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Aug 2015 · 701
Shaylyn Aug 2015
Willingly bound by our interlaced fingers,
we left the masquerade early.

We admitted that pretending to be someone else was exhausting,
and getting to know facades of fictitious people was a grotesque waste of time.

The desire to be understood far outweighed the fear of judgement.
Somewhere, in a world all our own, we shed our disguises.

Naked and vulnerable we shared the things we thought were repulsive,
and discovered that once trusted with someone else they could become beautiful.
Aug 2015 · 803
Love Poem No. 1
Shaylyn Aug 2015
Eyes that wide
Can only occur
When they've been enchanted
By Love's heavenly curse.
Shaylyn Jul 2015
There's an empty cavity where my heart once lived.
I remember it being boisterous and selfless.

I ripped it out of my own flesh.  A sacrifice. A gift for you,
So that you'd never have to feel alone again.

I healed the scars on it myself.
They used to be wounds from careless lovers who were never good enough.

Once it was whole, I knew a place I could put it for safe keeping, a home in someone else.
You were always the place I could trust.

When my heart first left me, I was overjoyed that it was with you.
So happy and loud, I could hear my heart beat inside your chest no matter our distance.

But I don't hear it anymore.
The beating has been extinguished by pain and confusion.

I can't help but to think it was better off with me.
Still, I don't want it back... It was always yours anyway.
Jun 2015 · 698
Dancing with Danger
Shaylyn Jun 2015
I remember my hopes and dreams being relentlessly ripped out of my heart.
Shreds of unrequited desires polluting the atmosphere around me.

When love found me the first time,
I could've never fathomed the amount of agony that would wreak havoc on my already fragile existence.

Consequently receiving an unforgivable understanding of the relationship of pleasure and misery.
Now when I commit myself to another I surrender to vulnerability.

Though there was never a choice, I submit myself to you,
knowing fully well the potential torment you could cause us both.

Equally well-versed in both the magic and the pain.
If ever the day comes when we say goodbye, I'll look back without regret and smile because I knew all along you were worth it to me.
Jun 2015 · 872
What if...
Shaylyn Jun 2015
What if i told you

Loving you
Is the
Most magical,
Thing I've done in my life.

What if i told you

You inspire me to be
Unapologetically me.

But instead, I'll choke on these words and tremble at the slightest notion that one day you'll find out.
Jun 2015 · 857
St. John
Shaylyn Jun 2015
Another one of his possessive tirades.
His distrust for me displayed.

Revolting words bypass the lock on the door,
Where I lay sobbing on the bathroom floor.

Murmuring that emotional offenses are a form of abuse.
Pleading with him to let me cut him loose.

Exhausted with empty promises of change.
His actions have me seeking to estrange.

He'll call me and stalk me and beg me to forgive.
It's too late, these nights I never want to relive.
Jun 2015 · 770
You Were The Moon
Shaylyn Jun 2015
You were the moon,
I was just the ocean.

I never could escape your gravitational pull.
My tides, the rise and the fall...
I owed them all to you.

The day you abandoned me,
I stood motionless, paralyzed by your absence.
A vast sea of salt water and emptiness.

Aching to feel your pull once more.

— The End —