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Ryan Clark Apr 2016
There are no heralds
to sing epics of this,
The Sea of Infinite.
its music is silence
in Nothingness

As I stare into the Void
It too stares unto me.
I am as empty as it;
We are one of the same,

Forever is a long time,
yet is only one infinite of many.
It has happened,
             is happening,
                      and will happen;
Yet when captured in a single moment
This too
Shall Pass
Ryan Clark Apr 2016
I saw the sun
in your eyes.
Like a moth to the flame
Burn me to my demise
How could we feel the same?
We were so blind...
Like Icarus in the sky
from such great heights.

We were such fools
to think we'd survive,
I don't know why
you'd let our light die.
Whats a boy to do,
without you by my side?
Guess I'll pack my things
and ride into the starry night.

Don't know where I'll go
but I'll be all right.
Burn a candle for my soul
in the pale twilight.
Now I head down this road
Yet my head still hangs high
Because I Will find myself
a Home

another song i wrote in poem form
Ryan Clark Apr 2016
Falling through the fold
Tis another day
The cage bird sings
                 yet he is not free
His song is of prophets
and rabbits who are late
His peace is left to
the turn of a page

I take my time
Looking through the looking glass
Am I moving too slow?
Am I moving too Fast?
I feel small
but I'm Growing big
I try to find peace
But one foot is in the grave

The Caterpillar blew his smoke at me
It tried to wake the joker
                          yet he was asleep
Instead the hatter took his business
                                                        to the keep
Only to be beheaded
                           by the red queen.

I take my time
Looking through the looking glass
Am I moving too slow?
Am I moving too Fast?
I feel small
but I'm Growing big
I try to find peace
But one foot is in the

The Dealer draws the cards
The name of the game?
I look for hearts
                        yet only find spades
I wonder if I should even play
I bet it all
pretending to be brave
Only to loose

We are all just hatters in this world
We puff out smoke pretending to be caterpillars
When in truth we are venturing further down the rabbit hole
*Then who looks through the looking glass?
Adapted from a song I wrote.
Ryan Clark Apr 2015
Gasping relentlessly
praying for air
I leave my body
as though I'm not there

I look upon my mangled corps
barely breaking

Blood paints the arena
I fear my time is neigh
I slowly slip away
blinded by the light

In this time of vicious onslaught
Memories flash before me
bringing me away from here
shrouding me with inner peace

Strings of familiar words
begin dancing in my head
tonged by those
who have always lent helping hand

"What are you doing?"
"Get on Your feet!!!"
" **** it up and drive on!!"

The moment is now silenced
beget a ringing in my ear
my vision fades to grey
the man that stands before me prey

I reanimate
as a legion of the dead
my lungs no longer draw breath
nor thoughts within my head

A smile bares
As I throw him off
My reddened teeth
lead my assault

Enraged fever
bolstering my hands

A shadow of a man
sways and drops
my thirst is quenched
my furry paused

I reflect a moment
as I hear the ring
Again I stand
In *Victory
The final piece in the victory trilogy ( ha that rhymes) ... well for now anyway
Ryan Clark Apr 2015
What is hatred
if not fear of self
upon reflective point
to blinded eye
Ryan Clark Apr 2015
Broken hearts
          Broken home
                      Broken bonds
My mind
          My heart
                  My love

No longer can we sustain
As foundation crumbles beneath our feet
This ship we built
has fallen to sunken sails.

As water rises
Waves strike bow
It fills our boat
and weighs us down

All I've taste for weeks is salt
From my eyes,
         My brow
                My cheeks
I bite my tong in fear
I beg you to change course
Yet you alone Captain this ship
 Blind to ensuing storm.

My heart is to heavy to swim my love
So I must bid retreat.
The thought of loosing you to Davey Jones
Set action upon me.

You cry mutiny
I just cry
It is not a lack of love
Just changing of the tides

How could we have foreseen
this voyage to meet its end.
We were green and rash
Dreaming of an endless journey off into the sunset...
I'm going to seriously come back to this one and revise. I thought it was perfect but one tiny change led to another and now its far from.
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