Used to be the only pain i felt was that of being alone
Seems now the pain Im feeling is different.
Now its like a ripping tearing away of oxygen from my lungs.
and as i get older... it gets worse.... As we get closer it more so hurts.
For every time you raise your fist its not only making connection to my heart
but its destroying everything we have created and so the pain is more immense.
I wish it wasn't so, i wouldnt want it to be.... But the only answer there is none.
You can't love me perfectly, you can't treat me with respect all the time. You have to fail.
You have to rip my heart out of my chest and spit into my wound.
because thats what lovers do.
Thats just the way things are. I open my arms and you tear them apart.
How dare i speak, how dare i look. Questioning your intellegence playing the devils advocate.
I am a monster aren't i. Treat me with the coldest of shoulders. Set me on fire and watch my insides smoulder. You wish i would burn dont you.
You want me out of your head out of your house.
Out of your heart, not to be your spouse.
You get sickened by me, I turn your smiles into biles.
Everything was fine before....
Its just the pain is now more..
and im stuck in limbo, between two seperate worlds.
Mine and yours...