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15.1k · Oct 2015
Goodbye Lullabies
R Oct 2015
Your smile is the moon
It brightens even the darkest of times
Your laughter is a wind chime on a windy day
Loud and cheerful
Your hugs are blankets
Warm and comforting
Your voice is a soft breeze
Singing me goodnight lullabies

Soon, Your smile is a blank canvas
Your laughter is a small wave
Your hugs are cold
Your voice is a loud unbearable e song
And I sing you goodbye lullabies
as your breath becomes chimney smoke
986 · Oct 2015
Masked Emotions
R Oct 2015



Im falling apart
I can't keep going through this
I'm fine
Nobody knows what's underneath
876 · May 2016
Love is...
R May 2016
Love is such a weird thing.
It makes you cry, laugh, scream, hate.
Love controls all.
To love is to control your emotions, your family, your life.

Love and hate are very similar in some ways.
The emotions caused by both are thrown around
causing so much trouble in a lot of people's lives.
To love is to want and need.

Pain is also like love.
It's what comes with it.
A big package that nobody signs up for willingly.
To love is to have a ticking time bomb in your pocket.

To have pain
is to have hate
is to be in love.

How could such a small word
have such a big meaning?

So, what is love?
Is it pain?
Or is it something most of us have not experienced yet?
Making us quick to judge those who have.
729 · Dec 2015
Mama says...
R Dec 2015
Mama says I'm skinny
I cry as I throw up tonight's dinner
Mama says I'm beautiful
I paint endless layers to hide my true face
Mama says I'm smart
I have a mental breakdown in the bathroom during school because I failed a quiz
Mama says I'm perfect
But how can I be perfect if all I feel is pain
How can I be perfect if I can count every flaw
How can I be perfect with so many imperfections
There's no such thing as perfect
690 · Mar 2016
R Mar 2016
she walks hand in hand with the thing that will eventually **** her
she blows soft kisses in the wind
empty I love you's

the thing says
"I know you can't live without me"
and disappears

The girl screams silently

The thing comes back
to her funeral
and says
"I knew you couldn't live without me"
659 · Oct 2015
You Never Helped
R Oct 2015
Do anything

Save me

Where are you

I'm drowning in my thoughts

They're eating me alive

I've waited so long for you

You never showed

I'm pulling the trigger
*possibly triggering to some viewers* this is just how I feel sometimes (trigger is not supposed to represent a real gun)
577 · Jan 2016
R Jan 2016
Please save me from insanity
I'm drowning in my thoughts
10 words poem
508 · Jul 2017
A cocoon man
R Jul 2017
you are
a soft ripple in a pond
but you are also a huge 10ft wave during high tide

Was it her pixie hair cut? no?
how about her blue eyes?
no? not that either?
since when did curly brown hair and green eyes not become your type?

Daddy, the trust we put in you was far more than we should have
we all should have known-
you were here, but you were never really here Daddy.
you've cause so much pain
so much unbearable pain
in me, in your son, in your wife
so, daddy when do you plan on becoming the butterfly? when you do you plan on taking responsibility in realizing you're breaking us apart. you're shattering the fragile glass mirror that's reflecting the people who love you most.
daddy, i don't even love you anymore.
daddy, do you even love you anymore?
R Oct 2015
The man runs
The girl screams
He grabs her
She is unconscious
He carries her through a crowd
Only he knows what will happen
He got her
This is about **** and how fast it can happen and how it is not as serious of an issue as it should be. (both characters can be portrayed as either gender)
354 · Jun 2017
R Jun 2017
My eyes are lifeless and swollen
My cheeks are speckled with the dried tears of yesterday's sadness
My hands are weak
My whole body is weak

I am not able to hold myself up anymore
The empty cage of my body crumbles to the ground and becomes dust
The wind, crisp and lively, sweeps me away and I am one with the small particles of the earth
I am one with the known but not ever seen

As I flow carelessly there is peace
Peace of mind that I will no longer have to hold myself up
I will no longer have to bear the weight of all that life seems to anchor down onto my shoulders.
I am dust
I am free
347 · Oct 2015
Crashing Waves
R Oct 2015
Crashing waves
Destroying the sand
Beneath it

Crashing waves
Creating new land

Crashing waves
Drowning out the noise
Of those who are screaming

Crashing waves
Fade back into the sea
Taking those who have screamed
Those who have tried
Those who have wandered aimlessly
338 · Dec 2015
Invisible Marks
R Dec 2015
the invisible marks your fingertips left on my skin
remind me of the days you told me you loved me
and it's killing me to know you love her more
it's killing me to know that you touch her the way you touched me
it's killing me to know that her name rolls off your tongue
you were the one perfect thing
i can't keep going
i can't keep know that you and her...
that you and her are more perfect than us
321 · Mar 2016
10 Words
R Mar 2016
I wish you good luck as you cut me down...
315 · Oct 2015
Tossed Words
R Oct 2015
The word love is tossed around these days
There is no meaning

But if you find someone who means it even more than you do, cherish them.
It may be one of the only chances you'll get.
305 · Nov 2015
So Close To Destruction
R Nov 2015
As I sit here in silence
I think
Was not going thru with certain plans really worth it?

Was telling someone
About my depression
What really saved me?

Because here I am
Going thru exactly what I went thru
2 years ago

The trigger never seemed so close to me
And no I don't mean a gun
I mean the thing that will send me over edge
Is right at my finger tips
294 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
I feel like I'm losing my mind
The thoughts that constantly roll through
The tears that constantly fall  
The unheard screams for help
I finally realize
There is nobody who can give me the help I need
267 · Jan 2016
R Jan 2016
stop asking me to trust you
when i'm still coughing up water
from the last time you let me drown
257 · May 2016
8 Words
R May 2016
You love me but you love her more
246 · Jun 2017
R Jun 2017
my fingers scribble on the sidewalk in red
they are wet chalk being drenched over and over with the blood from my veins that are clogged except at the tips of my fingers which trace over the marks you left on my skin
I fill in the petal of the red rose but ***** my fingers on your thorns
You are dangerous yet beautiful
You are a black rose in a field of red
You are the one that beautifies death
You are a forest fire
You are....
205 · Sep 2018
R Sep 2018
Your eyes are the soft waves of a clear ocean
Voice, soft and stern
Skin, lively, spotted
Your laugh a soft hum of a violin
Your lips a soft, flushed rose petal
Heart, full, as mine is full for you

— The End —