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  Aug 2017 skyler
the seconds turned to minutes, those minutes turned into hours, and then eventually days, weeks, and months.
I could see all of the time passing, sprinting past me like I was in a race with time, but I was always falling too far behind.
Time got faster and the faster I fell, deeper and deeper into the darkness, and now I have caught up with time.
With that I have caught up with everything I suppressed deep down, time will always win the race of how long I can suppress memories.
  Aug 2017 skyler
You are still here, but you're not.
You are a memory, added to the collection of memories I already have inside.
But the memory of you feels different, the memory of you feels like home.
It makes me feel some type of way, maybe it's just my foolish and broken heart.
But the you I hold so close to my heart, that you is home and this you, the you that is not a memory,
that you wouldn't hold me in a warm embrace when I cry over your memory in my mind.
skyler Jul 2017
giving someone your best
and it still not being good enough
feels like surrendering your universe
along with everything you have
for them only to see a dead star
and empty space

skyler Jul 2017
he asked her over dinner
"have you ever been in love"

she smiled into the bottom of her empty wine glass
"i have
          and it killed me"

skyler Jul 2017
in a parallel universe
you never broke me
and you still speak of me
with love on your tongue

in a parallel universe
your eyes still drip with desire
begging for me to come closer
rather than never even looking my way

in a parallel universe
you still love me
as much
as i still love you

in a parallel universe
is where my heart lives
and maybe that's why i'm not over you
because in some world i still hold your heart

and in all worlds you still hold mine

skyler Jul 2017
she whispered weary words
to the walls
late at night
so they absorbed her broken breaths
storing her somber stories

and my god
your heart would ache
if these walls could speak

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