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Yamini Aug 2020
In the pandemic of trust
what I found was him
he made sense of my mess
all that he cared of was my stress
all I must say to him
was a brother

He uplifted the standards
of brother for me
where I could be a commander
and he being a tree
to provide all that I need
or what I deprive of

Where there is no way
out there
he would not betray
what I choose are devils
And what he pray is

In the pandemic of love
he taught me something beyond
beyond feelings
beyond security
he gave the safest place
to reside in
he booked it for my entire life
and the irony is
I am not known for its rent

What I am familiar with is
he is a goldsmith
and I being his jewelry
would be in his locker
one more familiar thing
is there
this ornament is nothing
without her goldsmith.....
Jacob Cuadro Jul 2015
It’s come to this time where we go our own separate ways,

This won’t be a goodbye I will still be here day by day.

Nothing can take us apart

For we still have each other hearts.

Perhaps this is a good start to set your goals,

To glow and shine like a bar of gold.

Start dreaming and you can set whatever you put your mind to.

I believe in you like the flow of oceans as crystal blue.

One thing I miss is your sweet, kindness, beautiful personalities that bright like a dove,

That was created from heaven above.

Promise me you won’t feel too down

I will always still be around.

We can meet each other in this secret land

Where you can always hold me by the hand.

You are your own woman now and I know your choices will grow like a flower that blooms,

A sweet smell of your future success like perfume.

No need to be lonely I be right next to you.

**By Jacob Cuadro
A poem to my best friend when I moved to another state
When I forget the things you tell me,
It’s not for lack of listening,
It’s just life getting in the way;
It’s me thinking about your words,
Telling others too,
Because I think it’s fascinating,
So that so many memories,
In such a small amount of time,
Are connected back,
And overlap.
I could kick myself,
For every word you told me,
That I forgot,
Because I want to hear,
And know what’s on your mind;
Because you’re important,
And I don’t want you to forget that.

— The End —