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yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
I have learned to walk on snow
Without leaving my footprints.
I have learned to swim
Without scattering the waters.
I have learned to save the flowers beauty
Without killing it.
I have learned to read people
Without speaking a word with them.
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
you look into my eyes so easy
how the hell do you do that?
when you look so easily to me
i'm starting to think that
you did feel nothing for me

when ever i look into your eyes
even when i'm trying not to
i get shot with lightning
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
today the girl who i spent almost all the summer said to me that i remind to her a girl who is in love with moon, flowers, 3 AM's, stars and that ****. that beautiful ****, which i really love. that is interesting because i call her a girl who i spend a summer with not a friend or something. we even didn't talk much. and that's my fault because i'm not a talker but a dreamer. but back to the point - i was surprised because she doesn't really know me, but she saw that side of me. i didn't think that i can show the real me, so i'm really graceful to that girl, who told me that i can.
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
silence isn't so silent
if your thoughts
are so ******* loud
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
people came and go
it's my belief
i think i live by that
and too strongly
'cause i don't get attached

no it's all in a other way
i get attached to people
but i'm already ready
that they will vanish
from my life
sooner or later
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
you hid sadness
but tears you knew
like your sisters

you thought happiness
was something unnatural
You hated him.

you hid smile
but fears controlled you
that's how you met him

but his smile scared you
you wanted to steal it
You hated him!
i'm pathetic
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
it take only one scream to actually scream
isn't it funny?.................................................
oh keep your silence to yourself
but why?.......................................
just wonder too far in the universe
and then?...........................................
hold yourself so no one else have to hold you instead
right here?............................................................­...............
and always be just fine
yeah like always!.........
sometime we need to fell something more..
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