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Tom McCone Feb 2016
dreamt in strange shifting blocks, interwoven and with startled faces, sentencings spoken wordless. woke up to the blurry thought:

sometimes in talk, i am confronted with ideas that in no way reconcile with my own structures. in response, i often choose to not say anything, or let it uncomfortably sit in my gut. in cases where the opposing point won't be heard, i suppose this is alright. but, when my own rooted beliefs are challenged in a valid manner, it is more akin to the silence of shame than of dignification. is this symbolic of the internalisation of a more sound philosophy, or inability to process it against the grain of my own?

avoiding argumentation where it is of little purpose is one of my prime conversational aspects, and in an overarching paradigm avoiding unnecessary speech in general. but what internally portrays as tact can come off as indignant coolness, or bitter indifference. so, do i continue to speak in only the meaningful outer lashes, or let down the floodgates to some degree?

human interaction doesn't need necessitate grave importance at all junctions, and sometimes the most comforting talk can be of nothings (which i still find myself often party to, despite my self-portrait of filtered short-spokenness).

how do i open myself more to accepting or understanding when points are more sensible than my own, and integrating them into my consciousness? for, surely, if i disavow myself from giving up dated sentiments, i shall truly stagnate.
one key lies in rejecting one's own intelligence: having been told you are smart your entire life serves to seal one in their own vaults of knowledge, despite the fact that the knowledge itself may be faulty. i am slowly learning to accept my flaws and appreciate other's praise, but not take it to heart so much.
aar505n Nov 2017
this is my first storm without you
i'm fully awake, alone
thinking about you
for the first time in months

wondering if it's a rainy night over you too
wondering if you are still where i left you
half dreaming

that first stormy night still fresh in my memory
i remember us laying together as
the wind howled and the rain hammered

i gave myself to you completely
tangled together to stay warm
dissolver of limbs
for on that night, my soul took flight
a climb into the sublime
as the world around us melted away.
until it was just the two us.

the wind bellowed, and the rain poured
neither did phase us one bit
as we rested half awake, half dreaming

i no longer dream like you do
only remember what i can't forget
Maybe this will be my last storm without him
C H Watson  Dec 2014
Ode to Death
C H Watson Dec 2014
O Death,
Most merciful god of the human race
Banisher of misery
Dissolver of mortal disgrace

     No torture chamber can hold us
     Nor slaver bind our limbs
     When our last true friend, Mister Mooncalf
     Carries us off with him
Dedicated to the quietus that finds us all.

© Copyright 2014 C. H. Watson. All rights reserved.
Yanamari  Apr 2017
Yanamari Apr 2017
Why is it we're always
Surrounded by water?

What makes water
A universal dissolver?
What changes when we submerge
And when we float?
What makes water
Both a healer and a
Like two sides of a coin
It spins and it spins...
Rather than continue, I'll leave it up to the reader to make connections

— The End —