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He gave her a flower
And it multiplied
In her mind.
Lone petals millionizing
In exaggerated,

He gave her a cigarette.
It caused
The chain reaction
They call addiction.
It multiplied in her lungs-
She couldn't stay satisfied.
And she never quit.

He gave her a kiss.
Or maybe she stole it.
Those multiplied too.
Passion learning
Her lips aching and raw
When it was time to speak.

He gave her an end
When he left
And the second
She took down
Too many,
They multiplied
Death in her stomach.

Until the seconds ticked
And expanded onward
Because those seconds gone
Were infinitely gone,
Multiplied too much.
Smoke hanging in the air
The feeling of falling is not fair
Lisping out my empty thoughts
In the form of shots
Poured out one after another
Drunk off of you
I’m intoxicated by your presence
But your love is not present
I once thought I was falling for you
But I was just falling for your lies
I was in love with those eyes
But they were just a disguise
Hiding the real you
You’re the masked bandit
Covered with lies, but all I want is truth
I want to know the real you
I want to really love you
Feeling this mutual feeling
With no mutual ground
My razor kissing my skin
Instead of your lips
I never thought falling in love
Would mean falling out
I never thought kisses
would turn into stitches
I guess thats what happens when
You get love drunk
I mean
It is what it is
Paint me a painting
to vex Van Gogh,
My fondness then shall grow.

Sing me a song
to smite Streisand,
My love for you will be so grand.

Compose me a masterpiece
to blow away Bach,
Then my heart you will unlock.

Write me a sonnet
to shame Shakespeare,
Tell me now, am I asking too much dear?
just a single rose would capture my heart
Its so mainstream to not be mainstream
I mean, look at me
We’re all unique in our own unique way!
Something we’ve been taught since first grade…
Don’t judge a book by a cover!
Something we’ve been doing since first grade…
We are all just a line of clichés
And labels
Cookie cutter images
Thinking we’re “So outside of the box!”
When its just an even bigger box on the outside
Its so cliché
To be cliché
To not be cliché
We are trying to create new
But everything has been done
Hey anyone, help me. This piece is really rough, and I want to finish it for a Poetry Slam. If you could offer any help or advice, I would gladly take it.
Just explain to me,
why when I think of
you, it sends shivers down
my spine.
Why I can't get rid of you.
You see, I have a habit
of remembering you.

How your nicotine
ashtray kisses tasted.
When you were on
ecstasy and the wind
got you excited.
How whiskey tastes like
the sweat on your neck
as I kissed it off.

You see, when you left
I had to quit cold turkey.
When what I needed
was to be weaned.
The addiction stayed
and you are the ******
my veins crave.
 Oct 2014 snarkysparkles
Angie S
Our love was like a negative parabola;
Where we thought we found happiness
We only found the vertex

And then it came crashi ng d o w   n
This isn't about anyone in particular. I'm procrastinating on Algebra homework.
Maybe next time you fall in love,
You'll remember why your parents told you not to play with matches
Broken crayons still write but broken dreams remain shattered.
 Oct 2014 snarkysparkles
 Oct 2014 snarkysparkles
Somberly walks he
Ever watchfully
on drying leaves,
dying thieves
of dormant trees.
Sacred are these
that summer leaves
her memories
of hopeless dreams
that soon will freeze.
Let it be
and silently
forget about me
so you can see
the mystery
of yonder trees
Whom you believe,
for whom you grieve,
and around them weave
through weeds
whose seed
you spread as you flee
with speed
away from he
who stands peacefully
among the trees
and next to me.
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