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ghost queen Nov 2019
You ask why I am anxious, why i am depressed, let me list for you the reasons why:

Global warming
Melting glaciers
Polar vertices
Category 6 hurricanes
F5 Tornadoes
Wild fires
Snowless winters
Ice free arctic
Antarctic ice shelf collapse
Greenland glacier melting
Perma forst thawing

Ocean warming
Ocean acidification
Coral bleaching
Sea level rising
Coastal erosion
Over fishing
Fisheries collapse
Plankton extinction
Fertilizer run offs
Chemical pollution
Raw sewage dumping
Red algae blooms
Vibrio explosions

Ozone layer depletion
Lack of fresh potable water
Acid rain
Top soil depletion
Dead soil
Banana palm tree cultivation
Evasive species
Urban sprawl
Insect apocalypse
Animal extinction
Lower biodiversity
Bird apocalypse
Bee apocalypse
Bat apocalypse
Amphibian apocalypse

Aging nuclear power plants
Superfund sites
Radioactive contamination
Three mile island, Chernobyl, Fukushima
Endocrine disrupters
***** count collapse
Effeminization of men

Noise pollution
Light pollution
Chronic stress
Metabolic diseases
Over eating

Drug resistances
New and emerging diseases
Epidemics pandemics
Swine and bird flu
Genetic modification
Biotech tech
nano tech
genetic testing
Designer babies
Aging population
Health care rising
Unaffordable medications
Medicare of all
Medical bankruptcy
Social security bankruptcy

Rise of terrorism
Rise of extremism
Far right
Alt right
Lack of education
Masculine identity crisis
Emasculation of men
Decline of boys
Rise of girls

Increasing depression and anxiety
Increase anxiety depression among young girls
Lack of human connection
Social isolation
Social awkwardness
Snowflake generation
Disintegration of the family
Social media addiction
**** addiction
Drug addiction
Alcohol addiction

Lack of equality
Political corruption
New American aristocracy
Too big to fail
Privatize profits, socialize losses
Decline of democracy
Religious extremism
Religious tension
Political divisiveness
National unity
Second American civil war
Helplessness of the common man

Big data
Data protection
Internet tracking
Lost of privacy
Artificial intelligence
AI white collar job lost
AI automation
AI back office
Autonomous AI
5G supremacy
Quantum computer supremacy
Virtual reality
Augmented reality
Off shoring
On shoring

Over education
Under employment
Skills gap
3rd world immigration
La reconquista
Cultural dilution
Status quo
Declining economies
Housing crisis
Housing cost
Full employment
Race relationships
Increasing crime
Student loans
Credit card debt
High mortgages
7 year car loans
Inverse yield curve
52 week high

Military interventions
Social uprisings
Dwindling resources
Resources conflicts
Rare earth metals
Depletion of helium
Peak oil
Water wars
Climate refugees
A list of worries people face today that is causing anxiety and depression
Ken Pepiton Jul 2022
89 sets of eyes had seen the first eighth
made public, Tobagoan dimes,
then it was 96
I made'em up, bought the whole mint,
and went into serious business,

re-evaluating dime bags, when John D,

Mr. Dee, he
hands me this silver dime, about 1917.
Says he, gimme the Time's

and I'm about to
when into 2022 i-sense, calculualualchange
in time,

on a dime among many, my own dime.
I invested that liberty given me, for using
old news in good ways once used to force
a reading of the rules.

Would there were a Daysman, betwixt us.
would we had this tech back when,
term papers - ended curiosity
or drove home the point to madness,

you know, ex
plodes… pop. And if you breathe
another line
per haps it is one of mine, we think

at old printer's devil, filling space, pace.
Skimming troposh-pherical Miramarical,

thought speed past the other way
of these days, you said, these days, we
say today. You are safe
where now is today, and not when this whole
lesson in shared pain per gain, proud son,
prior to changes in the rules
- is allowed to lead to gun play

game on. That fast.
The future has me in it from the start/
I have a mind to tell you all I know,
Pro-ver-bee, do be, do, you know

It was an organized mind, rhearranger
of my fingers on these
keys, i-i-I ai ai ai think these keys, were magic

in the beginning, some men trusted in horses,
some men trusted in leasing and releasing
land… who won?

