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Ryan A Flournoy Apr 2015
10:35 p.m.

Again the man ate too much for his own good. He could barely sit long enough in his car ride home without an involuntary bowel movement threatening to ruin the interior leather of his new convertible car. The same convertible he happened to clean earlier that day, and for the second time that week. Barley able to transition out of his car he wobbled his way to his front door and into his house away from the fascist eyes of his affluent neighbors. He plopped to the living room floor assuming the only position his body was capable of. As he lay spreadeagle on his back uncomfortable and slightly anxious he ripped his shirt off in fear of suffocation. The spinning fan above brought waves of nausea if he starred at it for too long. Rubbing his naked protruding belly seemed to be a brief fix for the brewing pain in his stomach, but then the pain turned for the worse. He felt the sidings of his stomach stretched and the food nearly about to overflow back out of his mouth. A small burp came from his abdomen and he could taste the food as it rose and steamed in the back of his throat. He questioned himself In agony, "Why?". Why would he continue to spoil the treat of dining out at his favorite restaurant in town just to come home in disgust and pain? Is it an inability to stop himself from ordering the biggest plates of food and forcing every single grain of it into his mouth? Or are the pictures that show the plates of food just too enticing for his self control? Is it that the price seems right, therefore it only seems logical to order the full plate and its copious amount of sides to choose from? Perhaps it is just because his finances allow him to and his lack of appreciation for what sparse living feels like, or even worse famine. With no real acknowledgment of the nonrefundable resources he so easily exhaust, not to mention the physical harm done to his body, he was doomed for failure. He winced as he rolled to his side. No burp could subdue the agony of each turn in his stomach. He feared at any second his dinner would decorate his luxurious new rug that he took so much pride in. So much pride it was not uncommon he would insist his guest to bend down and feel the plushness of it every time they stepped on it. Still the war raged in his abdomen. Focused on his breathing, he shut his eyes in hopes of a get away. Struggling to remain still he reassured himself to breath.

11:07 p.m.

Suddenly, like a light switch found in a dark room a life changing truth was revealed to him. One so beautifully powerful it was to change him for good. The awareness of this truth would put an end to his pain and suffering, his lies and imperfections. There was now an answer to the constant void in his stomach, his unquenched hunger, the glass half empty. No longer was he a prisoner of deception. There was an overwhelming fleeting of demons and a mountain of weight lifted. His vision was as clear and vivid as it could ever be. The bliss was not ignorance, not was unfeigned truth. For the first time ever he could see life for what it really was. It felt like a lifetime of emotions in one moment. Simplicity surrounded him in every direction. He felt the joy of complete freedom. The weightlessness of eternal peace. He was to tell the world of this untapped truth brought to him. A new and better way to live. An actual sustainable lifestyle free of judgement.

Then without his consent, he abruptly stood up. Dazed and in a state of confusion, he glanced at the clock.

11:11 p.m.

He then looked down and saw what his life cleansing truth was. He had simply soiled himself while asleep, ruining his new living room rug.
Man longs for fulfillment but looks for it in material objects, false ideologies, pleasure and desires. We will continue to take from this Earth until one day there will be nothing left.
Kewayne Wadley Nov 2024
I brought a ticket to come and see you
Today. When I looked at the print,
I realized that it was a one-way,
With a layover in your thoughts.
Truth be told, I didn’t mind at all.
The tickets for all the other flights
Were weeks, even months out,
I paid more because I really wanted
to get there.
The ticket being nonrefundable
Made the trip that much enjoyable
Despite popular belief.
I didn’t go too much on the reviews.
Very rarely do you see one that tells
The entire truth, there is always something
Wrong. Whether it’s the seat, someone telling you
don’t drink the water, or the towels.
It’s always the towels or the sheets, for some
Odd reason.
I don’t mind a bit of turbulence.
When I got on the plane, I noticed that it wasn’t
as clean as I expected,
But it was cool. It wasn’t something
To just get upset and cancel the whole trip over.
Judging by the reviews, it’s easy to forget
That were all human. Sometimes things happen.
I leaned back in my seat and remembered that I had
Forgotten something.
I unclicked my seat belt and checked my pockets.
Although I am sure that I’ll arrive safely,
I’ll replace the kiss that you gave me
The last time I saw you, soon as I step off
The plane with a new one from you
Valarola Nikola Dec 2020
I’m way too close to turning Thirty-Three,
It’s 1:30 in the morning and I’m seething,
I’m surrounded by friends constantly in turmoil,
But **** it if they won’t tell you they’re loyal,
Just once I’d like someone to respect my boundaries,
And not end the day on some B.S. moral quandary,
Debating if I should put someone’s needs before mine,
Because it’s driving me over the edge in my mind,

