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Apollo Hayden Nov 2016
Fluttering of wings
Angelic things, mysterious in the same
Ripples from choices made can rewrite narratives
In just a blink of an eye all things can change
Wishing you had control of the past, and that you held tighter on the reins, blinds your view and holds you down with a heavy load of regret
Don't let your soul burn away like a moth in a flame
Though you've been hit by the butterfly effect
b e mccomb Aug 2016
Let's say
Someone was
Keeping score
And I had a

In that case
There would be
Three hundred and twelve
Pieces of paper
In my house with
Five to thirteen lines of
Text on each of them.

And then suppose
Five and thirteen averaged
Out to somewhere between
Seven and eight.

Then do the math
And tell me what seven or eight
Times three hundred and twelve is
And then think about how
For each line of text on each
Sheet of paper
There is another
Sheet of paper in some
Binder somewhere
Or a pile in the righthand
Corner of my room.

And remember
I'm just one person.

And then think
About the butterfly effect.

Do you know
What happens
In the mail room
When you're not around?

Do you know
Who uses the copier
In the dead of night
Or the morning dawn?

Do you know
Where we go
When we

Or even
Why we're
All alive
To begin with?

It's sure
As hell

(Or should I say
As unsure as hell
Because no one can
Agree on anything
Even a universal a
Concept as hell)

That we're not living
To make paper
To print out our
Personal whims on.

And then think
About the butterfly effect.
Copyright 4/10/16 by B. E. McComb
a turning point written in the dark in the office under the window that leads to nowhere behind the overflow and across from the supply closet on the day that i lost my mind.
Kayla Behm Jun 2016
Butterflies dance around
Creating fate ever so
Even with the screaming sound

As if we are spellbound
We are all actors in a show
Butterflies dance around

They have our fate aground
It cannot be changed, oh-no
Even with the screaming sound

No control on the battleground
Best to lay as a willow
Butterflies dance around

Memories with us turn brown
People always come and go
Even with the screaming sound

Life is never fully bound
Have faith in will even though
Butterflies dance around
Even with the screaming sound.
My theme was simply that our past is what creates and determines who we are today. If our past were to change in anyway way, we would be different people than the ones who stand here.
Dark Smile Sep 2015
It is so easy to change our lives. We do not realise just how powerful we are. A thought could revolutionalise the world for the better. If we could just stand up and speak, make up our mind to be the best we possibly can. o stop watching those videos on Youtube, to stop scrolling through Facebook with a blank mind and then snapping out of it at the end of the day only to find that your life reeks of dysfunction and unproductivity and that you wasted an amazing day that you could have spent changing your life.
The butterfly effect.
Your decisions today affect your life tomorrow. Have the choices you made today given you a better tomorrow?
I was feeling rather inspired so I decided to write this.
HRTsOnFyR Sep 2015
The words that go unspoken actually make the most noise.
Lithium Jun 2015
A void frame holds together Black Mountainous clouds weighing heavy on the sky, fearing an inescapable storm. The land below, no longer recognizable for shadows have rained from the absence, eroding the clarity of which once stood firm.
Still fresh and raw, the painter stops. His garrisoned red eyes entrench the being of his grotesque creation and with lost hope takes his final brushstroke. The brush, with nothing more to give, lifts an unsubstantial bit paint off of the canvas. Leaving what appears to be, a negative silhouette. The white void of a butterfly.

— The End —