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Jim Davis Aug 2019
hummingbird boy
hummingbird girl
(seeking only a long summertime of hum
sipping dark red flowers and then some)

summer hummingbird
hummingbird hummingbird
hummingbird unfurls
hummingbird whirs
hummingbird twirls
twirling hummingbird
twirl twirl hummingbird
hummingbird whirls
whirling hummingbird
whirl whirl hummingbird
hummingbird pearls
pearls of hummingbird
pearl hummingbird pearl
humming hummingbird
hum hum hummingbird
hummingbird hummingbird
humming hummingbird
hummingbird bird hums
hum hummingbird hum
fuming hummingbird
fume fume hummingbird
hummingbird fumes
watching... waiting
for any hummingbird girl
humming hummingbird
hummingbird summer

Heard hummingbird’s whir
Within a bright summer day
A whir... now... heart beats

©  2019 Jim Davis
An experiment now - posting the poem again!   I posted this poem yesterday / did not get any likes/loves/comments - nothing?  Didn’t think it was that bad... but beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!  Just sorta strange that my last few poems have trended... but this one - nothing!  Anybody out there??
Mikaila Feb 2013
Hummingbird heart flutters in your throat.
It's like having someone squeeze your lungs slowly.
It must be what dying feels like,
Hummingbird heart.
You know how their wings beat so fast and hard,
How you only see the blur?
Hummingbird heart,
It HURTS to be so fast inside.
Whirring like a machine out of control, overheating,
Friction fire in your throat,
Tears escaping bare and raw.
It hurts to be so vicious, like a runaway train with sparks flying.
Hummingbird heart,
Stuck on the other side of glass, pounding, pounding to get out.
Hummingbird heart, faster, faster.
A balloon about to burst.
Whirring, spinning, shivering.
Hummingbird heart,
Nowhere to run.
Hummingbird heart,
Nothing to be done.
Hummingbird heart,
Hemmed in, stuck fast, immobilized.
Hummingbird heart,
Speeding up, frantic, painful.
Hummingbird heart,
You don't have long.
Mike Hauser Mar 2017
i've got a hummingbird heart
that flutters back and forth
whenever it's startled by
loves slightest noise

fancy's itself
as being free
but is always drawn back
to it's basic needs

this hummingbird heart
flutters back and forth
always in search of
what it does not know

if it does not know
what it does not have
then how long can this
hummingbird heart last

i've got a hummingbird heart
that fly's on the wind
most times settles on nothing
then fly's off again

this hummingbird heart
all it want's is to feed
from one point to another
and all points in between

taking for granted
the sweetness it craves
this hummingbird heart
gives so much away
Danash DelGotto Dec 2012
Mr. Hummingbird,
How tired you must be.
Do you long for rest,
Enjoy your sleep,
Rest in Peace?

Mr. Hummingbird,
Your wings are so fast,
Blinding speeds!
You Zip, and Whistle By
Unafraid, Untiring, of this world
In it but not of it,
How fast you fly!

Mr. Hummingbird.
How fast your heart beats!
Do you too, Face defeat,
Every day? No, Not you
How good it must be,
To be so free.

Mr. Hummingbird,
You just go on by,
How fast you fly,
But yet you aren't running..
Just Humming while you work.

I admire you,
Mr. Hummingbird.
Jenette DeBarge Feb 2012
Part I:
When hibiscus bloom, graceful stamens tickling the sky,
hummingbirds swarm in hoards to sunnier climes.
Where they drink sugar water from feeders in ladies' backyards.
they will not drink artificial sweetener,
to them, saccharine has the bitter taste of poison.

Hummingbirds originated in South America,
where the Aztec's thought them to be gods on Earth.
For certain ceremonies Aztec slaves were forced to sew
thousands of tiny hummingbird feathers to priest's long capes.
Hummingbirds were an instant sensation in European society.
Fashionable ladies would to embellish their hats, homes, and meals,
with tiny jeweled bodies, wings outstretched as if to take flight.
Today in certain parts of Mexico women wear remarkable necklaces,
which showcase lifeless hummingbirds encased in resin.
These talismans symbolize the search for true love.

The Hummingbird-man doesn't believe in love.
He stares down his hyper-extended nose
at the grey mosaic of the sidewalk
and ponders the bleak prospect
of humanity.

Part II:
The Hummingbird-man's first word was 'death'.
He can still remember the fish that ruined his life.
She had big dark, infinite eyes, but he could never hear her voice.
She was all ribbony tail and bubbles, all cloying looks and temptation.
All he wanted was to hold her and kiss her pursed lips,
but she struggled, She fought his embrace. He loved her,
and she chose to die rather than succumb.
She fell from his arms onto the floor and her trashing finally ceased.

