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 Mar 2015 Dr Strange
 Mar 2015 Dr Strange
The waiting is what slows me down,
The waiting makes me weak.
The waiting that draws out my days
And keeps me from my sleep.

The waiting keeps me dwelling long;
Gives hopes of nothing more.
When I decide to recognize,
I'll be waiting here no more.

Waiting weeks for something good
Or expecting something bad,
Keeps my mind on what just might;
Not all the great I have.
 Mar 2015 Dr Strange
Just Melz
There's no hope in a mountain of regret
             we keep on climbing
    And piling it higher
                and higher
     Hoping to reach the top
                Knowing all we'll see
    Is the smoke floating
           from bridges we've burned
     And a  t r  a   i   l
                  of mistakes
   Leading to the lessons
             we thought we learned
     But regret has a funny way of sneaking up on you
            Thinking you're in the clear
     Making a run for it
Then smashing right into
       that MOUNTAIN you built out of fear
    Looking back is easier than looking ahead
           Cause there's nothing left to fear
            If you're *already dead...
 Mar 2015 Dr Strange
 Mar 2015 Dr Strange
i am not a mystery
i am an open book with secrets to be deciphered.
i am your warm words,
your forbidden curse.
i am the fingerprints on railings,
the feeling you get when you're failing.
i am that fall when you get high,
i am that song which made you cry.
i am the dead cells on your skin,
the greed when you're rich.
i am that rhetorical statement,
that lonely guitar by the pavement.
i am that scream when the car crashes.
i am the fire which brings you to ashes.
i am that unknown melody in your head.
i am that coffin in which you were placed.
i am that time bomb ticking away,
the succubus telling you to live another day.
My narcissism at its best
 Mar 2015 Dr Strange
Just Melz
There's more that meets the eyes
And this will never change
It's too complicated to explain why
The answer will never be the same
Just remember to hold us when we cry
And beware those moments we act insane
Sometimes a firm, warm place to land
Is the only thing to soothe our weary brain
Were difficult at best, impossible at worst
But true love is always on our mind first
Some women want the finer things in life
Some just want children and to be a good wife
Others need to be held and reassured constantly
Some just want to trust and receive honesty
No matter the woman, you'll never understand us all
But keep in mind... There's no greater feeling than the fall
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