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Ris Jul 2016
As the sky cries,
I think back on you. 

The way I silently broke
myself by loving you. 
The way I crossed 
my own boundaries 
to be in your arms. 

It was my own fault. 
I should had seen that
our love would never last. 
I just wish my feelings 
for you would fade as quickly 
as you disappeared out of my world.
Ris Dec 2017
Little, little monster
Do not fear
I'm not here to harm you

Little, little monster
I'm here to help
You can be my friend

Little, little monster
Come on out
From under my bed

Little, little monster
There you are
Don't mind the knife
Ris Jul 2016
If I'm crying, can I use your shoulder?
Or will you take my hand and show me
your collection of jars stored with
my years of tears?

Will you show me each year
and tell me the stories behind them?
Will we go through each tale to
I'm crying again?

Will you dry my wet eyes and tell me
you have no more room for my tears?
Will you delete my broken memories
to I have no need to cry again?
My first poem posted on here, I hope you like it!
Ris Jul 2016
Pretty, pretty butterfly,
do not cry.
This is not the end,
so please smile again.

Pretty, pretty butterfly,
you're the strongest of us.
Don't let them hurt you,
instead fly with the wind.

Show them, that you're so much more
than just a pretty butterfly.

- Ris

— The End —