnight
that breaks my heart
spills my ***** feelings
all over my face
I love you
but it's dark at this hour
and you're too ******* blind.
I have been inactive on this website as of late, yet I have been scribbling poems here and there, you know, in notebooks past midnight, on my phone at work. Today, I came acros this one and boy it hit close home.
Zywa May 2021
My heart skips a beat,

once a flash and forever –

we kiss each other.
Collection "Without reserve"
Zywa May 2021
He comes to bathe me

in his yellow butterflies –

of amourousness.
“Cien años de soledad” (“One Hundred Years of Solitude”, 1967, Gabriel García Márquez)

Collection "After the festivities"
A C May 2021
I want to be in love
I want to be in love
I want to be lying by their side
and know in the purest most pristine depths
of my heart
that they are in love with me too
I want a love that is without doubt and lack
a love that is worth sacrifice
a love that makes me ooze happiness from my pores
and **** rainbows
a love that's exhausting yet invigorating
a love that makes me want to scream
cause I love them so much
and it feels like a burning in my chest
and its physically uncomfortable
and I think
a love that is authentic will suffice as well
one where I am me
and not the me that I think is socially acceptable
the one that is the least bit presentable
the one that's ugly
hideous, even
I want to be me while i'm in love
and I want them to be them in love with me
I want a love where we're not ashamed or cowardly
a flamboyant love
a bright love
one that is so scintillating you can see it from the stars
give me that love
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