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Destiny be preordained
Plucked by Goddesses
Placed at thy temples.

Identify the petal,
Sight the flower
In a nursery,

Bring it home
And nurture thy
Flowerful destiny.
saryachan  Apr 2016
Vermouth Tree
saryachan Apr 2016
let’s run to the vermouth tree
let’s run up the bark
chipping off skin
showing smooth pane

you and me
you and me
you and me
you and me

we’ll be kings in our altitude

we’ll drink the sap
to makes us drowsy
we’ll take a nap
on the branches grand
like muscular thighs of amicable giants
planted right here in the sand

let’s run up the vermouth tree
and laze around like vagabonds
whose only inspiration is
to live
to long
and to live long

just like this horizontal wooden palace
which shall persist when we are gone
which shall resist broken innocence
for her branches always reach towards the sky
never regretting
or failing to try

its sweet earthiness
shall remind us
of the goodness of nature
as we drift to dreams

its sweet richness
reminds us of things
and magical

you and me
you and me
we’ll be befuddled atop her palms
held in her grace as we hang
as voluntary adornments
clinging on for love

returning home when the night’s to come.

until the setting sun greets us here
atop the cusp
flowerful smoke
defusing what’s become of us
while the clouds turn sad
at dusk
a must,
the rust
is true
and magnificent
and you and I
stay drunk.
Max Neumann  Sep 2020
For My Girl
Max Neumann Sep 2020
baby, you make me believe in me
don't you stop being wit me, yeah
shinin' stars are twinkling in your eyes
as your passion, like ember, is seductin' me

so ******', ******' seductive, can't leave you
we were apart for an hour, felt like a day
i am giving you all my strenghth, my warmth
i am giving you all my water, my water

in the moment of the splash, we floatin'
our dreams are on a scale, let's go for em
why are the heavens so orange-purple?
you must be messin' with the tides, babe

a flowful girl, flowerful, powerful, cute
words are without meaning, your eyes are
i will run for miles just to get your taste
alone, i'm no good, wit' you, we'll be prosperin'
For Milly
Teressia Feb 2017
we both have something in the care of our hands
but we will never share,
because somebody is a little too selfish,
It's either you or i,
and am not close to sure who?
if only that river kiss becomes nothing in that dream
and becomes something in this reality we are so fearful off
somebody got to be responsible for breaking this wall,
that we both had part in building,
I don't know about you, but i want it down
I'm grateful for the sunshine,
but i am waiting to enjoy it with you
the flowers are still blooming in my heart,
and I'm not ready to let them wither,
but when time decides later, they will wither on their own
Its been too long and nothing seemed to change,
just more sleepless nights and more day time fantasies,
midnight and daytime fantasies that are too good for reality
I'm curious to how far you've hold up,
because years have gone by here and again,
And this is how far I've come...
I've fallen a little deeper, a little too much everyday
In my memory only stayed smiles and sweet laughters of love,
that we rejected to acknowledge
I still wonder why we put up the walls?
be it that we have the same stories that we never shared?
I think felled a little more, a little too much for love that never arrived
I'm afraid to let go of my butterflies,
because i'm afraid i might never get the same kinds from anyone
I'm keeping my garden flowerful, colorful and bloomy for a love that might never arrive!
Michael Marchese Jun 2017
I'm back in the world
Where nothing makes sense
Except this existence
In past/future tense
In utopian Andes
I see ancient temples
The Inka my children
Move mountains to meet you
Build cities to greet you
Like Yavin 4 Rivendell
Fairy tales come true
For Shangri La lenses
Through which I have seen through
Become the cascading
And fuego throat truth spew
Of my stoic peaks
Where too much green to see blue
Is wild and thriving
In time is the essence
The stench of surviving
The sweet effervescence
My love evanescent
All relative bliss
In a world luminescent
A powerful cleansing
Of flowerful jungles
And showers replenishing
Buzzing bee bumbles
Who ride like the winds
As they uplift my wings
In a chorus of eagles
To harpyist strings
Yes indeed we're a breed
That is rare and in need
Of a high elevation
To teach and to lead
To share and to spread
Every bountiful seed
We are young and incredibly gifted and freed
By the journeys we take
To mortality's edge
Then we leap from the faith
Of a bungee jump ledge
For these trips into falls
Are immortal in dreams
So sublime and surreal
In our consciousness streams
As we turn up the offspring
The life here it teems
And we are the Mother Earth's
Ends to the means
The rust in the gears
Of deforest machines
Who dare cut us down
From the summits we've reached
When transcending the limits
Of Heavens we've breached
sandra wyllie Sep 2020
on different days. I wear
different hats. Stand in
different shoes. On some days it’s
hard to choose the hat

to wear. What character is like
the real person. I’m certain
each  has a role. At times, many
in toll. I dress them down. I dress them

up. Black, white or red. Some big
hearts, some big heads. Some from my
youth. They all shed light. Some run out on

me in their Nikes. Some sleep in my
bed while I'm awake talking about their
mistakes. Some lustful. Some shy. They’re
all flowerful, coy and spry.

— The End —