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I am solely the best friend
I am used to that

I am the girl you invite to the game because you think you're going to score your first home-run of the year and I know the sport well
I am the girl you have proof-read your poetry to make sure it is okay to show another
I am the girl you rehearse the love song for to assure that it is suitable for sharing

But the home-run is never made in my honor
And the poems will never mention my name
And the beautiful love song was never meant for me

But I show up to the game with a sign decked out in glitter with your name and number held up high
And I let you know that a sonnet is fourteen lines and should be written in iambic pentameter
And I tell you your voice was sounding a tad flat when you were singing the lyrics "Baby this song is all for you"

You say "Thanks, you're the best friend a guy could ask for"
And I smile and nod, I am used to this
With the turkey out of the way
It's time to do some shop and save
Black we go again

I am up at three o'clock
So I'll be at the door on the dot
Shopping like a mad whirlwind

Pulling up to Walmart
Grab myself a fresh shopping cart
For when the doors open up at five

Like a horse out of the gate
Your own fault for being in my way
Just count your blessings that your still alive

Beat the crowds straight to the back
For a little ****** and grab
Gotta have the newest wide screen T.V.

Blue hair had my T.V. in her cart
Took her out with a karate chop
Sorry granny it's either you or me

Next set my sights on this kid
With no clue of what he did
Or how he ended splayed out on the floor

In the remote car shopping isle
And it may take that kid awhile
To remember who, what, when, or what for

I next wildly veer off to the right
For that set of Ginsu knives
That I use to hold back the forming crowd

With it being the only set left
I Samurai it over my head
Which  quickly clears out the entire Ginsu isle

With my shopping about done
I sweep shelves into my cart on the run
Figure I can sort it all out later

At times it's hard to pick and choose
With the attitude of I hate to lose
Anyways I figure they owe me for all my labor

When I get to the front of the store
There's bookoo bunches of crowds galore
I've never seen such a long drawn out line

So I clear the path in front of me
Taking people off at the knees
They'll surely think twice the next time

Before getting in my way
And my day of shop and save
Already planning for next year my friend

Satisfied I head for the door
But I tell you not before
I turn and say Happy Holidays and Good Will Towards Men!
Cause that's just the way I am...
I'm bad with dates and names and numbers
But I know the color of your eyes matches the sky in the middle of June before the rainstorm hits Florida
And I know that your skin is the same shade of tawny as the deck on the porch of my mother's best friend's vacation home back in Michigan
And I know that your hair is just as soft as the kittens I pet in the shelter where I cried because I had to pick only just one
And I can pick your scent out of a lineup of boys with every single variation of Axe body spray spread among them
So I can't remember the day we met, or the name of your grandmother or the number of times we have kissed or held hands
But I am a writer, and the essence of your life will never die as long as I have a pen and a paper
When a writer falls in love with you, you will never die.
 Nov 2017 Sincerely Em
I guess
I'll go back to poetry
now that
the real thing is ending

It's hard to lose touch
when you finally found it
hard to imagine
being content
staring at computer eyes
and typing can never
replace her flesh and blood hand

yet the reality is we must part after meeting
so brief the moment
so unsweet the parting
I may write a poem full of tears
I may tear this **** keyboard apart

trying to make it all real once more
her feel her heart her love for me.
I keep my dreams and wishes
Inside a paper sack
While some I feel are full course meals
Others are only simple snacks

I keep them seperated
With soft white cotton twine
Although it's true you can mix the two
It's still good to hold them both tight

I find dreams are much like wishes
They both can look the same
While of the two dreams you cling to
Wishes at times you give away
Let me lay this truth on you
We're all just passing through
From one point to another
Here today gone tomorrow

This is not real life
It's just a blink of the eye
When held up to eternity
Compared to it side by side

There are two roads you can choose
In your time of passing through
You can take the high that leads to life
Or the low ride if you half a mind

If you think this life is long
Wait till you see the one to come
It's hard to comprehend
Forever and then some

You either win or you lose
In this life we're passing through
There is no in-between
When it comes to eternity
The night had thought
She would get into my room
Very slowly like the thief
And strangulate my poem

I lit the candle to make her flee
And the poem, too, has become young
You ever met
Any poem, so bland?

No salt
No sugar
No honey
No chilli

It forms only with a spoon of love
So sweet and so pungent
There's a love hate relationship
Between you and alcohol
You love the feeling you get from it
But hate the day of constant calls

It's become a daily battle
This long drawn out desire
When you say no way will I drink today
And again it makes you out the liar

It all started out so simple
Having social drinks with friends
Where the only time you drew that line
Would be on the weekends

But stress comes along in many forms
As you find sips take off the edge
Soon enough though it won't leave you alone
A little secret the bottle seems to have kept

And this battle you are fighting
Some days afraid that you might win
Where there is no denying
Deep down inside you'll miss your friend

Where there's a love hate relationship
Between you and alcohol
You love the feeling you get from it
But hate the way it too often calls
I've been sober 27 years this month (where does the time go!) my hope and prayer is that one of you today will take that step to freedom...
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