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  Jul 2019 NotYourMoon
Olivia Ventura
The sun said to the moon:
Why can I never catch up to you?
But the moon replied:
Were we not running away from each other?
  Jul 2019 NotYourMoon
Please carry me back to where I belong—
there by his side, in the safe shelter and comfort of his loving arms.
Poetry wrestles with pain,
holds on tight for art's blessing.
  Jul 2019 NotYourMoon
I look blue.
Yellow when I laugh
Red when I think
Black when I love
Dark when I remember
  Jul 2019 NotYourMoon
i keep you with me always
you visit me
in the space between
sunset and moonrise,
in that world i belong to you.
keeping our memories
loccked up tight,
keeping them safe
in their heart shaped boxes.
i go back to them each night,
a land of whispered promises
and starlit worship.
i know if i could go back
there's not one i would erase.
despite the hurt,
despite the loss,
you were my masterpiece.
- i wish you had stayed.
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