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 Dec 2018 Sienna
Tyler Smiley
I can’t unwrap myself
from your finger,
heartstrings thinning
as my clutch tightens

I’m afraid that if I let go,
even just a little,
the wind will blow
and like dandelions
dancing in the sky,
I will never be able
to find my way back to you.

Back to the place
I fell in love,
while still learning
to love myself.

Back to safety,
where nothing could touch me
other than your fingers of sin.

I’m starting to forget
the sound of your steps,
and everyday I hope
that I’ll soon be reminded.
But I’m slowly realizing that hearing “I miss you”
doesn’t always mean they’re coming back.
 Nov 2018 Sienna
 Nov 2018 Sienna
The moment I looked into your eyes,
I knew you wouldn't stay for long
I knew that there'd be love and lies
But I'd lock onto your arms until you're gone
I knew this love would hurt
But I did not know it would be this hard
Because I'm not ready for you to go
I'm not ready to stich up new scars
I'm not ready for the leaves to leave the trees
I'm not ready for the wind to be cold
I'm not ready to say goodbye
Because this love was meant to be gold.
But you can't decide when the wind changes
And now withered love will blow away
I guess I should've listened to Robert Frost
when he whispered to me,
"Nothing gold can stay."
 Nov 2018 Sienna
 Nov 2018 Sienna
"Isn't it beautiful"
She smiled
Gazing up
At the stars

"Yes, beautiful"
He whispered
Staring up
At her
You're so beautiful
Closure is like waiting
For him to close the door
Just so I can finally close mine
But I also have a door
That I can close yet I do not
Because I still look into his life
He doesn't close his door
So neither do I, the only difference is
He no longer looks into mine
I come to the realization
I can close my door
He isn't there to stop me
I don't have to wait anymore
 Nov 2018 Sienna
I Think
 Nov 2018 Sienna
I miss having you
In my stream of consciousness
Because now all I do
Is try to push you
To the back of my mind

You don't belong there
 Nov 2018 Sienna
Elle Harris
No more crying alone in my bed
I'm getting you out of my head
No more tears will be shed over you
I will be happy and bid you adieu

There's no reason for me to cry
Because when you said goodbye
You lost the only one who cared for you
Losing me was the worst thing to do
No Tears Left To Cry
 Nov 2018 Sienna
" That's just me "

You’ll hear her say

" I am lesser than beautiful "
I refuse to believe that
I am of worth
What exactly am I?

A courageous soul who is unapologetically herself

Well, the truth is
I look in the mirror to only see
My reflections disappoint
No longer can I say that
My beauty radiates from within

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