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Quinton Oct 2014
never date an artist:
for they’ll find the beauty in the fight -
they’ll grow to remove themselves from all the light,
knowing nothing lasts forever,
it’s all a stroke of fate -
or a pen’s dance on a paper’s grate.

never date an artist:
for the moment’s together will be exaggerated into a shakespearean play -
love’s trance will be in every date,
never knowing if the words spilled are the beauties of your’s or estranged gains of a moment’s escape,
for everything is painted by the beautiful eyes of an experienced guide -
is it real or a work of art they’re just trying to explain.

never date an artist:
they’ll miscommunicate everything they care to say -
not knowing how to communicate beyond the artistic escape,
an artist will rejoice in the gain of a moment’s grace,
finding every reason to hide from the honest’s truth -
for an artist is nothing but a fairytale’s goof.

painted, writen and expressed to be everything they wish people would see,
washed up and beaten by reality’s plea -
never date an artist, for their life is nothing but a conglomerated mess -
of how to escape the stress of the everyday and live in hopeless harmony,
they’re nothing but an anomaly:
never date an artist.

trust me.
growingpains Oct 2021
Disrespect isn’t a language I speak anymore
But it’s the language we used to adore
Only with you was I able to miscommunicate
Only with you were my opinions misconstrued

Disrespect isn’t a language I speak anymore
My memory of it is rusty
I can barely remember the grammar
It was intricate and had a specific structure
My boundaries were always compromised
After every time I’d let you lie

Disrespect isn’t a language I speak anymore
My tongue can barely roll the r’s
My voice can no longer shout the insults
And my mind has forgotten how to manipulate as a result

Disrespect isn’t a language I speak anymore
So, when we saw each other unexpectedly
When used one of its idioms  
I could no longer recognize it
I no longer am fluent in it
Much love,

Devin Bardot Feb 2014
Is it just me, or is it difficult to speak

To people of differing nationalities.

Experiencing horrid miscommunications,

Distorting perception from reality.

I hope I am the only one

so none must share my discontent

Of speaking with language barriers

Between differening continents.

Even if they speak the same language,

Some things don't translate.

Apparently some colloquialisms

Can cause most to miscommunicate...
November 2010
I can write about all the ways we miscommunicate
Words and phrases and lack of response
Blank faced with no sense of emotion or displays of affection
Unsure of whatever spectrum we're on
But if we even are on the same one, we're on opposite sides
It's funny how I can bleed out through pen ink but I can't ever seem to annunciate
My words won't translate into how I feel to anyones face and yours is no exception in this case
Barriers I feel terrified to get through
The break downs are rough and like milk you had in the fridge for months
You forgot it was there but when you find it it's spoiled
manipulate and mishape, mold and miscommunicate
conversations with words like bombshells
wrote a letter with words i'm sure hurt like hell
bit the cap off my sharpie like i pulled the pen from a grenade
wrote beautiful words but they were filled with hurt and pain
i might find solace in lament
so i'll serenade you tonight again
but tonight won't be a love song like i sang you then.
Brandon  Mar 2019
In The Dark
Brandon Mar 2019
Set I
I don't want a friend
I want my life in a pair
I'm the one to always make amends
Miscommunicate and impair
Show me why life's not bleak
With them I know I can't compete
I see it as you look at me like I'm someone else
That's a potent drug in itself
Oh well, you can't see
So don't follow me to the bottom undersea
Where I'll be slow dancing in the dark
Follow me and you'll end up in my arms
At the seafloor, we'll find a path to embark
As long as we have the keys to our hearts
We can swim through any current to Montreal
Let me be the one to hold you when you fall
Have you made up your mind?
Do you know what you want and where to find?
I don't need any more mixed signs
Immaturity begets emotional crimes
You ever find yourself slow dancing in the dark awaiting the spark of happiness that takes the form of a lightning bolt? That bolt that'll give you that missing piece that's been absent from your life? Yeah, me too.
M  May 2013
M May 2013
Heads spinning from wine
Imitate heads spinning from thoughts
Lead to heads spinning from hearts

We talk
We laugh
We touch, we hold, we hug, we kiss
We caress, we move, we synchronize
We become, we come, we complete
We love

We "love"

We think we love

We mistake love

We miscommunicate love

We break

We break down barriers
We break down pasts
We break down worries
We break down reservations

We breakdown

Until we fall down

Until we pick each other up again
A Simillacrum Jul 2018
It all starts
With a lie
One to fix the distance
It's come that our elders
And leaders say
"Well, it's okay
To live with white
Lies to protect people's
Well, I think that's interesting

So it's not so much the feeling, but
Laziness that builds the ego and
Casts the human shadow?

I don't argue that it's easier to miscommunicate
Than to be directly expressive
Our reluctance to overcome
The pain of honest talks
Means we're at least on Torment VI
As glass cannons missing the health
Missing, also, damage and mana
I'm not sure I. . .
Keagan Tan  Apr 2020
Jeong (정)
Keagan Tan Apr 2020
a little before midnight,
the AC’s keeping half the sweat off our backs
thank god it’s not humid
we are sitting on his bed,
I’m laying between his legs
on top of him
faces inches away from each other,
it’s not ******
or romantic
but it’s something?

I hope I’m not crushing him,
but he holds me
as I press my face into his shoulder
and ask if I’m too much,
he says sometimes
but don’t worry so much,
I sigh
tracing his soft back with my fingers,
thinking how often we argue,
no that’s too strong a word
how often we disagree

it’s at those times
I wanna peel myself off that
that motormouth
and scream into a pillow,
but as I lay on him,
for all the times I can’t see or stand his
in the aftermaths
I’m always grateful for him,
challenging my ego
to be so openly

the knots in my shoulders are
worth it
I pull him in even closer,
kissing his cheek,
interlacing our fingers,
the AC can barely keep up
don’t worry,
I won’t marry him
I won’t date him
**** I won’t even sleep with him,
not that he’d let me do any of the above

right now though,
his heart’s beating against mine
and I’m wondering about
the imperfect people
I let into my self
and how much we miscommunicate,
but never stop trying
and maybe,
that makes it worth it.

— The End —