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 Feb 2015 Riley Lynne
on your first date you learn she takes her coffee
cooler than the starless sky
and by the end of the night you learn
she likes her showers hotter than the seventh sun
stepping out from the tub with her skin scrubbed
a scarlet hue that demands to be kissed until
dusk turns to dawn before your sleepless eyes

you wonder why she sweeps her hair to the side
after she says goodbye in the morning
why she seems so ******* guarded
all of the time
but you never ask
because you are afraid she may answer

she says she's never been in an accident
and you incorrectly assume
she is referring to a car
you swear up and down that she ought to be by now
because of the fashion in which she drives
like a madman
she says she doesn't believe in speed limits
or limits of any kind for that matter
she likes to get to where she's going and
she likes to get there fast
she's the kind of girl who doesn't believe in
taking things slow
maybe because she doesn't know how
or maybe because she doesn't want to know

she told me she loved me three weeks
before we got together by means of
mediocre poetry and a smile that
at the time
I couldn't quite understand

she says she's never been in an accident
and you incorrectly assume
she isn't referring to
all of the time
she spent
 Feb 2015 Riley Lynne
 Feb 2015 Riley Lynne
How does it feel
to burn a hole into the evening?
Before our skins touch--let's sleep; let's heal
Not quick enough, yet
Still as an electric shark
All you're meant to be,
you are.

Mirror him; whisper him
Fly through his fingers!
Let's be stuck; let's be bound
Let's believe in what we found
Will you stay, or will you break?
Brother, it's insatiable ache
Will you walk away? Expectation
fills the space
where two lines

Sweet child, I have enough time
for you. So
let's plan for sunrise;
let's give in-
to low sighs.
Our haunt; our gaze
Our moment gently waits.

These chunks of flame devour pain
Dress us up in gasoline.
Like a spell; like a dream.
But I can't teach if
You're a machine,
and I wonder
if you know
how much I'd like to go
down deep

rising fast
sing and dance
scream what's left--
Not quick enough, yet
Still as an electric shark
All you're meant to be,
you are.
 Feb 2015 Riley Lynne
Face to face
gritting teeth
where sleep is my enemy
death is my best friend
my body is stripped
on your bed
cold like an operating table
and sticking to my skin enough
that it just might be.
I can't pull it away
without wishing it was off
I can't sit in a white room
without puking up last night's breakfast
and I might let you split me open
minus your doctors degree
******* insides
banana-strawberry smoothie
with a dash of something evil
a flavor that has always made your taste buds tremble
with disgusting delight.
Tell me again
with a scalpel in your hand
why you're giving up now?
I'm tired of being alive
I'm tired of not wanting to be alive
I'm tired of having responsibilities
I'm tired of pretending like everything is okay
I'm tired of going to a house that 'im suppose to call my “home ” but it’s not that at all
Its a roof over my head to keep me warm but not to keep me sane
I'm insane
I'm tired of thinking i'm insane
I'm tired of arguing
I'm tired of having to put in headphones to block out the world
I'm tired of living in a world where money is the number one priority because without money you have nothing
I'm tired of the world
i'm tired of writing about my feelings
I'm tired of hiding my feelings
I'm tired of feelings
I'm tired of thinking
I'm tired of breathing
I'm tired of being tired ..

****** noses and abortion.
Bars and a baby boy.
Ciggs and eye liner.
Your child is a ******* all because of you.
One mind driven by one thing.
Your talk is **** about cowardly things.
Jonesin’ so hard even M.r Jones is praying for you.

Let me tell you one thing, I will never end up like you.
I will do as you didn’t, so from my heart to your black hole, I swear to god I promise,
all you have to remember is,
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