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skyler Aug 2017
for turning into murky water
with riptides keeping me in
when i know
crystal blue seas
run just below the surface
and they're calm
where i would willingly swim

skyler Aug 2017
im falling
and i need a foothold
your arms catch me
steadying me
but somehow
im only falling faster

skyler Aug 2017
i want to scream at you

until my very voice causes earthquakes

and makes even the ocean tremble with fear

but you deserve nothing but my silence

so i will let my eyes speak instead

skyler Aug 2017
she woke up in a white room with florescent lights blinding her once sleeping eyes

fluids being pumped through needles into her veins trying desperately to keep her alive

steady beeping from monitors tracking the trickling life she tried so hard to end

body numb from the drugs being flushed through her, but she can feel her foot on the pedal launching her straight when the road took a bend

and the doctor he asked her "do you know where you are"

she choked out "i'm in hell because i'm alone and alive, so far"

skyler Aug 2017
there are some things
i have only told
the endless sky
alone at night

for i have secrets
so dark
that only the black sky
and all of her stars
could handle

  Aug 2017 skyler
letting go is love too
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