Everybody will scream “WHY AREN’T YOU HELPING ME?”
While you’re right next to them clearly drowning,
What has this world come to, when no one cares what harm their extra baggage will do,
As long as they’re getting the attention they seek, who cares about me or you?

I don’t want to get older, I haven’t done enough,
Haven’t settled down,  and found my one true love,
Unless you count ******* everything up,
But ah, ***** it some of it’s been kind of fun,
Not going to lie, I’d take back a few of the things I’ve done,
But I’d never take back who I’ve grown up to become,
I’ll end this by bragging that my Mom says I’m quite wonderful,
And as she found out far too late I’m also quite nonrefundable,

Everybody will scream “WHY AREN’T YOU HELPING ME?”
While you’re right next to them clearly drowning,
What has this world come to, when no one cares what harm their extra baggage will do,
As long as they’re getting the attention they seek, who cares about me or you?
It's like on my worst day, when I just want to focus on me, someone is like no, don't do that PLEASE FOCUS ON ALL THIS.
girl diffused  Sep 2017
girl diffused Sep 2017
I'm lying to myself.

I'm not in love with this one at all.
There's no passion in this house.
There's no standing ovation in this auditorium.
Groggily, I
Forcefully awaken myself
Spoon sugar into my mouth until I choke
I attempt to read to no avail
Words just dance right out of my head
Words just die like autumn leaves on my lips

And I'm lying to this one.
I don't find him beautiful.
He doesn't deserve this austerity.
Issuing out of my lungs—all blue and black smoke
There's no passion in this house
No, because even the wooden floorboards
Creak with something deeper than melancholy

Words are irrefutable
Words are nonrefundable
I do not love him but I love the one before him
Wandering, I go listless,
Traveling through each room in the house
Vestigial ghost that I am
Inundated with sadness
Choking on it like the dark pit of a spoiled fruit
I can't get the words out of my mouth

The scalpel or pair of scissors I would apply to my skin
They're the words on this page
Words I pull out of the plywood and drywall
Rotting like the deadened
Husk of a lone tree in a silenced forest
Love doesn't reside in this auditorium
It died somewhere when he hugged me goodbye
It died somewhere when he never came back
And I realized that I couldn't find him over a cup of tepid coffee
In the books that I struggled to read
In the man that I desperately tried to bury him inside.
I am in so much pain I can't feel my body
Maybe its the Brandy

When your upset, hurt, and In pain
Drinking some liquor seems to calm the brain

It starts to feel good forgetting
So why am I still fretting

Its only been a few hours why can't everything go back to being normally dysfunctional
Please except my apologies as their nonrefundable

Even if I'm right or wrong I don't care just talk to me
I won't say anything It's a guarantee

