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showyoulove Nov 2024
From the ashes of the dead, new life is born
And hope will rise like the sun on Easter morn
The same fire that ravages, gives warmth and light
The same fire that destroys, on a candle, is a welcome sight
We will rise again on the wings of the dawn
We will dance with the joy of a newborn fawn
It is a chance to rebuild, restart, and renew
To see what beauty lies hidden from view
From out of the ashes, we will rise again
We say: "Let it be done" Amen
From the crucible of fire, we will survive
Having been purified, we will now thrive
The loss is real, but it mustn't feel
Like the end. It is a brand-new start
And the memory will remain here in our hearts
I truly believe that out of the ashes we will find
Evidence of something profoundly divine
That in its wake there will come a grand revival
An awakening of faith that will have no rival
There will be a day of great jubilation
Where people will come from every nation
To join hands and hearts as sister and brother
Where peace resides and we love one another
From these ashes, I pray we will remember
That life is fleeting, and life is a treasure
But we will rise above the ashes and dust
To find something in which we can trust
Written on April 15, 2019 around 6pm CST without prior knowledge of the fire that occurred at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris around that time in CEST (Central European Summer Time) just after 11am local.
showyoulove Nov 2024
God Works when we are doing His Work
He opens doors and windows
When we are not so sure, He will provide
For He is good, and he Adores us
Let us worship and Adore Him Christ our King
He never seems to mind proving us wrong
Or testing our trust by making us wait
But His blessings are perfect, they are never late
Just today, for me, God pulled through
And made this writing possible for you
So, trust in the Lord and give Him praise
Sing to Him a new song for all of your days
Do the work of God with Joy in your heart
Be passionate about His work that you do
Be faithful and He will be more faithful
Be good and He will help you be your best
Be rich in His love and abundantly blessed
Be reconciled and begin to truly heal
Know what you're in for when you seal the deal
But God only opens doors: we have to take action
I am pulled in by some divine attraction
Like a Jesus Christ Moth to a Holy Flame
I am drawn to the light; even compelled
Some might believe I was even enspelled
But if there is nothing else to be gained
I ask that you take this one grain:
That God Work when we are doing His Work
showyoulove Nov 2024
Lord, help me love you enough to be comfortable sitting in silence
Lord, help me trust you enough to know when it is time to let go
Lord, help me listen enough so that I recognize the sound of your voice
Lord, help me be strong enough to fight against temptation
Lord, help me be brave enough to stand up for those who cannot
Lord, help me be open enough to receive you fully into my life
Lord, help me be wise enough to make good choices and speak carefully
Lord, help me find you enough to fulfill the longings of my heart
Lord, help me find joy enough to feel so fully and wonderfully alive
Lord, help me forgive enough by remembering how you forgave
Lord, help me fall enough to be more in love with you each day
Lord, help me be enough to do your will and make you smile
Lord, would you be enough to sit with me for a while?

showyoulove Nov 2024
I felt no shame I did not cry
When I shouted: "Let him be crucified!"
And you forgave me
It was I who turned away and denied
Who swore to all I did not know you
Only later did I realize all along you knew
And you forgave me
It was I who betrayed you with a kiss
After all this time it has to end like this
And still you forgave me
I could not watch so I ran away and hid
I was a coward a scared little kid
And you forgave me
It was I who slept when you needed me most
It was I who foolishly abandoned my post
And you forgave me
It was I who mocked you and I who jeered
I who rent your clothes and plucked your beard
And you forgave me
It was I who condemned you out loud
To appease the maddened mobbing crowd
And you forgave me
It was I on your left that told you to prove
If you are the Christ, then stop this and move
And you look at me with love
It was I on your right who asked "Remember Me"
And in spite of everything, all of my history
In that moment I was free

It was I who shared the burden on the road
Helping you to shoulder that heavy load
It was I who stayed close to the very end
Why you would suffer though I could not comprehend
It was I who tenderly wiped your face
A small act of love, and mercy and grace
It was I who anointed and dried your feet with my hair
Sparing no cost to show you how much I care
It was I whom you saved from a life of sin
You would die to make new life begin
It was I whom you called from the sleep of death
And I watch as you now give your last breath
I who gave you life now mourn and weep
My heart is pierced with sorrow so deep