Eh, not o'er yet. EH, they have wakened
a sleeping giant,

yeah, I paid a price to discover that fact.
Dillon, Montana, storefront all johnnyrebbed up.

I lost the best phone I ever owned, with all the
evidence of hoped for things attained
and apprehended with full ready
set for alz-heimlichkeit kriegspeigel- mir-ror

mar-velous. World of 2022. Within Covideo
5G- wiz mom the fridge is 5G

G is for Guidance, child. Traditions do not change
truths. Oaths welded to the guardian's heart,

pow wer wordsssun-ng
choking in dust, as the eagles gather round the
whole idea
-comfort, ease
in security, we exist in air, as words people think
after reading something old,
fifty years, ago, change wa'swift,
an entire jubilee for most all sworn
legit-liga-mental mind made up to be a way for a reason,
oaths, Breach of contract, old school rules, you lie,
you die, before you unveil the secret place, we be, in, I mean,
so help me, God, on the Bible-level
like on TV,
depending on your experience in the realm of words.

You are now a Kierkeyardian Troen Ridder Wannabe.

Some things you may imagine, leave percussion…
- humms al'lowed to fifteen since then,
- that summer with Pattie Maffeo
- whoa, this idea- drum roll
Rudd, Hersey made me up, and I grew up, in here.

-- Phidelity is only secret to those who must hide.
Inside us, outside us, inside me is not inside you.

These are words, these are sense in your head,
more swiftly than the author choses to believe.

Ping, chorus, another one bites the dust.

Isolation in realization that an ifery, an actual
real-live ifery situation, with the body environment
and breathing and
comfortable, thanks for allowing that, I bring some
every time I come,
you can't say that. right or wrong, how long is ruled
valid in code any kid in any country can translate.

Who says we saw every thing
When we was young,
faster paster now as then, I swore

as real as any ride I ever imagined alone.
All things are better when you know, though.

A churchyard child bade me listen, you may know
as we grow in knowledge, as a species,
from a phylum
at the core… we can, and have

we can imagine, yes, and have
haps, in pers and mays, hap-pen
Manifest on TV, that
is power to convey a story, requiring
minds with binge-in-Covid-season, after season,
immunity to cliché ¿ make every idle guess reasonate

Hate ain't 'hate when I do that' kinda thing
hate is evil, you know, no idle word, evil
living words can hold any thought a team of two
agree to allow
- spacetime to think-?
G-qualified Art Intuition, this is not ****,
we know it when we see it, what is this thing

we agreed with, this corporate structure,
many many many tiered this tinker toy thing

A Robin Williams seed, I think, Jim Hunt.
What dreams have come.
And we aren't done.
Icahn's history, I was not even in the game.

Here's one, eight lines from go
go man

gotcha, johnny be good slood
on a legendary curse

justice, sir, I must say, I just ring the bell.

--------------- hello poetry hello world

5G and starlink, if I stay in the green zone//

From Montana, that 5G fridge, messaged me,

my almond milk is out of use by,
did you die?
we know you are old. We will check again.

At random, I assume, my captain's chair,
and survey my realm
- 26 thousand unread emails… how much
- is my pending attention to any one worth?
I rub my stubble and scratch my half year hair.
I oughta get up
and go/ chorus there, and go

I ought get up and go, but I got no place

I'd rather be,
right now, with you… who
stole that from some show, no body you don'

Some things happen,
when you know,
they do… the color does not set the mood

the time
just hasta be right.
mama always wished to know,
when does it end,
when does it end,

electric shock begins, the folding in daze,
folding pages in donated Sears & Roebuck's
to make door stops, to hold ever locked doors
open, for our grand children, wait
and see, in deep dementia, did she mention…
Tech that functions is so easy to entreat...
People of the heart>word>book>screen>
The digital streams scroll before us
Form, electricity, ai
Form, energy, intelligence,
biomimicry, they cried

(Is consciousness the code/key we seek?)

What do we do with our silence
In a world populated by sound
Are we bound to making noises
Or should we liberate our voices
By refusing to participate at all
Ken Pepiton Sep 2021
If I can't have…
none can have…

two ways - have you ever
did you have

proteins and hormones,
structural bits and action tics

there at the base of the idea
were thinking better good enough
it leaked.

