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shannonlarrissa Aug 2014
Who tears apart a family to fix a reputation?
Who alienates their child to prove loyalty to a parent?
Your irony is painfully amusing.

...The type of pain that rips your stomach from your throat and your breath from your lungs. The type of pain it hurts to  imagine inflicting on any person you hated.
And why?
To teach a lesson, to prove a point of purity. Your virtual hands are strangling my soul. Let me go, let me die. Let me breathe, let me cry.
But I can't cry, cause I can't breathe. I can't breathe so I can't speak. Let me live or let me die,  or at least give me a good reason why.
shannonlarrissa Aug 2014
How depressing to tell a flower that it should spend it's whole life twisting and turning just to find another flower to intertwine itself with. That's not it's purpose. It's purpose is to grow and to bloom.

How did this world turn into a place where breathtaking flowers are made to feel incomplete when they're standing beautifully, alone?
shannonlarrissa Aug 2014
I used to think I wasn't capable of being in love but I've recently come to the conclusion that the opposite is true. I fall in love with everybody. There are hundreds of people who's voices I've never even heard that I have fallen madly in love with, because of the way her shirt hung on her shoulder before she left me on the elevator. The green eyes that poured my coffee, although still tear-filled for a reason I'll never know.

I loved them.

From the depth of my soul and I still carry them with me.. obviously. Some of them I love from a distance. I love them enough to never talk to them again, because I know I will only complicate or crowd their beautiful life. Some I selfishly love closely and allow them to hear each thing I love about them. But to believe that love is something rare or exclusive is agonizing.

It's not that I don't know how to fall in love, it's that I don't know how to stop.
shannonlarrissa Aug 2014
I wont say you're stupid,
but you aren't very smart.
It the middle of your palms,
lies my soft, anxious heart
It might have beaten too loudly
Or appeared too soon
It may have exposed too much,
Sang to a different tune
But this heart would have loved you,
Like you'd never know.
So when wrinkles appear
and your mind starts to grow
When your thoughts fall back to me
You'll remember my name
And when you realize what could have been
Know you're the only one to blame.
shannonlarrissa Aug 2014
So you called me crazy just the other day,
At first I took offense and had to choke the tears away
But then I looked up and saw what I was compared to
Those that were happy being simple, ya know those just like you
And that's fine if you're happy, stay where you feel alright
But lets not insult the stars, because they can only be seen by the night
Oh my! Did she just say that? Watch your tone, don't be loud
No! You can be you, but only until you stand out from the crowd
And dream big, just as long as there's no risk involved
It's funny how the door of opportunity revolved.
But I'm crazy, and that's fine you can no longer offend me.
The stars don't become less beautiful, because you're too blind to see.
shannonlarrissa Aug 2014
I want to be miles from anybody but you.
I want to be wrapped up in each other,
I want white tangled sheets and your skin on mine.
Maybe in an abandoned tree house or a lighthouse.
All I need is a bed and you
and security from anything else in this world.
I want my vision to bounce off of the hairs on your head
and the teeth that live on the left side of your smile
and my favorite freckle of yours that you wont even ever notice.
I want our heartbeats to slow dance and our hands to wander.
I want our thoughts to discuss what our hands already know
as they search for gasps from each other's lungs.
I want to explore your realm of ecstasy for hours
then tuck your body into mine under the clouds
everyone else would call a blanket.

We'll forget what time is and feed only on each other's pleasure.
I want to escape anything outside of you
and I want you to take me away from any thought I've ever had
that doesn't exist solely because of you.
shannonlarrissa Aug 2014
There should be a different word for love, between your kind and mine.
The type in the movies,the type that is "blind" where you get pretty flowers and kiss at the door and you get butterflies in your stomach and you never get bored.

Your kind is quite precious, at least for 2 years, then we'll just make it work, push past the fighting, pain, and tears. Cause you said it was forever, so this is just how it will be. We cant let them see we're human. Dont touch me, unless someone can see.

No thank you, my version is a lot less like that,

I want a love that is *****, full of pain from the start.I want it to hurt when you tell me forever doesn't exist, but give me each of your tomorrows, with each individual kiss. Dont ever say always, youve never been there. I dont care about butterflies, fall in love with my hair. Yes, it will fall out and thats fine, but then you'll compliment me on the way my walker sure does shine.

Cause were stupid and "dont get it" We'll take the world by surprise, with our new found word for what we have that can only be spoken between our eyes
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