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Ashwin Kumar Oct 2024
I stand with you, Dear Comrade
Because, always do you stand
With the oppressed
With the marginalised
With the hated
With the silenced
And finally
With the ignored!

I stand with you, Dear Comrade
Because, every time do you take the lead
When it comes to fighting against injustice
Calling out media bias
Exposing the hypocrisy of the liberals
Highlighting gender and caste issues
Blasting the central government left, right and centre
And last but not the least
Making us all feel your righteous anger!!

I stand with you, Dear Comrade
For you, does my heart bleed
Because, are you an extremely kind soul
Who cares for humanity above all
Beneath your raging passion
I can feel your sheer compassion
You've been through hell
And yet, do you stand tall
Fighting endlessly and fearlessly for social justice
And striving your hardest for peace
Without even thinking of giving up
To you, greatly do I look up!!

I stand with you, Dear Comrade
Of you, forever will I remain proud
Whenever I have a bad day
It is you, who shows me the way
During my darkest phases
It is you, in whom I find solace
Even when I am extremely negative
You provide me the motivation to be positive
May Jesus bless your beautiful soul
And may you find your inner peace, above all!!
Poem on why I will always support Dr. Meena Kandasamy - famous novelist, poetess, translator, academic, raging intersectional feminist and passionate anti-caste activist!!!
Ashwin Kumar Sep 2024
Whenever I experience pain
Whether it be physical or mental
I don't feel I am alone
Because your words are so powerful
That they transport me into another realm
Where I begin to feel a sense of calm
And a voice speaks
"Everything is going to be alright soon"
Slowly and steadily, the pain fades
And I begin to feel at ease again
You may not be a witch
But your poetry is so rich
And so full of passion
That it gives me motivation
To do whatever I earlier thought was impossible
Your attitude makes EVERYTHING seem possible
The way you write a novel
Sets an example for us all
Full of dry and witty humour
Not to mention, extreme candour
And at the same time, you keep the readers guessing
Hence, no book of yours can ever be called "boring"
And your activism lights a flame in us
Which is extremely difficult to extinguish
Thanks to you, am I starting to find the courage and strength
To fight my battles with mental health
And hoping to emerge stronger than ever
Dear Comrade, I will forget you never
Jai Bhim! Vaazhga Periyar!!
This is about how I draw inspiration from Dr. Meena Kandasamy - much celebrated novelist, poet, translator, academic, intersectional feminist and anti-caste activist.
Traveler Sep 2024
These protagonists words describe
a worldview most people may not know. I do admit
I have a tendency of presenting new facts and serving them somewhat cold..
So even if for now you don’t believe, put it in the back of your mind and set it free..
Deep passion is quite luring
it gets the creative blood stirring.
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Traveler Aug 2024
Military wise
We have the same capabilities
as we had in the 90’s..
But now it’s 2024
We cannot contend with BRIC’s  economically nor defend against their weapons.
Many of our senators want war anyways
It’s time to change our policy.
Ashwin Kumar Aug 2024
Whenever you enter my thoughts
A fire begins to burn fiercely in my heart
Destroying everything in its path
Except any positive thoughts
And from my mind, emerges a voice
Saying "You can do it
And you WILL do it!"
Whenever something seems amiss
I think of your struggles
And gradually, do I find myself more capable
Of achieving every task that is set before me
A Harry Houdini, you may not be
However, an inspiration are you, for sure
Because, so much do you care
About righting all the wrongs in our society
Casteism, Hindutva, Islamophobia, gender inequality
Determined are you, to fight hard for social justice
Even if you end up paying a huge price
I consider myself an extremely lucky person
To know such a lovely human being like you
Who talks not through words but actions
Though you are a very loving partner and mother
Rarely, do you showcase your affection and care
Your sheer nerve and bravery would make Godric Gryffindor proud
Your patience, dedication, loyalty and sense of justice would make Helga Hufflepuff proud
Your sharp wit and natural curiosity would make Rowena Ravenclaw proud
And finally
Your sheer ambition, determination and resourcefulness would make Salazar Slytherin proud
Always, will you be my primary motivator
Keep rocking, keep fighting and do take care
May the Almighty bless you forever!!
My 20th poem about the famous novelist, poetess, translator, academic, intersectional feminist and anti-caste activist Dr. Meena Kandasamy!!!
Traveler Jun 2024
War is war
destruction and death!
Peace is peaceful
You can feel it
in your every step

Living in dugouts
Shell shocked retreats
Waiting for no more
then a certain defeat

Who deserves
to experience hell
upon this earth
where we all dwell?

Shall we pretend
and close our eyes
as the west continues
to sell their lies?

Peace is simple
beneath the covers
We just stop killing
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Ashwin Kumar May 2024
You are my idol
You is it, who manages to make me smile
When I am down in the dumps
You are an amazing poetess
Imagine, could your writing ****
Then die, the oppressors shall
One of the fiercest voices against injustice
Always, are you ready to make sacrifices
For the benefit of humanity
And the transformation of our extremely regressive society!

You are my idol
Always, do you manage to cast a spell
Through your mind-shattering poems
As well as edge-of-the-seat novels
An enchantment that is almost impossible to lift
Really, are you a gift
To the literary world
So much do I love, the way you play with words!!

You are my idol
Never, are you idle
Buzzing with ideas all the time
Truly, is your mind sublime
You are the light to my darkness
The fire to my icy coldness
The humour to my seriousness
The subtlety to my directness
The list is endless!!

You are my idol
I like you more than I hate Israel
You mean as much to me
As independence means to the Palestinians
It was such an honour to see you perform
Last December, at G5A Warehouse
In front of a full house
That I felt I was in a dream
It was indeed a surreal feeling
May you keep performing and inspiring
May all your dreams come true
And may Jesus bless you!!
Yet another poem dedicated to the amazing novelist, poet, translator, academic, intersectional feminist and anti-caste activist - Dr. Meena Kandasamy.
GaryFairy Jul 2022
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

That means I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything, so don't ask me questions

You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Unless it is what you wanted me to tell you.
why do they call them stool pigeons? Put a pigeon on a stool and ask him. I swear he will squeal like a pig
Wondering in lucids;flowing on Goosebumps!
This is just not about lucids.It's all on what matters for us.anything that makes us get up out of our bed & embark getting a change in daily routine & keep everything restrained.What makes you intense to feel something deeply that leads your brain to send energy to the universe?
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