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  May 2014 suicidalsmiles
Megan Grace
a  m
that   you
are  made  of
s  t   a  r   d  u  s  t
and  water  balloons,
oil  pastels  and  the
collecti­on          of
settled     sugar
at             the
b o t  t o m
of      my
c u p s
o     f
t e a
  May 2014 suicidalsmiles
to everyone who's calling me....*i am no longer the person you're looking for.
Still breathing but feeling like the dead. Living life on autopilot until I get so anxious i shake.
suicidalsmiles May 2014
your kisses stain my lips
jawline and collarbone
your warm breath tingles
down my spine
your laugh
rings in my ears
these things are with me
forever and always
you say you're here but
you're really over there
smiling and laughing
with that pretty girl
i just watch as my world
shatters into a thousand
shimmering and glimmering pieces
like the stars i used to wish on
you and i dance across
my horribly ugly mind
we whirl and twirl
laughing and kissing
in their own wonderful world
full of secret i love you's
sly glances and stolen red whine
taken from your mom's liquor cupboard
in the dead of night
as the dancing figures get closer
i run farther away
trying so desperately to escape
these murderous memories
soft kisses and sweet whispers
i have nothing left to say
  May 2014 suicidalsmiles
Heliza Rose
Are you allergic to yourself?

Do you scratch away at yourself,in the hopes that your skin would peel off?

Are you allergic to yourself?

Do you deliberately avoid pictures just so the camera won't add a few pounds and make you look?

Are you allergic to yourself?

Do you cough and wheeze whenever you suddenly remember a flaw that seems to get every ones head turning?

Are you allergic to yourself?

Do your eyes go red and puffy when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror?

Are you allergic to yourself?

Does your tongue swell whenever a good word about you tries to spill itself out?

Are you allergic to yourself?

Does everything about you,make you swell ache and bend over in pain?

Do you wish you could jump out of your own skin?
  May 2014 suicidalsmiles
Heliza Rose
I bottle up my feelings in old Ribena bottles

You bottle up yours in Gin and Whiskey bottles
suicidalsmiles May 2014
Forget the things you once read
Those girl's eyes are now dead

No more to cry those lonely tears
Or to show her rising fears

Depression and insanity
No longer will she have to flee

She'll never think her vengeful thoughts
And in the ground her body rots

She made the choice to let go
The tests will show she went slow

She never blamed a single soul
In this choice we played no role

This sad, sad girl did feel no pain
As from her veins the blood did drain

She made two cuts upon her wrists
Her hands were clenched in ****** fists

We hope this girl did find some peace
As her life began to cease

Her eyes stayed open as she died
And tears did fall as she cried

She never fought to hold on
Just let go till she was gone

Suicide to end her pain
Her tears would fall an icy rain
Hello followers, so this poem was inspired by my friend, she was struggling with depression, anxiety and self harm, she killed herself a week ago. So I just have to say I love you all, and I know that some of you are struggling, I'm no therapist, but if you ever, EVER need help, I'm just a click away. XXOO
  Apr 2014 suicidalsmiles
Kay Tailor
Have you ever felt
A compelling urge
To hug somebody?
To just wrap your arms around them
And never let go?
You just want to drop everything
And hug that person,
Touch them,
Embrace them.
You just want to be near them.
No talking.
Just hugging.
Because you seem to say more,
Have deeper discussions,
When you’re in each other’s arms
Then when conversing aloud.

That’s the kind of bond
I want to have with someone
Some day.
Because the simplest of things
Speak louder
Than any words
Ever will.
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