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 Jan 2015 Rianna
There once was a boy who loved the moon,
He wasn't liked the rest.
For him, the girls would swoon,
Devotion proved a test.

The girls would come and go,
All with broken hearts.
"I hate you, boy" he said, "I know",
Bluntness was his art.

Then she came and made him feel,
He knew it'd be his doom.
But when they kissed, it felt so real..
He considered becoming a groom.

Then one day she decided to leave,
The boy didn't know what to do,
Without the girl he couldn't breathe.
He thought she felt that way too..

Finally one night, he figured it out,
But it wasn't something to boon.
He was sure, without a doubt,
She was the girl who loved the moon.
What goes around, comes around.
 Jan 2015 Rianna
I dont want you to write me poetry
I can do that for both of us

I dont want you to compare my eyes to sunset
Or, my mind to some sea of undiscovered depth
I just want you to see me for who im-
Dully ordinary in all my deeds

I dont want you to be breathtakingly handsome
We could be too cute for two ugly people

I dont want you to speak all those fancy big words
And get me a bouqet of rose every night
Just be there with me, be my light, when all i see is in shades of blacknwhite
And on the brightest day, tolerate my lights if i outshine you

I don't want you to understand each action of mine; to decode every word
Just promise not to give up on trying; never give up on me

I dont want you to fix me
Just be patient with me while i glue back all that is left from my last heartbreak
I might run in opp. Direction at your approach
But ill always find my way back to you

I don't want you to give me forevers and mouthful of nevers
Time is a ****, as we both know*

If you can and if you may,
Just love me in this very moment
Cause forever is nothing but all these moments stitched together

I dont't want you to tell me you love me
But please, just do love me
 Jan 2015 Rianna
 Jan 2015 Rianna
I do not still love him
I just love that it still hurts
Because pain is the only thing you feel
When you've got nothing but frayed nerves.
There are those
Who you cry over
Tears stream down
When you know
That those you loved
Left or betrayed
And you cry because
You loved them
And because a part of you
Still does
Because they were perfect
And because you
Still want the old them
They have changed
But you cry for the future
That could have been

But now my eyes are dry
And it's not because
I go with out pain
You hurt me and fight me
But I don't cry
Because you don't deserve
My pain
And you definatly
Don't deserve my
Everything is a joke;
you get it or you don't.

If you don't:
the joke is on you.
If you do:
the joke is on you.

You see, in Life,
it must be learned
how to laugh with it,
to address it head on;
lest ye be forever ******
wallowing in darkness, fear, and ignorance.

we all are victims
of cosmic punch lines.

Laugh with it:
it always gets
the last laugh.
 Jan 2015 Rianna
 Jan 2015 Rianna
I am a child of the ocean
*undulating and cold
peaceful and warm
All my best work
seems to be done
when there's a task
that oughtta be done.
That's why I carry a notebook.
 Jan 2015 Rianna
Tim Eichhorn
The ground has become lava.
In utter panic, I grab hold,
swaying my arms preventing
my limbs from falling into the
fiery pit below. I successfully
infiltrate the castle guarded by
the opposition, avoiding any sign
of imperial forces. My rebel forces
have taken control of the aerial strikes,
and once they get enough momentum,
they will bombard any of the imperials that dare
destroy my sacred mission. The objective is in sight, so
I take hold of the target, secure my arms nice and tight…
 Jan 2015 Rianna
Devon Webb
I won't let my
heart be broken
by someone
who doesn't know
how it was
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