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 Sep 2017 Roanne Manio
I fell in love
not with you
but the way
you validated me
when you grew tired
and could not hold my sorrows
in your shaking hands
I felt nothing
I laid my worth on you
full forced and terribly
I loved you not
for who you were
but who you let me be
and I am sorry
 Aug 2017 Roanne Manio
paper and ink
that's all it takes
for someone
to be immortalized
 Aug 2017 Roanne Manio
Grind it up
Roll it up
Spark it up
Smoke it

Inhale, Exhale
Don't waste it
Inhale until you feel it in your eyes, your mind and your chest
As you exhale, let your worries leave as well as your stress

Inhale, Exhale
Don't be so serious
Have a little fun
Play with your smoke
Round your mouth and blow some o's
Inhale through the right pipe and Make the smoke leave through your nose

Inhale, Exhale
Don't stand up, Just sit down
Sink back, Lay back
Close your eyes, Relax your mind

Inhale, Exhale
Enjoy the temporary serenity
Enjoy the temporary silence
Cause after it has ran it's course
It always comes back
My skin that bled for days
And I thought I might drown in such blood
Barley breathing
He came to heal my wounds
My new skin
Covering my lashes and panic
To bring new light.
To bring new hope.
But yesterday I fell
And I scraped my hands and cracked my head open
I sat there and watched the blood run down my body
I watched the blood drip from my mascara painted eyelashes
And my tears made a ****** mess
I tasted like cheap copper
Little by little I faded away
Because my new skin was ruined
And I couldn't see it anymore
My new skin had vanished
All his light
All my hope
He vanished from me and I was forever more just a blood stain on the street
Alone in my castle
Some still say that I miss you
On the street and behind closed doors
They all whisper about you
I can't help but hear them but I pretend that I don't
Curious lips and watchful eyes
They follow me like some damsel
I walk past them with poise as if you were here still
But I continue through this dreadful gate
To begin another night alone in my castle
Thump. Thump. Thump.
That's the sound of your heart,
Thump. Thump. Thump.
That means you are alive,
Thump. Thump. Thump.
All of your cells, all of your beautiful cells,
Thump. Thump. Thump.
They are here for you,
Thump. Thump.
You didn't listen.
Thump. Thump.
You didn't care.
Thump. Thump.
You were in so much pain,
Thump. Thump.
The bullying,
The screaming,
The pain
Everything, stopped,
Including the pain.
 Jan 2017 Roanne Manio
Luna Lynn
i know i love you
and i know we're
i know we're strong
so please just
i know it's hard
it's life
they say
so let's try and
cherish today
i don't like
talks that
expose our flaws
is not who we are
we are warmth
we are laughter
we are one
you are my life
i am your moon
you are my sun
having moments just like
day and night
we see rain
we feel thunder
but the rotation
it's just right

will **** us both
if we don't seek affirmation
we've both been
down to the ash
on our knees
we've both given to God
our needs
and turn to each other
to be free
so you go be you
and i'll go and be me
remember in who
they become
it will still be "we"
cast away your doubts
i will bury mine below
i choose to love you forver
and forever you'll know
(Maxwell 2017)
For once I did not secretely crave his rescue.
I did not want to be scooped up
And have my pain smoothed over
By kisses.

I wanted to sit alone
Hold my pain in tightened fists
and stare at the wall.

As if I was looking for an answer to my misery.
Staring for another world to hide in but all I saw was a blank slate
And when I pressed my forehead
To the cold paint,
I did not hear an echo
Or a whisper to help solve my problem.

All that there was in this room
Was empty

Including me.
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