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Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2020
I am a good person but I do bad things sometimes
Complicated I may be
I am beautifully disastrous
You can see it in my eyes
I'm imperfect
I struggle
I'm ME
No one is all good or all bad but a mixture of both
When they asked me who I was I gave them a simple reply, but what I wanted to say was...
I'm a mess!
I never sleep.
I can't control what I eat.
I'm an emotional and nervous wreck.
But I can lie and say I'm trying my best. (I'm not)
I still have a long ways to go.
After all, I am a work in progress, you know?
We all pretend to keep it together but it's ok to admit that that's far from the truth ;)
alice Jun 2014
I am who I am;
no one else.
I wonder who you are;
deep inside.
I hear the slamming of keys on a typewriter;
faster, faster.
I see beyond this dimension;
the Earth is minuscule.
I want excitement;
a strange bond by words.

I am stronger than I think.

I pretend my issues don't exist;
burry them in the caverns of my soul.
I feel the warmth of your caress;
my body pulsating with love.
I touch my hip bones;
wondering if they'll always be there.
I worry my life will be incomplete;
somehow stolen from under me.
I cry for the souls who fell short;
into the hands of a living death.

I am reincarnated.

I understand very little;
this is only the beginning.
I say nothing when I should say something;
silence is the only sound.
I dream of peace;
remove the panic.
I try everything;
nothing left undone, nothing left untouched.

I am who I am; no one else.
The "I Am" poem template expanded upon. I first received this template in the 4th grade, thus opening the grand doors of Poetry within my mind.

— The End —