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 Feb 2015 Sammie
Liora Jensen
Two brilliant minds, they always clash;
an equally twisted & subfuscous past.
Intelligently designed by lonely stardust;
contradictory statements are always a must.
Born not to flesh, but to sky.
Dreams not of purpose, but life.
They live within our darkest desires,
most manifest when spoken in choir.
Long be the rule of us,
the creation who trips upon tongue.
When pens aren't enough to write,
return to our home; Starlight.
six word memoir.
inner struggle between pieces of ourselves.
 Oct 2014 Sammie
 Oct 2014 Sammie
Here are some things I know:
2+2 is always 4, in the center of an apple lies the core.
One foot is left and the other is right, you need lots of wind to fly a kite.
Puppies are soft and the earth moves slow, red means stop and green means go.
Clouds are white, the sky is blue, and I am absolutely, completely, in love with you.
Here is a happy poem for a change :) oh, and it rhymes.
© Alexandrea Biggs
 Oct 2014 Sammie
 Oct 2014 Sammie
just because I didn't say no,
doesn't mean I meant yes
 Oct 2014 Sammie
Joseph Schneider
Don't allow yourself to feel "dumb" or "stupid" based on your inability to achieve something you care little about.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
 Oct 2014 Sammie
Aaron Campbell
Say, "I love you three times."
Say it three more times.
Enjoy it now.
Say it again.
Say it three more times.
Say it three more times.
Enjoy it now.
Enjoy it now.
Enjoy it now.
You will miss it when it's gone.
Feel the words roll off of your tongue.
Do you mean it?
I do.
You don't mean it, do you?
I love you.
I love you.
I love you...
*You will miss it when it's gone.
You don't appreciate it now. You will appreciate it later.
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