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I'd like to think,
That I'm an honored member,
Of the elite poetry society.
Though I know,
I'm a long way from that,
But make sure you save me a seat,
Because no matter what, I'm coming up.
I do declare my work is the bee's knees. Though that's just me being brash.
James Cushman Sep 2024
A social engineering construct
Generated by the elite few
To ravage and forsake our world.
The same few,
Who would send your brothers and sons
To die across seas
In brutal massacres
and meaningless battles
Over invisible lines
And ancient history.

The puppet masters tug the strings
And we dance.
Addicted consumers
Everyone is a trend setter…
Begging for attention
And validation
As this world self implodes,
We are all addicted to our own demise.
And we scroll
The toxic algorithms.
We all die eventually
To live in the now.
Enjoy this moment
Zywa Jul 2024
I'm afraid, free will

is rare, it's a luxury --

for the happy few.
Novel "Frankissstein: a love story" (2019, Jeanette Winterson), Methinks, wrote Byron

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in 10s"
Zywa Jul 2024
Even gentlemen

wish to live with dignity --

well, common, sometimes.
Comic strip "Tom Poes en de klonters" ("Tom **** and the lumps", 1955, Marten Toonder), strip 2654
Zywa Jun 2024
Words are for the word-

people, she says, you are free --

to just do your job.
Novel "Victory City" [Vijayanagar >> Bisnaga] (2023, Salman Rushdie), part 1: Birth, chapter 4

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa Nov 2023
Quiet! Stop shouting!
There's nothing to worry about
because God gets what He wants
That is... winning, say the books
the dogmas and the prophets
God is God, He gets what He wants

He wants war and peace, famine
and full shops, freedom and revolution
He wants Semtex and He wants ***
lots of virgins and gigolos and
He gets what He wants
or is that a joke?

God wants borders, drugs and flood
God wants laws, gangs and crime
God wants prayers and big money
pounds and dollars, rupees and rials
renminbi, euros and pesos
The liras He rejects

God wants subservience
He loves secrets
solutions and the internet
God wants to laugh
so He helps us all
and He gets what He wants

God wants friendship and fame
with drinks and dinners, He wants registers
and banks, He wants credit with or without
interest, He wants debt and poverty
and insurances for everything
He gets what He wants
Song "What God wants" (1992, Roger Waters, album "Amused to Death")

Collection "Reaching out"
Zywa May 2023
Am I elitist

if football is new to you --

and I explain it?
"Ik bel je wel als ik dood ben - Gesprekken met Armando", 2011-2018 ("I'll call you when I'm dead - Conversations with Armando", 2023, Cherry Duyns)

Collection "Stall"
Zywa Nov 2022
Wishing to live
in the city without
its burden, above

the chimneys, cleanly
swinging in grandma's chair
in front of the bay window

seeing the dormant mouths
of the pocked roofs
wake up without

having to smell their poison
and then also breathe it
out of solidarity with everyone

who has to live fast
in the stone world
where everything is hard
"Room in Brooklyn" (1932, Edward Hopper)

Collection "NightWatch"
Kevin Sep 2022
It’s gonna get better,
Are the words I hear every day!

The worlds in a rage,
Families in complete dismay,
Yet, They continue to say,
“It’s gonna get better.”

Better for whom is the answer I seek,
As everyone suffers except the rich and elite.

Children are crying as they sleep in their graves,
Families moan in woe and rage;
Out of work and on the streets,
Homes stole by legislative greed;
People starve with not a morsel to eat
As they watch their lives stripped away, shipped overseas.
Yet, They continue to say every single day,
“It’s gonna get better.”

Who are They that speak these words of depict?
These words of emptiness filled with intentions of grief.

“They,” are the ones that control the industries
The ones that create laws and false realities,
The ones that create and destroy societies,
The ones we fought and died for with our dignity!

“They,” are the ones that live off our blood, sweat, and tears,
Taking at will with no consequences to bear,
Stripping away our wealth and dignity,
Stealing the land away from our families,
Giving to those of foreign nationalities,
With no regard to the society that entrusted, “They!”

Yet behind their smoke filled lies,
While people die,
They continue to say,
“It’s gonna get better.”
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