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Ryan Clark Apr 2015
Sumer, Winter
shine, or rain,
Doesn't matter
its all the same.
Miles are miles.
They have nothing to say.
Littered with sweat;
Haunted by pain

Our backs are broken
Knees begin to give out
Blister upon blister;
yet none fall out
We are to tired to gripe,
so onward we  roam
into the night.

For all of our troubles;
all of our plight
Its just another day
that burdens no ones mind.
Thankless tasks
that consume our lives
If only we knew
When we signed those lines.

Turkey dinner,
and funerals
replaced by miles,
burnt out bodies,
and restless hearts

For What?

We stare at other soldiers
and wonder why,
we alone
are bastardized.
After all,
does god not love the Infantry?  
****** fools are we

It will never change.
It is
as it always will be.
A few good men
straight to the butcher.
like cattle.

Its funny though.
Given a second chance
I'd still wear my blue chord
Standing again an Infantryman.
For all of the ****,
For all of the take
I'd rather be a broken *******
than a *****.
I had some time today and came up with this. Please dont be offended by the last line, its a very common Infantry mentality that I wished to  emphasize. If you don't under stand try not to give it much though and pass this poem up.
Ryan Clark Feb 2015
It is hard to grasp the stars,
when you stare at the dirt;
and only see your calloused hands.

You look forward;
yet see nothing.
You look behind
and feel regret.
Your body
Your mind

There is no sense of direction
There is no inspiration
starring upon your calloused hands

You, *** and bang
against the grain,
rambling on;
Not knowing
if you move,
Forward or

Time doesn't stand
Only your task at hand
starring upon your calloused hands.

Friends and family
are just a luxury.
they will be gone,
leaving you,
to grind away...

The task is complete;
Looking down to see
Nothing ... but your winkled hands.
Not my fav., but I'm trying not to loose inspiration. This is a fee form
Ryan Clark Feb 2015
I am the sacrificial lamb
To your Jihad
You are the target
To my warpath;
If we should never
cross paths in battle
Let there be no animosity
between us
Let us meet
In Valhalla
No anger, just business.
Ryan Clark Feb 2015
Another sleepless night
Binds, passes, burdens, and concludes
there is still tommorrow
One am and I have work at 6am. 11 hours a day, 5 days a week sometimes more... Lol why do I do this to myself. I guess I'm just so excited I'm writing again.
Ryan Clark Feb 2015
A still frame hangs in my mind.
A moment...
           A precious timepiece...
                     That parted uncontested.

When my pen laid still.
My hands followed my feet.
I surrendered my name.
           and rambled towards destiny

Years flew by,
My mind relaxed.
My thoughts were tired;
So I set them free.
And In my steadfast
My fleshy skin was replaced by Iron and Lead.

New found strength
prospected future glory
I rambled
carrying the ashes
of my artistic self.

In these times
I had no face.
Yet passion and sweat
gave me a name.
As I yelled it out
my passion began ablaze

Thus rose the phoenix
My mind to breath once  more
                   to reflect
                      to broaden
                         to keep

From this I now know
that behind the mask of ordinary
The things I treasure most
Are within the fields of my control
I am the same
Yet different.

Conflict is my Nature
Cunning is my Strength
Passion is my Art.
Now I am strong enough
To bear both pen and sword
I'm back
This is my first poem in a long while. I had to stop and take a break because of writers block. It's been  while since I tried writing poetry again. I may be missing my target abit, but I'm sure it'll come back to me. Fingers crossed **
Ryan Clark Feb 2015
I am a hawk without wings
flying above  trees.
Salty wind hits my face;
I smile.

The land beneath me sings
bounty and beautiful scenes.
I gaze
It passes me by.

I am left to stare.
No thoughts to spare
by my haste.

My smile fades,
the time is neigh.
I descend
and clear my mind.

The helicopter hits
I feel the thud
First our packs
Then our guns

The roar amplifies
then fades away.
No longer am I a hawk.
Now I am a snake.
Hey guys it has been a hot minute since I last wrote a poem. Its been a crazy and hectic 2 years for me and I have accomplished alot, however it has not left me alot of time to think. I'm not really feeling the flow like I use to but I'm sure I'll warm back up once I pop a few more of these out and pick it back up... needless to say... I'm BACK (-&
Ryan Clark Feb 2013
Cherry Blossoms bloom
Their new
found love, breaks my heart
I leave her for War
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