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Julie Brazil Jun 2013
he called me "awesome" instead of "perfect"
and that means a lot to someone like me
because being me I know a lot about the word "perfect" and how much
I am
the opposite of that word

it means a lot for a charming boy to recognize
I am not perfect and instead to deem me worthy of a word that I can actually own up to

but alas I do not
I brush these small compliments aside
just as I brushed him aside
probably because I am
too aware of how unperfect I am
too aware of how unstable I am
too unstable to let this charming boy
become a part of my life

this being one of my most unperfect flaws
not being able to let someone as "perfect"
as him become a part of my
*perfectly unperfect life
As an unperfect actor on the stage
Who with his fear is put beside his part,
Or some fierce thing replete with too much rage,
Whose strength’s abundance weakens his own heart,
So I, for fear of trust, forget to say
The perfect ceremony of love’s rite,
And in mine own love’s strength seem to decay,
O’ercharged with burden of mine own love’s might.
O, let my books be then the eloquence
And dumb presagers of my speaking breast,
Who plead for love, and look for recompense
More than that tongue that more hath more expressed.
    O, learn to read what silent love hath writ,
    To hear with eyes belongs to love’s fine wit.
Kasaundra Watta Sep 2010
he might not always be faithful,
he might not always tell the truth
but in my heart he's amazing
or it might just be my immature youth

he might not always be trustworthy,
he might not always keep it in his pants
but to me, he's truely perfect for me
he makes me so happy, i just want to dance

he might not always be the sweetest,
he might not always see the bright side
but in my eyes he sparkles in amazement,
and his body would make any girl faint and die

he might not always be the smartest,
he might not always seem like he cares
but the way he holds me in his arms
makes my love for him go up in flares

he might not always like what i do,
he might not always see my point of view
but hes so irresistable and his body, tempting
the only thing on my mind is you!

you might not always be the perfect person,
and you have earned my respect
and wether you love me back or not
**i love that your prefectly unperfect
Inspired By Cameron Jenkins<3
Vivi Greene Mar 2017
I look in the mirror
and see a wonderful girl
with big brown eyes and short brown hair
I smile, what a contagious smile
I can't help but smile even broader
I muster my body
I think of all the perfect thin models
and embrace myself out of joy for not looking like them
I love all my weird habits
as well as my beautiful
character traits
and I love the fact that I'm
completely unperfect.
I appreciate everything
my life offers for me,
I am grateful for every instant
I am able to enjoy my surroundings.
I have to admit
I have fallen
deeply in love
with myself.
irsorai Feb 2016
You are...
Yellow flowers  in the spring and beautiful butterflies;
Sweet enchanting whispers and lullabies.
You are...
The volcano ready to burst and the violent storm coming;
Harsh feelings, stuck tears and angry words.

You are...
Inspiring, even though giving up has been an option some days;
Courageous, cause you love without restrictions;
Strong, you've fell and got up many times, bruised up, with broken parts;
Beautiful, while smiling you light up death stars and complete my heart;
Adorable, when you're telling a story and you can't stop laughing;
Kind, you're kind, very kind, and sometimes too much.

You are human, peanut.

You're unperfect.

You're you, and YOU is enough.

Breathe in, breathe out.

I believe in you, and so should you.
Copyright © irsorai
Raven Feels Dec 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, the stage revolves:)

the bartender tends in another dimension, minding shoulders
the liquor to the truck holders
when at last
she wakes up of some trance
to look around
all perfect to an unperfect tinging sound
removes her glasses upon viewing some crematorium
to exit the auditorium
& beg the powers to hail kids to a safe world
all a simulation in the head
one that fights claws to forget
but never in an ever could
& why in an ever eventually should?
all in still
all in some will
when the sun subsides
not sets yet resides
the truth is told
a body for a body to be sold
& the stage revolves
demeanors change
for games to be strange
beaches cry of some waves that he couldn't hide
& this perfect unperfect truth to tide

Kat Aug 2018
There is nothing I can give to you that is not past or future.
When my both selves fight, they throw insults at each other like an unhappy couple.
    “You are already gone!” the one says,
    “You are never here” says the other.

And I sing then. I never let any note slip away into silence. Songs in which I’m a magician,
right before the grand finale,
the last vanishing act.
I close my eyes and slowly slice away layers of skin,
so I can become less and less,
so I can sail away on the river without an end,
it’s flow imposing my soul with the authoritative demand to move forward.

There is no river.
I am pitifully human so there is no alchemy that transforms loss into beauty.
Ihe things I have built, I built myself. Like this house of memories
with it’s sole window. The moon shines through it every night.
What an unperfect image,
what my heart endures everytime I reach out only to feel
solance turning into a hell-flamed sky.
The darkness is gone like I will be gone
like everything has gone forever.

