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 Apr 2016 Shades31
there are so many words i could write you
but my mouth is locked again
my heart can't read anymore
wish i could tell you how i'd rebuild
the aurelian walls around you,
the king,
but i know my hands are useless now
and my mind has been washed away
by the same sea
you were trying to teach me
how to swim in.

and the beggars on the streets
they ask me for pennies
"from your kindness"
they say
but my cold eyes can't have it anymore.

my decisions are dark
i make mistakes
when i decide to whom i should give my soul,
when i decide what i should ****
when i forget everything i've learnt.

the music i used to love
the metaphors
they don't make sense to me anymore
not because i don't hear them
but because today
i've chosen to see and hear the reality.

sad-eyed lady i will be for some more
but i'll set you free from seeing the sadness
the pain
i wish i could love you
the way seagulls love to rest on the sand
the way children love their paper planes
i wish i could be
the angel you see
but i know
i am just a human being
stepping on souls.
 Apr 2016 Shades31
Kenny Whiting
In life you feel you've hit a wall,
  there's something just not right?
Look to My God, He'll stand by you
  to help you win the fight!

He made you who you are today,
  He knows your every need,
He wants to talk with you right now;
  if just His Book you'll read!

You see He knows whats best for you,
  He's got a bigger plan;
He cheers you on from Heaven's Throne
  My God's your biggest fan!

So as you feel your all alone
  get on your knees in prayer;
My God the ruler of everything
  is waiting for you there!
 Apr 2016 Shades31
Amy Perry
Love is Light.
You are like the sun.
Beautiful, pure, and bright.
Lively warmth was my invite.
A light being lightyears ahead.
Your smile caught a star.

Your eyes contain diamond seas.
Cooling me with seafoam teardrops.
Fluid and fertile with wonder, they seize.
Rainbows dance at lush waterfall tops.

You house the Heavens.
I've found it in your heart.
I marvel at your temple of art.
Love and peace, wisdom, acceptance.
How godly divine, your innermost essence.

In all that I'm learning of you,
I find myself loving the Universe, true.
For you contain the heavens, the seas, and the stars.
When I take you in, we're floating with Mars.
 Apr 2016 Shades31
your song
 Apr 2016 Shades31
i'd sleep all day and constantly wake from nightmares
within nightmares
within nightmares
somehow couldn't recognise the reality,
lost in a blizzard of loud whispers
in a place filled with cold white coats and sick feelings
and worries painted on people's eyelids.

but now i hear your voice in the back of my eyes
i feel the words you say
i could say so many things
but my tongue is locked
my hands just shake
can't hold any letter
any vowel
the ashes of my words
are blown away from my lips

you're playing the strings of my brain
again and again
such a gentle touch,
a warm feeling that makes me forget
about the whispers and cold and worries.

i listened to your song in my sleep last night
and in a flash
the nightmare morphed into a dream
within a dream
within a dream
 Apr 2016 Shades31
A Lopez
A dress
***** hair
Or a ripped
Pair of jeans
And the finest of wear,
No matter
If I look
As if a girl
A home, or
Some rich debutante
I'm made from gods own
Throne, I'm beautiful
Taken, I'm even better
Alone, I need no man
To complete what's gods
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