The Messes We Leave
The Cats You Dump on My Door
There’s a black plastic bag sleeping in a tree
And an orange cat who treads beneath it,
Flinching at
The jack-o-lantern grins
That the coyotes give
As they prowl about at night.
Even after we take him inside,
He’s often so scared
Wide-eyed and meowing
Like these new owners will leave him too.
There’s a whole litter
Gone in scattered bones
Except for one who watches from rooftops and trees.
He never meows, that one,
Never accepts the invitation to come in.
There’s a pregnant kitten
Barely more than skin,
And a white calico
Who stares at us with the same cunning eyes
That outwitted the wolves other pale cats did not.
Those are the handful we tucked away behind these walls,
The rest are not so lucky.
A pair of siblings who lost the third
Two toms who yowl to each other at night,
Those are just the handful who survive still out there.
Together, they are that small number out of countless dozens
Who disappeared under car tires and canine teeth.
Mostly autobiographical with a few details changed for poetic flow. I really love cats; but I never envisioned having to take care of so many due to other people's cruelty and ****** shelter options. On a positive note, most of these scared cats calm down some after a few months and spend a lot of time sitting on top of people and purring.