My cultural first reaction was
put my finger in the dam,
I listed floward, hearing a scream
from all the rivers in me

let the dammed thing break out,
and cover the earth
like a comforting fog, not smog,

rolling hills, none higher than kansas
to the gulf,
globally, no grades greater than 6%,
all bicycle friendly,
has this been done, nearly, if
ask can it be prevented in the future, if
no chance,
then now is functional begin next.
Testing access to next if if ifity
Ken Pepiton Sep 2022
Analog, anabasis… trip, short, burn the bug to carbon dust…

Seeking in my treasury of books, pared down to ones with personal attachments,
- I sought a Welsh-English pocket dictionary, gifted me
- by a taller and older, by experience, Overmeyer… Bob,
- but he was one of a few in the corp, band of brothers,
- who sang along with me, when he heard me humm,
- he knew the words, worth-ship fixing words, yes,
- we shall gather at the river that flows by the throne of truth. Mmmmhmm, so we shall see, so we shall see,
Oldman river, you know,
you wait, and wait, fishin' wishin' cogitations got from *** go,
known good, known evil, and evil comes for effect, not cause,
clean up, aisle five
hell, in a target store. And a Walmart, #26.
-- I recognized the anti particle, passing through either or,
becoming here, from there, your thinking my thinking,

wall of text, in your current context, this wall has hat

hooks to insights marked pertinent someday, in the wide ocean
at the end of any river mind me and error master,
as awareness, meandering as all fluids do.
Aligning in honed most saline crystaline form, as
current opinions shapened from dust and ash originally,
then spit the idea out as a word,
matter… mater, really, bottom first bit, was realized after
paterialization falled to manifest self reproduction…
patterned thought, fabrication, plane geometry… which we
as a team, a man and his tools, gunslinger, plus accoutrements.

Yep. Adam, did not work alone. The egg was first. He named eggs.
And chickens, full of eggs, no, hope, and chaos, nada mas…
- morals from old stories, we had lost all hold on those…
Stepmothers after The Hundred Years war, like as not was
first slave, with only obey believed enforce,
as far as
holy vows spoke allowed, but in a whisper…
hear us,
old folk, we scatterbrained old rockers by the fireplace
listen, this is living, right.
Pursue haps as haps occur, in thinking one thing or this other,

Our kind, fixed position ears perpindicularly augmenting per-
iferal vision, if, just, if. Immeasuarable meanings, justice, yes,

we settled at that point. All the Promises - in any living faith,
even dying proves life is a chance, we all go through it, and some leave marks, while others leave a heart felt
oxitocin, not cotin, red on yellow, **** a fellow, -tocin. Oxitocin,

Rush!- Kettle DRUM after a cello up run, or an old familiar rif,
Goin' up country, ' bought a map for a dime,
from a time lain aside in book, as I was seeking that Welsh word for these experience in side, feeling inside, but being mere, yes, not a limiting adjectival modification, on a word, intended to soothe,

NOT ******, soothe, as said of gentle rolling seas, calm as constant as Jupiter's ever near there, right there, red spot, there,
that is an anomoly, yet, there are those who claim clarity, that

Red spot, Ted-talk phaze, ease in, get a buzz, mmmm, slow, slow

whoa, so slow, what difference can plain-people, just us,
can we ever just know, this is the way, no obstacles,
and we leave trails, and trails widen, and widen, and widen,

wide as the milky way as seen from North Korea.
What a blessing, right?
--- God made these chickens we are eating,

no, child we selected these big red hens, people, like us, we can
know how earthly goods grow and we can help, as gard'ners,
retired guardians and priests can, make soil richer,
by leaven from the native soil,
fresh after fire, sparks the bloom

