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There was a walk I took
When I was younger,
And love held my hand.
Crossing the Pyrenees barefoot and carefree,
I felt everything.  
But your eyes were empty.

I remember when the rain came.
All the pain I carried,
Fell away behind me.
My footprints heartshaped in the mud,
Soaking deep into my soul.
You walked without a trace.

Something told me this was it.
I had dreams
Wider than the sky.
And you closed your heart
To all my love.
While I tried to fly,
You kept walking.
You kept walking;
That's all you could do.

So, oh I took that flight across the seven seas.
Hungry,  I ate the world up.
I took my love with me.
You kept walking.
You kept walking.
That's all you knew how to do.

A journey into the light and darkness.
And I'm just beginning, baby.
Somewhere out there
I'll live my dreams.
(C) MKD 2016
You are a part angel and part teacher.

  You are my first school and first institution.

You taught me right and you made me aware of wrong.

You held me close and you taught me how to be strong.

I'm  forever indebted under your grace.

A mother like you is blessing to the human race.

You have been with me in the happy sunny days and in
the troublesome  weather.

I'm proud to be your son and call you my mother* .
your smile not only give light to our home;
but also to our life.
you are by each and every way
my most favorite woman in the world.
i love you to the milky way and back.
Happy Mother's Day!
You are like Spring rain
Soaking through my skin
Pervading my thoughts
Infusing my mind
With the sweet, damp smell of
Sodden earth
         S e x
My body drenched
Submerged in ardent craving


From open petals
Drowning in the downpour
Flooding every cell
With the wantonness
Of budding life
Growing in fervour
In your thunderstorm
The desert of my being
Succumbs to this mirage
And a need
                 R a i n .......

(C) Pixievic
More interesting than hospital dramas ......!!
 May 2016 Skipping Stones

*Without you,
I would not be -


Thank you Mom
In the wondrous story book of night,
               I fully absorb and contemplate,
You were the one omnipresent,
               in light years far and flames near.

                                   As orbs of light, in many intensities and hues
                                                     the ray of infinite grace that envelops,
                                      That feels like the caressing of lotus petals,
                                                    was you my eternal beloved.

Soft, frothing moon light has been
         at times of pain my true consolation,
The moving comet my source of wonder,
          that takes me to you in imagination.

                                             A reader, I was keenly searching.
                                                      ­for meanings of things in light and dark
                                               Being another character formed
                                                        of­ dust sedimented from many stars.

You are enshrined in the diamond
               temple of my mind's still center
making you my lover was
               in honor of my yen for sublime.

                                               The story book of night has pages
                                                         on spirited mornings, noons and dusk
                                                  your benign presence in each step,
                                                           ­ moves galaxies and milky ways.

I see your moving eye brows
   in the tumult of dark rain clouds,
Your intense eyes flash love to me
    when in pain,if  I feel some doubt,

                                                     In waves one after another of ocean,
                                                          ­   your hands embrace me to assure,
                                                       mountain wind from far distance
                                                        ­     brings your songs nightingales sing.

I am a living monument that's breathed
         from the elements , to keep on loving you
not ever a  jealous lover,I am like  a millioner
       ready to sacrifice all just for your presence.

                                                Is there any other lover with such care
                                                  who brings  boundless grace, like you?
                                                   you've the very same eyes of my mother
                                                          ­ that reach me the moment I fall.

In days I am moving within a dream
       for which, you are the creator, moving spirit,
I turn the pages of storybook of night
   whenever I want to be closer to your warmth.

                                                    A mirror you are reflecting my candor,
,                                                        ­ more than anything I ever yearned for,
                                                     You are the river that flows along  me,
                                                      ­   to the ocean, eternally seething in wait.
Wrapped round in swaddling clothes,
I saw her bright beaming face.
Lying helpless, still in a trance,
I sensed her soft soothing touch.

Warm it was when huddled tight,
Glad it was to be held close,
Pleasure it was to be lifted up,
And Heaven it was to be in her lap.

She took me in her gentle hands,
She fed me with her nourishing milk,
She made me sleep with lullabies sweet,
And kept alert on day and night.

As time slowly glided past,
I grew myself into a tiny tot.
Crawled around in sweeping haste,
Reaching out to all I could touch.

It left my mother so hardly pressed.
She never had even time to sit,
Cut down she, her afternoon nap,
Cast aside she her rest and respite.

My teething time – a real hard time!
For reasons none, I grew so irritable.
Itchy – fidgety, I cried on end,
Futile it went all her tricks to tame.

This made my mother grow jittery.
Consulted she every quack and doc,
Administered she every harmless dope,
And interceded to all divine help.

It was only a passing phase,
With consistent care, I grew to a buxom babe.
My childish pranks delighted all.
Too glad grew my mother to see me fare.

Soon I learnt to steady myself up,
The Toddler placed the first faltering step.
It was always with bated breath,
My mother watched my growing up.

She ever remained a pillar of strength,
In whom I saw a never failing friend.
She led me through the devious turns of life,
Always there to lend her helping hand.

In complex issues too hard to solve
Wise it was to seek her counsel
Sane and sound, she ever remained.
To trials of life, she never surrendered.

She taught me the quintessence of life,
She showed me the route to tread,
Her zest for life, never once cease,
Her trust in God ever on the rise

Now my mother ceases to exist,
But sure she will continue to live,
In my hearts domain, she reigns supreme.
No force on Earth can cast her out.

As I look back to days of yore,
All I wish is to conjure up the past,
To be reborn a second time,
To be my mother’s darling child!
To every child, mother is dear ! But my mother I feel was exceptional in her qualities of love, selfless sacrifice, courage and wisdom. Though from an average background without much education, she was well informed. On this Mother's day, I bow before her sweet memory !

A happy Mother's Day to all great mothers !
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