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Mark Apr 2020
So, our hero of tha day waz DJ Herc  
He b driven’ lil Mizz Dazze ‘round, in a pimped out Merc  
Queensbridge waz tha birthplace of Hip-Hop  
Red alert, it just won’t stop  
It will hurt uz a bit  
No more than a **** wid a hit  
Wee all thank Merc 4 puttin’ on dat show  
Smokin’ sum **** n angel dust, wid sum real blow  
A bro named, Coke LA Rock, waz also a financier friend of mine  
Handin’ out goodies 2 tha children in-line, all tha time  
Nickel bag half n ounce, quarter pound pow, now wee poppin’  
Az long az tha music izn’t stoppin’ and tha rocks r still droppin’  
If champagne waz still a flowin’, then tha freaks wood b steppin’ in line  
Hotel, Motel, u don’t tell, wee don’t tell, one-time root 9  
There’s notta man dat can’t b thrown, a horse dat can’t b rode  
A bull dat can’t b stopped, a disco dat can’t b rocked, can u decode  
Were u @ dat famous house party, thee dope  
Spinnin’ tha holy crates of hip-hop, wee hope  
A1 B-boy from every known neighborhood, wid a scent  
From JC, Tony D’, Sweet n Sour, 2 super DJ ‘Fcukin’ Clark Kent  
Sellin’ nickel bags of cannabis, 2 miss layD hoes to mi crew  
Made mi coin roll into notes, helping outta few dat I knew  
Hip-Hop waz made 4 peace, love, unity n fun  
Still b countin’ mi riches, retired n still layin’ in tha hot sun
Moses Kashlink Jun 2014
Dea iz dis hot chic I waz hooking up some yrs bak. Evrtym I aprchd her she turnd her back on me.I tried callng her a multiple taimz bt she hngd up on me like I waz useless...I nvr lost hp 4 2 wks until I rlzd dat she wz plyng HARD 2 GET 4 me which waz vewy silly! Dhea4 I gave up n gave her some space 4 about 3 dayz,dats wen she realizd dat I waz 1 in a million guyz!! Ges wat, she startd callng bak n textn me dat she waz sorry n she didnt know wat got in2 her etc...she kept beggin 4 us 2 giv t a try bt un42n8ly t waz 2 l8...! Da pain of her ignorin me left a sore in ma heart dat i dared not du otherwise but jst ignore her 2. I simply changd ma line n muvd on wit ma life. I thnk where she iz 2deh she must hav Learnd a lesson..!! NOW TELL ME GUYZ, DID I DO DE RAIT THING???
Corkey Hawley Sep 2011
They say it's The End
Of the Maya Calendar
Like the Doors
It's started with the end
For My Most favoite Aunt

She turned Ninty
Last year
She waz so dear
Never knowing a MAN
Never speared

But Alwaze there
For All Of Us
She covered her ***
With money to spend
She's in Heaven Alas

They said she fell
But the corinor said
She waz dropped
Two broken legs
Then her kidneys stopped

She waz going
No one could denie
On to that other place
She believed waz
in the sky

But what a why
To mark this New Year
On New Year's Day
She Left this world
Now we can only pray

She No Longer Answers us
Can No Longer show or display
Her cares & worries
All gone................
only our dismay

She waz my Angel
I believe heaven sent
To help my family
When all else had went
& no one else cared

I don't know
How to hold a ghost
In these arms spent
Holding a host
Heaven sent
4 Aunt Sis, My Angel, Doc 2011
Francie Lynch Apr 2015
If you should hear me
Say Ave,
Don't presume
You hear me pray;
It's just one way
For me to say,
How 're you?

If you should hear me
Say Shalom,
Don't assume
You heard a Jew,
I'm only offering
Peace to you.

If you should hear
Don't be amused,
I'm not Hindu,
I bow to the good
I see
in you.

Then again I say
Waz sup,
You don't think
I'm  Gangsta,
You know I mean to say
Les hang togetha.

Does it really matter
What you heard;
The silent or the spoken word.
Words spoken in brevity
Are heard with sincerity;
But there's none more true,
I Love You.
Mikaila  May 2013
Mikaila May 2013
The ink seeps into my skin
And you all own me
Patented to your specifications.
Still there days later,
It doesn't feel like art
When you ain't got a choice.
It feels like branding.
Reminds me of a different mark
Seared into my skin.
He's around, and it feels like
A hot metal stamp
On my wrists, my hands
The parts that hurt.
The places that later when you forget
You lean on a table or go to grab something and
All the pain returns,
I am graffitied every day
By passers by who love her, touch and take,
While my hands are tied.
I am scrawled on by lovers of mine,
Who don't know that "No." with a smile
Is still "No."
Different types, different reasons,
But they all burn.
And I get it,
Why people quit.
Why they run away or simply stop.
I'm never clean, never untouched.
Everybody else gets a say, gets a turn
To use me and make me apologize,
To degrade me and make me thank them,
My skin like plastic melting
And they see it's pliable----
A chance to leave their stamp of ownership.
Sad thing is,
If looks were souls and not shells,
Nobody would find me beautiful enough
To mar, *"X WAZ HERE"
thinklef Jul 2013
My quest began, before Inquisitive questionnaires, questioned my solicitude.

I traveled round the globe, In search of a Gold, to meet my goal.