Patience, paid close attention, over time,
pay is as interest always is, compounding…
complex knots
slipping infinite loops generation systems
spinning straw to gold, bricks to build a tower…

to grow mustard into brocolli and cauliflower, prosper-o

we can engineer squash blossuming
be.. not spelch-pstpst-offt-listen,
- laughing
in my home are children, aged 6 to 13, across a seven year gap…
in my home with complete 5G internal Wifi, with cable
- copper, ah
- the humm, copper wire interference, acceptible as soft
- sub-spectra sfumati self-edged,- cut from whole cloth
Con, is with, fuse, is
blown… but, click, we are past that, where I live, on a pension.
I survived an oath in a war. And in America, the we, as
represented in Congress after Korea, and UCMJ, reach, reach,
- remember the ears that read, need to know
right, MP talk, uniform, all the exact same alignment and weave… for forsake, forsooth, forgotten gains, -- un-fore-gotten
upright walking, living concept, Phoebe Zeitgeist
- she made a word nest in my mind, on March 16, 1968.
- On a Douglas Flying Tiger insertion mission,
Flying to a foreign land more foreign than any thus far, redux.

Surreal stepped up to real, realms of preception, Metaverse/
uniform code under it all, we wished for this, can we, can we,

please, walk back in and watch the shadows morph to home sized I-max with true-fi dolby optimized to your very own, humanity
verified self--
- eyes up, look where we were when ever, then be come you now known as dear reader, responsibility free, cookie or no?
Be any mind you find you can wear with no wish to lie,
the wrong mind set with the ears and eyes, and we cannot lie…
you lose.
The whole ritual of prayer and supersites, tics, ****. We glow…

once illegal exposure
confidential, super-secret, super-positioned tyrannical systems,

whole cloth leprosy, black mold to dust time sequence…
-- such minds as fed us Elliot and Thorough Error-prone Poses,

as seen from the repressed mind of an unassimulated inate-ifity,
We are none of us, Adam sons, his model had nor repro circuits.

Hey, once there had to be something akin to ****** birth,
really, mitochondria developed virally, just fine, so, so fine,

imagine, we got the cell, a wall, with enzyme will efforts on the doors, we open to need, and useful matter is accepted,
as in another phase we open to expel the uselesshit, which then fills the red corpuscles, which use iron to hold the load.

Flushing blushing bride, Mito-mom, her daughters, imagine…

trackless wasteland, aftermath of minor miscalculation
in the dancing cosmos, whirling
whiling, smiling

I made it. 2022, Everest Pax, is the real name
of my youngest grand son, who randomly
reassures me he loves me, as though he wishes me
to not let that slip, naturally, his version of me is fragile,

what he imagines I am can disappear, in a day,
like Uncle Mike, and Uncle Dennis, and Uncle Richard,
and Uncle Remus…
none of whom were alive, when Everest Pax was named,
by his mother, with no input from me, save
the covenant aspect in the who gives this wombed man…
common pagan ritual adapted to post-Jesus Christ-sanity.

X-mas, nada mas. Agree, and take the cookie,
or risk another death,
on the real wrong battlefield… Well, what the hell… hero
or legend in my mind, thinking, what would any who do?
Raw raw raw
Heather Wright Jul 2013
You think you hate your life?
My boyfriend doesn’t pay attention to me
He is always at work or with his friends
And he never gets me what I want

You think you hate your life?
My boyfriend hits me
He calls me horrible names
He says if I tell anyone he will **** me

You think you hate your life?
My parents bought me a 4g
When I wanted a 5g
How could they do this to me?

You think you hate your life?
My parents are flat broke
I have never even touched an ipod
I am just happy to eat one meal

You think you hate your life?
I have to sit next to a fat girl I hate
Shes so nasty
I wish I was anywhere else

You think you hate your life?
I have to sit next to this mean girl
She tells me I am fat and nasty
She doesn’t know how terrible I feel
Big Virge Apr 2021
So Most People Now Know...
That When It Comes To Rap Flows...

Is Needed When Rhyming...
To Have People Liking...
The Rhymes You’re Reciting... !!!

So... TIMING Is Key...
To Be One Who Is Seen...
As The Type of Emcee..
And Writes GREAT POETRY... !!!

Just Like... CLEVER Verse...
That’s Used In Spoken Words...

Where Timing Is Something...
That Gives Your Lyrics...
A Flow That Is DOPE...
That Can Get You Well Known... !!!

Like Those Who LACK Timing...
That’s Good Like Fine Dining... !!!
Like Names Now Displaced...
From Groups Like The... FA...

That’s Right Like Greg Clarke... !!!
Whose Had To Disembark...
From His High Profile Role...
Because of Some Quotes...

