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Pastell dichter  Mar 2016
Pastell dichter Mar 2016
Evah: noun
Meaning: The one I want to spend the rest of my life with, The one who stole my heart, My safe place, My sweetheart, The one I would tear the stars down for and steel the sun from the sky if she wished, My home
em nwohs evah uoy tahw ees I~I see what you have shown me
delaever sah noitiutni ym tahw ees I~I see what my intuition has revealed
gnilriws ssendas dna epoh ees I~I see hope and sadness swirling
tnetni dna esoprup a ees I~I see a purpose and intent
noissap degac a ees I~I see a caged passion
traeh a ees I~I see a heart
sdnah ruoy ees I~I see your hands
seye ruoy ees I~I see your eyes
ylfnogard ees I~I see dragonfly
?elihwa syats ohW~Who stays awhile?
ffo stilf dnA~And flits off
nruter ot ylnO~Only to return
efas s’ti swonk eh nehW~When he knows it’s safe
yats oT~To stay.
traeh ruoy ees I~I see your heart.
gnos ruoy raeh I~I hear your song.
thgilf ruoy leef I~I feel your flight.
ecaps ruoy hcuot I~I touch your space
ecaf ruoy ees I~I see your face.
uoy ees I~I see you.
"Say, whus tha good wurd, Mista Mornin Bird?"
"Ahh, ya know just chillin here singin these here tunes waitin fah Mista Worm."
"Ahh dat Mista Worm - he alwayz be runnin late."
"True dat!”
”Yo! peep this...
Last night he took his ol girl out on a date."
''A date? Really? Mistah Worm?”
But it getz betta tho.
It wuz dare anniversary. Ol fool went to tha chapel an got married."
"Where dey get married?"
"At dare special spot in tha apple orchard.
Mistah worm told me he and hiz girl are movin to the Big Apple.”
“Big Apple? Fah what?”
“He gunna work fah tha East New York Farms.  I guess hiz uncle Jim
got him in.”
“…Mista Worm…”

"Say, howz Mista Skunk doin?  He evah get clean?"
"I dont see much of him theez dayz.  Heard heez down on his luck. Evah since tha paper mill closed he aint been tha same.  Heez so stressed out he got mo white hairz than a polar bear.”
”Sumone told me that heez a nasty lil ol drunk wit a funky attitude and a quick tempa!
No wunda hiz wife leftem.
My understandin iz he still outta work - rummigin through peoples junk - collectin cans, tryin to make a buck.
Itz a **** shame, aint it?"
"Uh huh."

"Howz Mista Rabbit?"
"Miiiista Rabbit! Oohh dat Mista Rabbit he dunn got himself a nasty habbit."
"Whys dat?"
"He be stealin outta Mizz Jonsens garden again.
Otha day Mizz Jonsen shooed him away chasin him down tha block wit a pair of ol rusty scissors in her hand."
"Yup. She told him next time he wont be so lucky wit out hiz foot."
"WHUT!!??  Whus dat suppose da mean?"
"I dunno.”
"Dat Mizz Jonsen gone crazy!!
She dunn lost her mind in her ol age.
She crazier than a ******* rat!
Man, when Mista Rabbit gunna learn?”
"I guess when he haz no foot."

"Say, you talk to Mista Squirrel at all?"
“Itz been sum time.”
“How wuz he doin?”
"Man, you know Mistah Squirrel.  He wuz all ova da place, or at least he wuz.  He alwayz be jumpin from one tree to tha next, alllllwayz tryin to get a nut or two.  Last I heard he got deported and now lives in anotha county.”
“Why iz dat?”
“He dunn got locked up fah breakin in a few too many attics. They finally caught him....Stoopid fool."

"Nuff about tha neighbahood.  How you been?  Havent seen you inna while."
"Im still doin my thang, ya know.
Roamin from town ta town, chasin down tail."
"Yous still chillin in dem alleys too?"
"Fa sho!"
"Man, aint a **** thang changed wit chu.
Yous alwayz been a cool cat...”
BarelyABard Feb 2017
Before my birth, I had no name.
Cities born out of
straight lines and
mathematical perfection
became the law.
It taught me what it means to walk.
Child becomes man
and man becomes confused.
Confusion turns to fear
and the man becomes abused.

I asked myself.
The mountains don't grow in straight lines. The ocean follows no law.
The clouds do not need a guiding hand
The beasts do not fear tomorrow.
Why do I?

When I looked into the heavens with a solemn cry for truth.
I did not see an ancient god,
but came upon a laughing youth...

Playing hide and seek.
That is when I understood.

In the end, I'll have no name.
Just embers in an endless flame.
Jabin  Apr 2018
Jabin Apr 2018
.retsasid sdrawkcab a diova yam ew oS
retsam ot su rof stsixe ssenkaew tuB

.deyarp ev’uoy ecno retteb hcum leef dnA
dial ev’yeht shtap eht wollof uoY
.dnilb eht eusrup dna kaew eht dnuop tuB
?dniknam pleh ot enod uoy evah tahW

.ecnatirehni yppah dniheb gnidiH
ecnagorra htiw kcom dna egduj uoY
.thgin sseldne dna ,niap ,regnuh fO
?thgir s’tahw tuoba wonk uoy od tahW
Pastell dichter  Nov 2015
you are
Pastell dichter Nov 2015
you are the smoke to my fire
the book to my tea
the warm to my soft
you are the only one i want
the only hope i have.

you are the cold to my bitter
the stormy to my dark
the meaning to my life
you are the best thing that has ever happened
my secret yearning.

you are the red to my black
the emo to my punk
the beautiful to my cute
you are the one thing i love most in the world
my evah
just a little thing i want my maple to know
Leef on naip
Hsurc lla Simene
Evah on esromer
Jennifer  Jul 2019
Flip side
Jennifer Jul 2019
The way I love you fills empty spaces I didn’t know I had
seceip noillim a otni em skaerb uoy evol I yaw ehT
I want to come home to you, I want your name and your ring
ytpme em tfel dna trapa em deppir evah uoy gurd a ekiL
Before you I never understood why a person would choose to build a life with someone
yako ton si uoy evol I yaw ehT

— The End —