Then the toddler who would become the Hummingbird-man, fled.
He ran to his mother's lilac caress, bewildered and seeking comfort.
Her soft hands wiped away his tears. He smelled coffee and liquor on her lips
as she kissed his forehead and asked what was wrong, why he was crying.
He gripped her familiar hand in both of his tiny fists and led her
back to the still body, the first victim, his heart filled with regret.
The now-dead fish, his first and last pet, stared at him without once blinking,
eyes suffused with accusation, kissable mouth agape, useless gills flared,
organs and segments of veins visible through translucent skin.

Part III:
The hummingbird-man was not always the menace he is today.
He was once innocent and in love with a girl who had eyes like twilight.
They were both young, still children really, but they love they shared was feverish.
To him she was perfect, except for the gap in her teeth and her irrational fear of ants.
An artist in every way: every word she spoke was a song, her every movement
a dance, stargazing with her was like listening to the sky read poetry.
Her smile lit up the world. She played the xylophone because she said it mimicked
the sounds of children laughing –  the happiest sound on earth.

The only time he ever saw her cry was when she learned children laugh 300 times a day
but adults are lucky to laugh 300 times a year. She told him she never wanted to grow up
and he quietly fed her crisp frozen grapes. They never fought – she hated arguing
she said every fight was like a miniature war between two people.
That's probably why she never said goodbye … one day she was just gone.
Her friends said she left with a band that passed through town.
The lead singer saw her, and wanted her like he'd never wanted anyone before,
so he wooed her and convinced her to go away with him. She never looked back.
It was selfish of her but she was just a child, with a child's fickle whims.

Without her, he felt dead inside, numb as if she'd blown out the fire inside him.
What he does now isn't her fault, she was merely the final straw for him.
When he closes his eyes now he can see the dreams and hopes of others,
and he finds them wanting. Pathetic insipid creatures, he thinks, as he kills.
He is trying to cleanse the earth of selfish people,
in his twisted mind this goal is somehow noble.
Shallow Feb 2018
For what does the hummingbird weep?
For the lost and forsaken souls?
For the trepidation of mortals?
For the embers of brisk passion?
For the lashes of the night warden's whip?
For the eternal brace of hurt?
For the rantings of a madman?

Or is what the hummingbird weeps for not of this nature?
Could it be that the nature is of a nature from which nature's motherly embrace accepts?

Could the hummingbird weep for the mild tranquility of said mother's embrace?
Or for the warm glow of a homely flame?
Or for the amber shine of dancing stones?
Or for the soft brush of lovers' lips?
Or for the faint cry of a newborn in the arms of such lovers?
Or for the quiet persistence of solidarity?
Or for the peace of acquainting serenity?

Truly, the gentle tears of the hummingbird
Are born of a passion true to mine own
For these gentle tears of the hummingbird
Are the same as the trails of ink that roll off my page
You are never alone. / Nunca estás solo.
AD Snail  Sep 2016
AD Snail Sep 2016
Sweet Hummingbird how you haunt my dreams;
That soon turn into nightmares.

Hummingbird sing me a song,
With bittersweet words that burn the very soul.
The humming is ringing inside of my brain,
My hummingbird please stop your hurting me, can't you see?

You keep on flapping your wings,
Making me scream and fall to my knees;
Wishing and begging you to stop those repeating sounds that echo through my mind.

My sweet hummingbird I do not mean to be rude;
But please just be silent forever.
Jared Eli Nov 2013
Fly close, hummingbird
Let me see your wings
Tell me of your food of choice
Tell me of sweet things

Fly low, hummingbird
For if you fly too high
Your wings of waxy origin
Bequeathed thee might make you die

Fly round, hummingbird
Please circle round my head
And only land upon my shoulder
If I'm soon to be dead

So fly close, hummingbird
Let me see your wings
And tell me all your secrets
So I may join the cloudy kings
Jean Rojas Apr 2015
You can not **** the hummingbird
And think that there
Will be no repercussions

You can not silence
His lips
With the barrel of a gun

You can not bury his memory
By stonewalling and
Distorting the evidences

You can not erase his ideals
By destroying his name…..

Extinguish not his memory
By firing the shots,
It is an act that only
Fans the aching flame

You think he is forgotten
But he lives………
Healthy in the hearts of millions
You thought are but a few

Someday we will sing his song of love
Someday he will rise again, defiant!
Daring to fly, as high
As the burning sun
And you can not stop him
Or **** him once again

For the hummingbird shall endure
The compassion of men shall sustain him
And he will conquer this death
That you have inflicted upon him

So you can **** the man and his body
You can blow his face all away
You can trample him with your
Angry tyranny
But you can never, never
**** his soul!

The hummingbird defies you
The hummingbird lives on and on and on………
For: Captain Panfilo Villaruel
01 December, 2003
Jayne E Jun 2019
Hummingbird hummingbird
you are so sweet
with wings kept at constant beat
tiny legs to weak to stand
80 beats per second is your command
In sonic rapidity you do entrance
all who see & hear this magical dance

J.C. honey- owl 01/06/2019

— The End —