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shatteredpoet Jan 2019
she spoke
as if there
were colors
running through
every word.

i spoke
as if i had
a blade for
a tongue.

shatteredpoet Jan 2019
different pigments
doesn't change
the fact
we have the same
different religious beliefs
doesn't change
the fact
we're made of the same elements
different ****** orientations
doesn't change
the fact
we are all human
different social classes
doesn't change
the fact
none if us are
consistently happy
different lifestyles
doesn't change
the fact
we're all imperfect

shatteredpoet Jan 2019
my heart is colored
by your all or
kind of love

shatteredpoet Jan 2019
i wasn't looking for
a woman with golden
just a woman that had
passion to make her

shatteredpoet Jan 2019
there's a certain
for being unable to
put the love
for words
into a form of
ink and language
shatteredpoet Jan 2019
religion       was born
pure and    innocent
much           like us
and              now
it's as           sick and
***               ided
as                 we are
shatteredpoet Jan 2019
i do not play the part
of a princess or a
i am
the dragon.
the soldier.
the knight.
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