That Had Him Relating...
Black Players Are Coloured...
And That Those Who Are Gay...
Have CHOSEN That Way... !!!

And That South Asians Choose...
To Sit In... IT Rooms...
Rather Than Put On Boots...
And Face Football Abuse... !!!

And That Girls Are TOO SOFT...
To Embrace Football Socks...
When ***** Are Hit At Them...
In Ways That Could FLATTEN...

So Now Some Have COMPLAINED...
And Have Now Made The CLAIM...

That His Words Were BLUNDERS...
That Should Now Be SMOTHERED...

And Should NOT Be HEARD...
In This NEW DIVERSE World... !!!

So His Timing Is OFF... !!!
And Is NOW Clearly Wrong... !!!
So Should Not Keep His Job...
And Should Really Be Gone... !!!

When People of Colour...
Is A Phrase That Is Used...
In... Global Newsrooms... ?!?
That He’s Been TOLD To Use... !!!

And That Was His EXCUSE...
Which Was Quickly Rebuked... !!!

Even Though That Is TRUE...
And Could Clearly Be Proved... ?
But Now He’s Resigned...
Cos' The Timing Is Right... ?!?

As If This Will Bring...
A Timing of Things...
That Will HINDER Racists...
As Well As Sexists...
And Those Who Resist...
All These New Gender Swings...

So This Age Is Inviting...
A Timing That’s Fighting...
For Vibes That Now See...
How Things Really Should Be...

One of... “ DIVERSITY “...
Where Equality’s SEEN... !!!

A Timing That’s FRIGHTENING...
To Speech That’s Been Flying...
Throughout... CENTURIES... !!!

I Mean... SERIOUSLY... ?!?

Peoples’... HYPOCRISY...
... Is Now Seen BLATANTLY... !!!

When Throughout HISTORY...
As We’ve Seen CURRENTLY...
In Trumps... Presidency... !!!

That Certain Folks Timing...
Is... NOT Paralysing...
When It Comes To Their Speech...
That Is Far From... “ P.C. “... !!!

But Biden’s VICTORY...
And News of A VACCINE...
That Could Now Remedy...
This Corona Disease... ?!?

Has A Timing That’s SWEET...
According To Peeps’...
Within Media Teams...
And Government Schemes... ?!?

That Will Suddenly Feed...
A Timing That Seeks...
To Bring... “ Normality “...
Back To...... Humanity......

Well I Hope Folks Can See...
That Things Now Aligning...
With Modern Day Timing...
May Well Be DEPRIVING... !!!

... Societal Dreams...
of EVER... Being FREE... !!!

Because of The Timing...
of Things Like... 5G...
And NEW Technologies...

That May Well Be Guiding...
Young People To Be...
In A World Globalising...

UNLIKE Nordic Vikings...
Who’d Rather Be FIGHTING...

Than Choose To SUBMIT...
To The Type of Remits...
That Now FUEL Politics... !!!

That Seem Like They’ll RESTRICT...
How It Is That They’ll Live...

In A World Now DIVIDING...
More Than It’s... UNITING... !!!

To Find... Qualities...
That Like GREAT Poetry...

Relies On PRECISE... !!!

.......... “ Timing “.........
It's something that affects, numerous things ! ©
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now In This Day And Age...  
of... Cancel Brigades... !?!  

You Can’t Afford To Be Afraid...  
To... HAVE YOUR SAY... !!!

