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Ryan Holden Nov 2017
Sharing her beauty,
Mother Nature wears flowers
In her sweet green hair

Glowing with wonder
Her aura breaths through the airs
Natural essence.

Unable to fight
Her petals taken away
Replaced by buildings

Yet remains patient
Waiting for a hand to plant
Primordial touch

One tree left standing
Each leaf blowing in the wind
People walk on by

Only to receive
A fur covered paw, wet nosed
Kiss and tenderness

Where memories of
beauty once blossomed, now part
Of yesterday's past

Because nature is
a giver, a mother that
we take for granted.
Collaborative Poem by Myself and the wonderful Donna Jones! Enjoy guys :)
Ryan Holden Nov 2017
Pointed ears hop
Across the field, eating grass
Showing fluffy tails.
Ryan Holden Nov 2017
I feel all of this love I can never reveal,
So I'll spill my soul in my ink -
Just for you to see what you mean to me.

I've told myself -
"What am I supposed to do"
When her eyes are filled with stars -
Her smile butterflies,
nearly knocking me over every
Single time -
And this dream I keep dreaming -
Where we live forever and always
The ages we are now.

We still go around differently
Every single time -
And that's the beauty of it,
You pinch me - I pinch you back,
But you always seem to win.

Only because I'm soft -
I call her "Marshmallow"
I say she has a "Great Wall Of China"
But ha,
Prowess tells me it's only "Berlin".

You see -
she's squishy on the inside
for those times I get
a mere glimpse into her heart -
Inside her soul that shines
So bright.

For she lifted me from the
Deepest depths -
Of my lowest self
Giving me strength
To take her with me
on my journey back up,
Only to flourish
Together - chasing both our dreams
no matter how bizarre,
No matter how far.


Every hand I throw
For her to catch and hold,
I chisel through nooks and crannies -
trying to find a weakness,
I make you whole -
You make me complete,
Yet no matter how hard I hit the wall
I can't knock it down,
I have merely
chipped my way into her heart.

But that's why "Berlin" is here,
To make sure I can't poke around
enough to let her see,
What she means to me.
Ryan Holden Nov 2017
I would not want to
spend, a second away from
you against my chest.
Ryan Holden Nov 2017
Pointed nose jumping
between shrubs, glowing orange,
Playing hide and seek.
Ryan Holden Nov 2017
Tooting swirling eyes
Watching and listening for
a little brown mouse
Ryan Holden Nov 2017
We leapt over the
River, with nothing but a
Spring in our step.
Ryan Holden Nov 2017
Fireflies dance through
The night, lighting outside with
magical aura
Ryan Holden Nov 2017
Thick brush brown shoulders
carry her cub up steep slopes
To rest at the top.
Ryan Holden Nov 2017
Howling fur shivers
Through the snowfall leaning on
A rock at moonlight.
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