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924 · Mar 2016
Shantelle Macasa Mar 2016
Love is inhaling deeply and losing the ability to exhale
Inhaling the small details
The moments
The feelings
Anything I could breathe on

Yet i couldnt exhale
Better yet i wouldnt
Because i was afraid
Of losing you
Of the moments
Of the memories

Of your love


With each attempt I make, it would leave a burning pang in my lungs
It slowly suffocated me as I breathe in the unwelcomed pain

Inhale inhale

It was an overdose of emotions
A rollercoaster ride
A greedy attempt

I was greedy
Greedy of your love
It tormented you each time i inhaled
Each time I inhaled more and more of you
Because it took away your humanity

Inhale inhale inhale

It made you afraid
Afraid that if you leave
I would suffocate
Lose myself

But I forgot
I forgot that you needed to breathe too
That you also needed to inhale the same love I greedily took from you
I didnt realize that you struggled to breathe for love
Love that's supposed to be meant for two

Till you died

Inhale inhale inha...

It was difficult now
Inhaling didnt feel the same anymore
Instead of warmth and comfort
I felt grief and pain

Inhale inha...

I realized that i was mistaken
I was mistaken of love
That love wasnt something i should selfishly claim as my own

So I tried to breathe again


847 · Mar 2016
Shantelle Macasa Mar 2016
Once there was a lonely swing
It swung slowly at midday
But stood still at midnight
It was out of curiosty that i held its chain
Rusted from years of use

Slowly i sat and thought
"How lonely it must be to be forgotten"

To give pity on a swing
I must have lost my mind
So I held on and pushed
Slowly pushed on the cold sand
The swing creaked with each movement
Reminding me of its sullen old age

It brought me higher and higher
Euphoria filled me to the brim

I reached out as
I aimed for the stars
The constellations
The galaxies from afar
Grasping the dusts of the wind against my palm
Inhaling the cold city air

Breath in
Breath out

"Higher higher" i screamed
Lashing out to the nothingness that surronds me
Cringing to the sound of rust against rust

The silence was defeaning as I swung
So i pushed harder and harder
Till the universe embraced me
It made me dizzy as it took every ounce of my breath
So I had to stop
Because madness was an armlength away
Beckoning me to let go as i reached the peak of the sky

Maybe it wasn't so bad
To experience what it was like to fly for a moment
To be one with the midnight sky
Escaping reality for a second
Knowing i'll be crashing right back into its arms

So i gripped the chains and stopped
Allowing gravity to pull me back from my thoughts
Now the galaxies seemed to looked farther and farther
Seemlessly miniscule for my sight

The sound of night has now reached my ears
The harsh air has now reached my lungs
The insanity of what i may have done has now reached my mind

I then descend downwards from my fantasy
Landing from my left then to my right
I felt the cold sand against my worn out shoes
As i walk away from the lonely swing

The lonely swing that once gave me thoughts of madness and wonder
539 · Jun 2016
Shantelle Macasa Jun 2016
"Let's break up"
You stood up and left


You left five senses behind


As you walk away

The last thing i heard were your footsteps
The same footsteps i eagerly waited to hear on my doorstep
But now it was a lonelier sound
It was now the sound of you leaving me

The last thing i saw was your face
The same face that offered me a kind smile in that cafe
But now it was a tear-stained sight
It was now the sight i wanted to forget the most

The last thing i tasted were your lips
The same lips that spoke "i love you"
But now they were of goodbyes
It was now the taste that burnt my tongue

The last thing i inhaled was your scent
The same scent i drowned myself in our bed when i was missing you
But now it was slowly fading
It was now the scent that suffocates me

The last thing i felt was love

And it was the only thing that remains
536 · Jun 2016
Shantelle Macasa Jun 2016
She was an empty canvas
A clean white from head to toe
Not one tinge of color touched her skin
Till he decided to brush her so

With each moment
He painted her with colors

When they first met
He colored her with a forest green

When he held her hand
He colored her with sweet pastels

When he told her she's beautiful
He colored her with peaches

When he made love to her
He colored her with bulshes of pink

When he doubted her
He colored her with a navy blue

When he comforted her
He colored her with lilacs

When he spent less time with her
He colored her with gloom

When he found another
He colored her with red hues

When he let her go
He colored her with pale blues

When he left her

She was a masterpiece

— The End —