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Starry Sep 2019
As I awake
Yet another
I cannot resist
Returning to bed
For the dreams
Are tiring.
Jenny Sep 2019
the nose that sits flat
against her face burns, as
it barricades
against the tears that are
soon to flood and stain
the cheeks, the crevices where her nostrils meshed
with her upper lip. the shattered glass that surrounded her rippled,  
a sea of diamonds.
her hands were pressed in a pool
of their own blood as it seeped
slowly from her cold claws.
the sharp stinging
eventually dulled, but
the scratches embedded in her throat
were still angry and raw, her knuckles
were crusted with the liquid
of dead roses. her gut
was empty, yet still
she retched, but the demons would not
allow her to exorcise them so she stuck
******* down her throat,
as if she could scoop them out.
Starry Sep 2019
Dear white suppremist
Before I say the usual fck
I want to say that
I am more than different
I have feelings, emotions,
Angry as you do
Only its directed at you
So tashi delek
And a f
ck you.

Starry Sep 2019
As I sit there
The pros and cons of
going out side
I relieved that my mom sad
That it would be OK.
And so I get ready.
Starry Sep 2019
I think I shall stay
And read a book
Cannot handle
In this town today
Starry Sep 2019
I am wondering if
I should go out side
For my town is racist
And hate ful
But I have to grow the lady
To say f*ck you to
The neo nazis.
Starry Sep 2019
A quite listner
A quiet smile
Not sure if
Starry Sep 2019
I look at the iris
In my Boading carefully
And wonder
How the hell
Did theybget that
Beautiful flower
In there
With out destroying
It's beauty
One can only know.
Starry Sep 2019
The *****
I thought thry
Were like all baodings
That they
Had a
Bell singing to me
But no just
S I l e n c e
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