There is also no house.
Only the pale waves of a grey-winter sea,
        dualism of being and not-being
a perfect symmetry,
a beautiful fragile balance.
Zan  Apr 2020
Dear parents
Zan Apr 2020
My parents often ask me, why are you so stressed, why are you so depressed, . . . . . why are you so . . . crazy?
Here and now I am going to answer that question.

1. stress

The main reason I stress is from responsibility.
The word makes me go insane
All of it causes pain.

Sibilings, five younger sibilings,
they all have their things.
they each have someting that either causes me a responsibilty or stress, because its a constant worry, love.

School, all eight classes,
you expect aces.
I can't be perfect, but you want me to be, and that is a huge responsibility.

Home, all of it,
every single bit.
A home requires everybody to have a responsibility.

2. deppresed

The main reason i am often sad, mad, or a mixture of both is that you wouldn't accept me.
To know that you would hate me,
stops me from being free.

Gender, i hate it,
why do we label ourselfs why dont we quit.
I just want to be free and ya'll dont like that, so i can't.

Sexuality, mine is different,
and you would accept it.
The world is different why cant you see that, why is different bad?

Religon, the worst of all,
the lectures make me feel so small.
You force and force and it makes me wat t be farther and farther away.

3. crazy

I am crazy because you dont care.
You can't see me trying so hard,
the only things you see tears me apart.

I am trying, cant you see,
being perect for you is always who i've been tring to be.
Don't you see me working, all the time, trying to please all of ya'll.

Perfection, its impossible,
nothing can be perfectly aligned on the table.
Why do I have to be your perfect christain daughter who does so well in school while I am unhappy? Why can't I be your unperfect person that follows their dreams and is happy?

- Your unperfect human, Zan.
Kay-Rosa  May 2019
unPerfect Days
Kay-Rosa May 2019
There are times when quintessential things fall apart.
So, we dream of a brand new start,
something that happens in the dark.
Can we help one another in the beginning?
Get the newspapers to help with the printing,
the public showing of this movement to stop "winning".
Stop trying to one up another,
Rise up, help the cause, dear brother.
Start up the band and sing along, something we can rediscover.
So, can we all raise a glass to the unPerfect days,
we all crowd together, the feeling a newly welcome glaze.
Together we dance, completely in sync, a repraisal ballet.
Don't forget our times, but the grown-ups always do.
All movement is movement, this was a breakthrough.
Keep it alive, even undercover, but I must bid you adieu.
Try it.
Carmella Rose Jul 2017
you don't have to be the most beautiful girl,
to prove that you fit in,
you don't have to be conscious of your belly or your big *** arms,
you don't have to cut your hair for a reason that inlvoves him,
you don't have to have all the things in the world,
you don't need all that makeup for your acne or unperfect skin,
you don't have to shave your hairy arms and legs just because society thinks it's gross,
i think it's beautiful it shows us how much unique we are,
you don't have to hide your legs because you think it's big,
you don't have to be ashame about your stretch marks,
or your uneven skin tone,
you don't have to worry about what other thinks about you,
you are not pretty but you're are beautiful,
inside and out,
you are smart,
you are amazing,
you are everything that you chose to be.
never let one thing ruin your life,
be the one who chose to walk on the path that he/she wants,
be the one who is incredibly different,
flaunt yourself,
it's your personalized flag that is limited edition and will never be stolen by any other creature in this world.
never let someone belittle you by just your appearance, you're more than that, you deserve so much not just empathy.
Progress leaps, amid lulls, for three wed muses:
Innovation, imitation, contest

Imagine, visitor, a vast room full of bits of straight string
People stand all around, some scratch their heads, none moves,
Until our brave hero approaches slowly one little length,
Gives her a twist, and voila!
A circle.
A room full of straight strings, and one circle.

Seeing, some other soul thinks, aye! Crass,
Wrong, how unperfect!

Makes a circle too, from another pair of ends—
Look, look! He cries, much better!

On and on likewise, go men and strings,
Til not a single straight string remains,
Only circles, and men
Scratching heads, in none the foggiest idea
What’s to be done with a room full of circles.
Rachel scott  May 2013
Rachel scott May 2013
I look into your eyes

I see what try to you hide.

I'm not your demise.

I want to love you!

To see everything inside.

I'm far from perfect,

I'm perfectly unperfect.

I don't try to deny who I am,

I want you to realize

Don't be scared

Don't back down.

If you don't put your heart out there,

It'll never be found

And I slowly turn from the mirror....

Rachel Scott
karin naude  Jul 2013
karin naude Jul 2013
fairy-tales, i blame my UN-satisfaction on fairy-tales
bright fancy color mixed with glitter dust and smiles hiding behind innocence was the perfect idea of exsistance engraved on my child like mind ensuring i will always strive for that level of perfection and when unattained i will turn on myself in viciousness known only by cannibalist

who is to say in this world filled with endless illusion and unrealistic drama that the life i lead is unperfect and not as good as it will ever get

— The End —