My head is gonna pop like a firecracker
I'll try and do all the patchwork

I know when I come down
I'm still going to have a frown

My body is numb
Maybe its because I've succumb
Written by: Denise Huddleston
gravelbar Jun 2021
Flies on the lip of my coffee cup, dancing with their sick, fat, bodies
They're on my legs, in my hair, stuck in my imagination like gum to shoe
I can't stand to look at them, dancing in the air, landing with no care, putrid
Wipe the crap out of the corners of my eyes, out of the crevasse of my head
Empty empty empty
I somersault from the summit, crack back on every cornice
Fall where every wild thing will find me, bury me with their teeth, a proper burial
The flies will then come, even though they were not invited
Nationwide Insurance twas on my side yay
cuz, earlier this July forth
     two thousand eighteen ja way
windows closed, doors locked, and

     car keys visibly splayed
     on driver seat oye vay
feel free to call me a horse's *** today
utter anxiety compounded,

     plus unable to locate master key,
     thence fodder for poem and more to say
rifling thru boxes without success,
     an impulse arose to call road

     upon learning policy
     doth include locksmith service,
     ah felt less doggone snappish,
     and uttered hoo ray

though modest aye,
     congratulated awesome,
     fulsome, and handsome
     self on quick thinking,

and automatically became less tiresome
     pondering for no particular rhyme nor reason
     (as a getaway) Panama or Paraguay
then immediate decided,

     sans ditto explanation,
     but no how and nay
yet honest to dog suddenly felt
     like a young lovestruck lad

     during month of May
and without further delay
a compulsion arose
to putter along, though

     momentarily gazing heavenward
     and counting (just beak caws)
     glistening black crows
plus painfully aware

     a spike in recurrent
     "senior" moment of forgetfulness grows,
thus starkly aware significant rustiness
     increasingly, frightfully,

     and chokingly coats
     lix spit tillage harrows
resuming schlepping dishabille
     crotchety bedeviled aching

     body electric irksome
with fringe benefit (such as
     momentary lapse of reason)
     quite aware mettlesome

ness of youth nonrefundable,
     non-reliable, and non-retrievable,
     and guaranteed continued
     pricking, viz nettlesome

degenerating aging telomeres,
     sensate perspicuity, and oxysomes
leaving a once robust person some
what discombobulated
     and easily toilsome.
Rebecca Joy Aug 2015
A camera flashes, you smile wide
Moment to moment; life is just a ride
A common metaphor for what it's worth
You were given this nonrefundable ticket at birth
Strapped in with a buckle by your parents
The unstated rules were quite self-evident
Sometimes you get filled with exhilaration in anticipation
But then it doesn't always meet all of your expectations
It can even break down during the hardest ordeals
So you learn patience sitting on top of this rickety Ferris Wheel
Fear settles in as you pray it doesn't all crash down
The courage to hold on is something to be found
As this old ride slows to a screeching halt
You feel a sense of despair at the thought
But a waste it does become to live with this worry
Life is just a ride, and the amusement park has plenty
What form of regret comes?

After a time, that was yours, for the victory

You failed to take it…..

Gaining back moments and lost time

Seemingly nonrefundable from history.

However, you gain desperation as a weight

trying to gamble your last few remaining

Hourglass chips on a hunch

Of what a moment shall win you

Sometimes losses wound an ego until such needs a crutch.

You look towards the sun

Wondering where all of your lost days have gone

You lost the game spending time planning your move

Now…it is you who must relearn life’s game

and relearn how to live each sand grain of the hourglass

and regain your Dance of Life … it’s miraculous Groove
Gr8Ryzyngz  Apr 2019
Know Refundz
Gr8Ryzyngz Apr 2019
What I want is irrelevant to you
What I need is paramountly
Conducive to my peace of mind
This ghetto, ratchet, chaotic
Way you choose to exist, Is sooo
Beneath the way I live my life
I cannot be who you want or need
Not when all you seem to be doing
Is wasting your life, and my very
Precious nonrefundable time...
You’re my object of desire
You’re my succulent, my sweet
My friend for every battle
In which we’ve never met defeat
You’re the air in which I breathe
My every want and need
You’re the love they tell in fairy tales
In every book you read
You’re my heart and passion
Of this, I will concede
You’re the red I see in roses
And my bandage when I bleed
You’re the fire in my sternum
The flash of sudden heat
The one that gives me goosebumps
Every time we meet
And that is nonrefundable
You can’t take back what’s truly mine
The feeling that you give to me
Every time you come to mind

— The End —