It is you who took our sin and shame
It is you who took on all the blame
It is you who died so I might live
It is you who said to me: "I Forgive"
It is you who looked with loving eyes
It is you who saw past all disguise
It is you who make me reconciled
It is you who call me beloved child
It is you the pure spotless sacrificial lamb
It is you my Lord my Savior, the Great I Am
showyoulove Nov 2024
Who am I, that I should stand
That I should speak as though I understand
That I should sing when words fail
That I should live to tell the tale
Who am I, that I should write
Of one beyond our mind and sight
Who am I, that He might save
When I should be the one in that grave
Who am I, that I should look on love
And feel him smiling from up above
Who am I, that I should gaze upon Him
Against whose radiance the sun is dim
In Him I find my identity, who I really am
A child of the king and a precious lamb

He calls us children and loves us the same
He knows us and calls us each by name
Who is He, that He should send His son to die
That He was earthly virtue personified
That He would serve and love and teach
That across the miles and years He would reach
That He would come again one day
Who sent His Spirit to us to stay
Who is He that considers me worthy
Who is He of endless grace and mercy
He is my everything: my beginning and my end
He is my strength and shield in whom I depend
He is mine and I am His
I am a child of Jesus!
showyoulove Nov 2024
Life is like a great big balancing act
When we can't find our center, things are out of whack
Too many irons in the fire and too much on our plate
Its chaos truly, but if anyone asks, things are great!
Life is playing a tug-of-war, and I seem to be the rope
To finally step off this wild ride there seems but little hope
My priorities are a mess, and my life is out of order
And I can't call for help, 'cause I just put in my last quarter
The world is spinning sideways, my life is upside down
I don't know which way is up; my head keeps spinning round
I know I've lost the rhythm, help me find the perfect beat
And when I find that groove again, I'll put it on repeat
If I looked the world over there is one thing I would miss
That would put color in a life that is currently so colorless
Something not of this world; some celestial force
To some, it is quite alien, but it's Jesus Christ of course!
With Jesus at my center I feel, at last, made whole
And now I can truly say that this is the story of a soul
That once was lost and in chains
But has been found and set free
Through the suffering and the pains
My Lord and Savior died for me
As all things come from Him, He is the center of all things
And so, from Him, to all my life, joy and peace He brings
He is there when life's demands I'm juggling
He is there when it's clear I'm struggling
But when I focus and don't look to do too much
Then, I find sometimes I can have the perfect touch
So, Jesus be my center; my rock, my cornerstone
You are the best balancing beam I have ever known!
showyoulove Nov 2024
There is nothing greater than a mother's love
I'll move mountains, move heaven and earth
To comfort you and lift you up
To be there for you night and day
And if you are lost it will help you find your way
There is nothing fiercer than a mother's love
They'd do anything to keep their little one safe
They dry your tears and calm your fears
They hold you tight and make things alright
They share your joy and suffering
And they softly sing while you sleep
A song of love, asking the angels to watch and keep you safe
Till the light breaks forth in the eastern sky
To bathe the whole world in its soft yellow dye
There is nothing stronger than a mother's love
They are there when you need to sit in silence
Leave the door open and they will be with you
They know just what to say, they know your every need
They nurture and care and raise you up from the smallest seed
Until one day you bloom and grow beautiful strong and tall
You bring joy to their hearts every time you call
They love to listen, they give sage advice
A little of our time is their only price
There is nothing greater than a mother's love
There is nothing sweeter or more fine
There is nothing better than a mother's hug
And, somehow, they seem to have God's direct line
There is nothing greater than a mother's love
And none so great or perfect as our Heavenly Mother
She is the ladder between heaven and earth
For God became man through divine birth
How great was her love for her son
How great is her love for all of us
And nothing is greater that our mother's love

Lord, thank you for mothers. Our earthly mothers and our mother in heaven. They are such a blessing. You knew that as lost children, we would need a mother to care for us, to lead us and teach us. Thank you for our mothers, Lord. Help us to respect, cherish and honor them always and may we be a blessing to our mothers even as they have blessed us. We pray for those who are still with us and those who have gone before us to pray and intercede on our behalf. Mothers have a special place in your heart Oh Lord. Keep us close to yours. Amen
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