Our...  Freedom of Speech...  
Is A Basic Right... RIGHT... ?!?
Or Is It Being DENIED...  
When Certain Websites...  
Are Now DICTATING...  
What People Are Saying...  
On Their Website Pages...  
From Average Heads...  
To... Ex-Presidents... !!!  
Free Speech Dumped...  
And Stumped Liked Trump... !!!  
When It Comes To Airing Views...  
That Don’t Have Proof...  
Or Hold Values...  
That Are Proved To Speak TRUTH...  
But... Is THAT TRUE... ?!?
Cos’ Who’s Fooling Who...  
When It Comes To The News... ?  
And Speech On Vaccines...  
Because Any Kind of Speech...  
Linking Them To 5G...  
Is QUICKLY Deemed...  
To Be Some Kind of THEORY...  
That Is... PURE FALLACY... !!!
And A Conspiracy That...  
Has NO Basis In FACT... !!!
But That Shouldn’t Mean...  
That Those Whose Beliefs...  
Do Not Agree...  
With Those Who Lead...  
And Speak On TV...  
Now Should NOT Be Heard...  
Or Be Allowed To Be Seen... !?!  
So Folks HAVE YOUR SAY... !!!  
..... WITHOUT DELAY..... !!!  
Because It’s Okay To Disagree...  
With Mainstream Teams...  
And What They MANDATE... !!!
As Well As DICTATE...  
Pretty Much EVERYDAY... !!!
Into Peoples Pysches...  
And In Turn Their Mind States...  
As Being What’s RIGHT...  
And The Truth About Why...  
We’re Needing Lockdowns...  
And Vaccinations To Get Around...  
And Have Vacations In NICE Locations... !!!  
So... HAVE YOUR SAY...  
Because THEY Have THEIRS... !!!  
Those With FAME...  
And These WEALTHY Heirs... !!!  
Who Speak FREELY...  
EVEN When Their Speech...  
Is HATEFUL And MEAN... !!!!!  
Like PM’s... MP’s...  
And Presidents Seen...  
In... TWENTY TWENTY... !!!  
And As For The Blender...  
of Modern Day Genders...  
Are People NOT FREE...  
To Air The Kind of Speech...  
That Doesn’t Agree...  
With How They Be... ?!?  
Anti Hate Laws...  
Have Come QUICKLY... !!!  
While Racists Seem...  
To Just Make Apologies...  
And Don’t Get As Much Grief...  
From These Cancel Police...  
When They Use Terms...  
Like... “ Piccaninnies “... !?!
Double Standards And...  
...... MUCH HYPOCRISY...... !!!
Go With Policies...  
That Now SUDDENLY...
Have Come To The FORE...  
In A Time Where Disease...  
Than Economies... !!!  
Freedoms SHREDDED...  
Whilst Normalcy’s Presented...  
... In A Whole NEW Way... !!!  
So HAVE YOUR SAY... !!!  
Before It’s TOO LATE... !!!  
And BEFORE Things Sway...
Towards Police States...  
Being What We Face...  
ALL OVER The Place... !!!  
Don’t Delay And Wait...  
When You Are Told...  
To Keep Your Mouth Closed...  
By Those Who Control... !!!  
Who Don’t Seem To Know...  
How They Should Behave...  
In Political Zones... !?!  
They’re Being Exposed...  
And Being Shamed...  
More And More Nowadays... !!!
So Before They Make Claims...  
And Laws That Change...  
How People Can Relate...  
Their Views On Their Ways...  
And Demands That They Make...  
That Are Found To Be FAKE... !!!
Don’t Make The Mistake...  
of Choosing To WAIT...  
Because Your AFRAID...  
To Voice Your Opinion...  
On Things Like Dominion...  
Gender And Prescriptions...  
Now Causing Divisions... !!!  
I Suggest You Make SURE...  
That You DO NOT DELAY...  
When It Comes To The FREEDOM...
..... “Have Your Say”..... !!!
When it comes to freedom of speech, it should never have become, one rule for one, whilst being different for another !

So, as the poem suggests, have yours, before you can't !
Matt Dec 2019
Things are coming
Events are coming
The Day of the Lord is at hand.

The sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the moon into blood,
Before the great and notable day of the Lord

And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord GOD, that my fury shall come up in my face.

The nations who will invade Israel
Are already allied
Iran, Russia, and Turkey

Now would be a good time to seek Lord Yeshua
It is late in the age

U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln will be sunk
A fiery trigger event will follow

Economic collapse
Civil strife
Marshall Law
United Nations security forces

The beast from the sea
Barack Obama
Will come to the forefront
Here In America

Quantum computers
Connected to 5G

Massive amounts of data stored
A "hive mind"
Will be created.

And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

The time of Jacob's trouble is at hand.  

This is a time of testing
The faith of many will become more precious
Some will abandon the Lord
And others will draw closer to Him

Seek the Lord Jesus with all your heart and mind
Yeshua of Nazareth is Lord

— The End —