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It's strange how someone can change your life
Especially when your heart has been torn with a knife

You try to forget all your sorrow and pain
But in actual life it sticks like a stain

Trust isn't always a very easy subject
But in times like this, I must object

When it comes to trust from me
Then no one but you it will be

I am your friend and forever will be
If you promise to always remember me

I met you as a stranger
I got to know you as a friend
 Sep 2014 Frustrated Poet
 Sep 2014 Frustrated Poet
“This is my skin. This is not your skin, yet you are still under it.”
i held you so tight and maybe that's why you broke free
 Sep 2014 Frustrated Poet
I just wanted you to know I understand. I remember you so many years ago; your strength, your abilities. I remember you standing in front of the mirror while mom braided your hair. I knew you weren't vain when you looked in the mirror. I wish she hadn't made you feel that way. I remember why you turned silent and hid. I know why you isolated. I am so sorry you felt badly about yourself. You had a beautiful imagination! still do. You were a dreamer and no, they could not understand you,... but you knew you. Sometimes I get frustrated when I remember your gullibility.  So many people took advantage of you, that was a scary time. I'm glad those days are gone. I'm glad you made it through and you grew, you did not let that define you. The worst is behind you now, lift up your chin and smile. I wish I could take care of you.
Dear Mr. Poet Man,
How do you do that?
You make the most of everything
Even when there is nothing.
It confounds me so to see,
Mr. Poet Man,
The things my heart says to me in utmost secrecy
Written in your words.
How, Mr. Poet Man, do you constantly see
Beauty in all things, Even Death?
I need to know Mr. Poet Man,
How does one die beautifully?
Would I be beautiful to you then?
It's a weird one, I know, but I liked the idea of writing to someone.
Dreams of Tuscany
With drawn lips
Portrayed like a silver chain
Where hearts surge to follow
Feathers from wings of night
Sits a poet with the stirring of light
Paints a pretty picture
With their words of life
That echoes through their corridors of their mind
Their hearts hold many sorrows riding low in life
Many battles have been won
With their mighty muse
Many blessings to each dear
Poet for all the obstacles
To overcome.
Sweet thoughts to each one that must write this very night....*

By: Debbie Brooks
Dedicated to all the writers out there that struggle.. Never give up!!!
 Sep 2014 Frustrated Poet
 Sep 2014 Frustrated Poet
When you close your eyes
At the moment’s peak
Do you hear life’s lies
Whenever you try to speak
That demise you held on
That guilt you deny but prolong
You try to get out
But this weir will only make you drown

You try to shout
But nobody listen
The darkness subdues
You’re numb but not frozen

You let it in
The agony that you breathe
You mold it all in
Yearning for that rapture
Is that all you desire?
For that temporary bliss?

Not realizing you've fallen deep
*Into the unending abyss
Don't let it consume you.
You are better than this.
Addiction has its decisions.
For better or for worse?
(Inspired by true events of my friends that passed on and the film Donnie Darko)
If you are going to shine in this world,
it is essential to know:

You will cast shadows.

People will hate you for
the darkness,
instead of praising you
for clarity.
Shine anyway.
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