In frnt of me, stood a beautiful angel, with a beautiful body.
,nothing wil hold me baq,

the way she walked was so dramatic, which made her attractive, by love I became assertive, but her vioce was fantastic, So I grew attentive, In other to be romantic, which made me sarcastic.

her smile waz beautiful, Which made me Boastful, but yet doubtful, I became Playful, I Never knew she was powerful

her luscious gigantic figure, was Perfectly executed to perfection, Suddenly I became frantic, Now I have to be more strategic.

i only grew anxious, which made her precarious. i turned perplexed, while she remained unagitated, her behavior waz sassy. i grew crazy,

the meaning of loneliness, was created frm her lovely eyes, i wish you could see the angel I see when you stand in front of me, i fell in love with someone, Who separated me frm everyone,

i adore how u make me smile, even from so many miles away, you energize me in standing up tall, Love me again like you did the first day You are pretty, you are sweet, but im still a bit naïve with my heart"

If d sea were to be a burning fire under d sun, and the blustery wind were to blow it, profusely like a stormy rain f volcano, upon d land, i will never leave.

i will always be there for you, i am your little friend, i will always be in love with you, all the way till the end, My eyes blinked twice, Fully opened in tears

Tonite my heart seems in pieces, My eyes drop tears that itches, Now I am here making wishes , Trying to picture u near me within inches.

It was only a dream!
Fenix Flight  Jul 2014
Fenix Flight Jul 2014
So I just heard that the KKK
Waz handing out candy down in South Carolina.
They left bags of candy on peoples doorstep
with a letter inside
asking for them to join.


Who in their right mind
would want to join them?

All they are is a bunch
a pathetic looking bullies
With sheets over their heads.

If they tried to come after me
I wouldnt run away from them
I'd be on the floor
laughing my *** off
at how stupid and pathetic they are.
I'm sorry but the KKK is pathetic. they arent scary! I mean come on!
whats so scary about a bunch off close minded ******* running around with sheets over their heads?
my annal
spirit laid
her in
a bright
vain that
grew so
in her
whim that
attire her
Waz with
desire and
ran like
a deer
to her
frosty cone
on the
metro square
a time in the middle
ConnectHook Dec 2018
i always waz told
u  r  a boy/girl
they nevr let me be
n e thing beyond
their binary world

then one day
looked in the mirror &
saw my TRUE self
FREE of all labels
FREE from society's judgement
my SELF as i am:

mixed-up lost soul
w/gender dysphoria
Count your chromosomes, quick!
God is accepting returns until the Second Coming of His only-begotten son.
Mo  Mar 2019
Berlin state of mind
Mo Mar 2019
The **** drops deep as does my plant.
I never love, 'cause to love is the girlfriend of scant.
Beyond the walls of drums, life is defined.
I think of happiness when I'm in a Berlin state of mind.

Hope the ant got some rant.
My scant don't like no ***** grant.
Run up to the aunt and get the cant.

In a Berlin state of mind.
What more could you ask for? The cool ****?
You complain about the cold.
I gotta love it though - somebody still speaks for the screed.

I'm rappin' to the head,
And I'm gonna move your bed.

Smooth, beautiful, super, like a seed
Boy, I tell you, I thought you were a screed.

I can't take the the cold, can't take the love.
I woulda tried to sleep I guess I got no glove.

I'm rappin' to the bed,
And I'm gonna move your head.

Yea, yaz, in a Berlin state of mind.

When I was young my girlfriend had a lead.
I waz kicked out without no screed.
I never thought I'd see that speed.
Ain't a soul alive that could take my girlfriend's breed.

A slippery teddy bear is quite the everywhere.

Thinking of happiness. Yaz, thinking of happiness (happiness).
TBDutton  Mar 2019
I waz hear
TBDutton Mar 2019
I waz hear
Fah Jul 2013
Sweet lips encrusted in sugar from the hot doughnuts at the steam fair.
Baked in the dusty sunshine of an August afternoon in North London.
I would roam these streets from childhood into adulthood,
Drinking £2,50 wine at bus stops only to get thrown out of the pub for illusionary bathroom shots
Our real crime? Being too young.

Since then, i have drunk Spanish manzanilla in an old tobacco store room
Transformed into a house where wafts of old book smell mingling with the scent of baked terra cotta and lemon trees sweeps down dark corridors revealing hidden gems of traveled souls.
Where there are streets that belong to Phoenician women , Arab traders , Christian crusaders and now the Spanish folk
All these names we go by , yet still human we stand

Up on roof tops, smoking sneaky roll ups to the elegance of storks
Building nests on church domes and castle walls
Monuments to remind the future
Graffiti on the natural landscape , the ruins read " we waz ere"

From shores of the Atlantic to shores of the Atlantic
Brooklyn rises
The night bus to eat pizza alarmed me
How were the buses so different ?
London's told you where you were
New York's Made you suss it out for yourself
In the company of a Father i hardly knew and the Mother of my new sibling
Child ,
Who will you become ?
Shaped by the contrast of your parents skin , your curled hair yet to emerge from fresh formed follicles
Rest easy ,
This world Ain't so harsh

I found God at the bottom of a bowl of noodles
Simply sitting there , lazing about as i licked my lips of the residual chillies and sugar
I deal in the order of paradoxes
Born by the sea only to grow up in the 'so called' luxury of the cities jungle
Although, resting now in the moon soaked mountain air ,
no city can compare, to the fragrance of flowers that bloom and scent only for those who brave the night

I used to be afraid of the dark ,
Now i make love with it.

— The End —