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princess joel  Mar 2015
princess joel Mar 2015
I see the way you look at me.
Its like you're chipping away
the air around me.
Finding all the things Im not.
I dont want to be chiseled down...
I want to keep adding to who I am.
If you want to understand me,
you should keep adding too.
jo spencer May 2013
Walking past the stupefied wall
its chippings tells a different story;
who was the graffitist and  perhaps the eventual liberator,
rolled up into that cumulative  presiding chisel
that took it to the ledge.
Jessica Hughes Apr 2011
It has proven its point.
The barrier between you and I.
While the ceramic tile presses
against my feet.  In a distance,
there the plastic siding hugs
the brick foundation. As shrubbery
is not yet green nor my pockets.
Inside, the heat sweats the yellow
stained-sheet rock. Into the pit
of my stomach, causing a burning
sensation. This is a four by four.
As my legs walk around in a circle.
I think... Where found,  wood chippings
and bread crumbs that hover over
a Persian rug. The pattern of sunflowers.
Like the ones on out-dated place mats.
And I sat, rubbing away the goo from
underneath each one. While the air
thickened, regal like a stiff neck. I wait
for a sign to say when. Most of the cheap
clothing has been packed. They are ready
to move. They are dancing. Across the floor
of sunflower dreams.
By Jessica Hughes
Protected By MyFreeCopyrights

To read more visit my blog @ , thanks
Jake Danby  May 2015
Jake Danby May 2015
The winter trees stand unclothed,
branches reaching for each other with woody empathy
craving their lovers touch, naked bodies of passion,
their children lie red and amber,
setting ablaze the verdigris blades,
that hold them kindly,
when their mothers can no longer carry them,
the embrace breaks them down,
allowing their earthy scent to creep to the nostrils of those who come to think a while,
enjoying the fleeting sun on their backs for a time,
on this frosty winter day,

The traffic seems obsolete,
if the whispering birds can learn,
to ignore the engine rumbles as can I,
the obsidian asphalt path carves delicately through this city sanctuary,
like an old english dance,
where courters would not touch their partner,
but embrace the sweet proximity,
and cherish the fire in their beloved's eyes,
and soul.

Water lies abandoned in the path,
reflecting the eternal blue of the afternoon sky,
an embodiment of tranquility,
a connection that can never be consummated,
a longing to be together again,
the water envies the whisp of cloud that has retained the skies clinch,
a ripple destroys the perfect portrayal,
but to give way to two Blue ****,
absorbing its love,
and releasing it to one another,
as they speak to each other,
and elope toward the emerging pearl moon.

I brush my feet amongst the wood chip beds,
mere remnants of once great trees,
still huddling together in solidarity,
as though trying to reform what once was,
it makes me ponder of soul mates lost,
clutching at the memories that once were,
and pursuing to reforge a love that refuses to be broken,
adoration manifest as young sapplings reach upward,
sprouting from the shallow chippings,
ready to blossom with memories once more.
C B Heath  Apr 2013
C B Heath Apr 2013
Waking up to chainsaws -
Morning the spluttering
engine of mourning. It's
in the name of truer
trees. Slicing the butter
trunks, dropping the chippings;
garnishing with finesse
my olive tree below.
8th piece for NaPoWriMo.
neth jones  Oct 2023
01 0001
neth jones Oct 2023
traffic trodden crab apples
                            and choke cherries
                 sluice the sidewalk
not one wasp observed

the wasps this year are found
not around    human food or trash cans
( sugar drunk, bat angry or absurd )

this year they thrive around cut grass
and chippings from outdoor furniture finishing

with this appetite
what are they prepping for ?
--  Dec 2017
Cyclic Reasoning
-- Dec 2017
—Salty oceans
of tragedy and memory
roll waves that pick and
toss you about,
like sand and shingle

And down-tread all
who saw these things,

Cedar-gripping hands and waving eyes,
strike above due caution, once you drank
and receded to sock-grey humour
to hide these things

And down-tread all
who saw these things,

Chippings were distracting. But I am just one,
here and now. So I always wondered,
When the others disappeared to—
The courts of reasoning and madness are similar in that of their cyclic tactics; know that repition is their king.
i woke, heard it, yet also saw the yellow moon.
shining through.

rain is noisy on the roof at huws gray,
where we buy slate chippings and talk
of log stores for the winter.

it is made of metal.

at the ironmongers we chat, buy bulbs,
notice the chip shop is for sale, now.

they sell night lights singly, at 20 p each.

it rained on and off all day, while I worked,
it rained in the night.

I've a thing with darkness
It holds me in its grasp
Reaching out to touch me deep
Cutting chippings from the rasp
Whittling to its root
Healthy stem is left to shoot
Raw edges growing into hedges
A border
Dave Bosworth Jun 2023
I tried to kiss your mind, in the way of inimical words I’d heard:
how a boy should begin.
With everything I thought you’d be, bubbling in convoluted thought, caught in the fresh oxygenated current
It’s real love and it shouldn’t go wrong.
I floundered, and you weren’t to
swim down from your opaline blue altitude.
Since you existed as a perfect reflection of your face, I
imagined the rest of you lost in the prism’s traces; let your mind’s eye
photo-reply a dappled understanding,
whilst we stretch out to grey misty conjecture above -
ever luminous rising depths,
to a love touched on
It’s real and it shouldn’t go wrong;
but if only for jewel chippings, I liked to kiss your mind;
to feel your arms round my heart one more time

© Copyright David Bosworth June 2023
This is an old poem
liking enamel tops for tables
liking enamel anything

i have a few here , cupboards and the like
around the place

also liking galvanised iron
enjoy putting the words in
search on ebay
to see what comes


the garden there are bins to
store compost and slate


your plans sound homely

i remember dogs chasing bikes
down green road, barking into

the distance

had a delivery yesterday and
he struggled with the weight
tell tale signs

later I stored it all
struggled with the weight
in two parts

it is clear this morning and
I fear I shall not get to lampeter

this year

it is a global pandemic

this year

i have been busy
one way and another

she says the swifts are leaving….
when i write that number
note it is the same for all



seems to be some confusion
between paranoia
and common sense

the age of those that died
that elderly makes that

some confusion over what is
fact and race

in despair

i have sited the planks
stashed the chippings and have the
wood ready to saw
then store

i watch your news and see
the pity of it all, then i watch

ours the same

he asked me if i was new to
the area
i told him nigh on thirty years

his uncle grew golden rod
lived by the chapel, died a
few years ago

i thought him a quiet gentle man

so pleased about your bike and
maybe that is the way to go yet
have looked online for the bicycle
grant and find no application process

however have fresh fruit coming today
in time for lunch

am hoping for dates
yet they have been
out of stock

there was no time for drawing yesterday
no time for calm amongst the hedge
and strimming

it came later
with google
piano music

there is a roundabout in dorset
called monkey jump corner
and a place
called burnt house lane

toller porcorum

a plane flew over
the woodpecker



— The End —