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3.8k · Nov 2014
The toy I'll never give up
The Flipped Word Nov 2014
It’s a struggle waking up everyday
It’s a struggle having to smile
It’s a struggle to hold back familiar tears
I’m tired of living a lie

I entertain these bizarre thoughts
Dreams and scenarios in my head
Such a mess, such confusion
The same thing over and over again

I wish I could stop obsessing
I wish I actually had a life
God, I wish I could let you go
And finally cut all ties

But in reality, I know what I’ll do
It’s gonna be hard to closeup
I’m sick of always having around
You’re just a toy I’ll never give up
3.6k · Feb 2014
The Closed Door
The Flipped Word Feb 2014
There lies a closed door in all our lives
In love or friendship, hardships or tries
Between you and me, there is one such door
Which I long to open rather than look through the hole

But there it stands, gathering rust
Waiting to be re approached, like our trust
For you, my dear, don't have the key
And I'm too scared to find out what will be

We try in vain, the hammers of words
To break the barriers, to re emerge
But all it does is dully ache
And slowly away our memory it takes

So I look through the hole
With a hope that's nauseating
That you too are looking through it
That you too are waiting
2.9k · Jun 2015
The Flipped Word Jun 2015
The thirsty cracked grounds
Piling up of starved mounds
All yearned, their tongues out
For the taste of rain, thunderous sound

The flowers drooped sadly before this
The green grass turned yellow and crisp
All their colours were fading away
Before you drenched them with torrential rain

So beautiful how the clouds meet
with the faraway earth, watery greet
So self-sacrificing how the skies cry
To satiate their lover, the lands dry

Thus this reunion happens once more
Each other's soul these lovers restore
But are joined together only to be torn apart
Poor cursed lovers, they're nature's art

Ah what selfless love is this!
The skies die to give the lands a kiss
And though they mayn't be together anymore
Their aromas lay intertwined; petrichor
Petrichor (/ˈpɛtrɨkɔər/) is the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil
2.0k · Apr 2016
The Delhi heat
The Flipped Word Apr 2016
The Whirring of the fan in the dark
As I lay on the cotton sheet
Sleep eluding me, perspiration finding me
This blasted Delhi heat

In the burning orange of the noon
The rickshaw tires play with the dust
And all is silent like a black n white film
It's just screaming in the color of rust

Neem trees, dried leaves
And the buzzing of the evening flies
Time to chase the ice lollies vendor
As the temple bell tolls by

Along comes the night again
Heaving and spewing, choking on fiery stars
Already restless for the next season
Oh why are Delhi winters so far
1.2k · Apr 2014
I can't write like you
The Flipped Word Apr 2014
I can't write like you do
I can't really compose
Grace has always eluded me
In movement and in prose

You write of such big things
But they are still all the same
Me? I can't really toy
With ideas so insane

I'm not a professional wordsmith
My art hasn't been trained
When I write, the words flow easy
Unabashed and Untamed

You and your words are sculpted
Precisely, with finesse
But with a subdued gloss and lack luster
So twisted so suppressed

And now I see my dear self
Finally in a clear way
Not in my movements or in the glass
but on my inked page

So if you ask me, dear self
Which cage do I choose?
I'd choose my dented brass one
Instead of your golden noose.
1.2k · Jan 2014
Creatures Of the Night
The Flipped Word Jan 2014
They loom in the dark with bated breadths
Burdened souls and weighted steps
As the innocence in the world slumbers away
That's when they rise, come out to play

It is supposedly a kingdom of dark
Waiting to be pierced, waiting for a spark
Shedding light like jealousy sheds love
To lurk drearily in their raw alcove

They don their darkness, adorn it with their scars
Like the many universes dotted with burning stars
And so they fight the demons of life
In slumber and wake, their war for light

They carry their shackles within themselves
Forgotten like those books on dusty shelves
Ruling and ruled upon, a twisted fight
Waiting to ambush. These Creatures of the Night
1.1k · Feb 2014
Words Get In The Way
The Flipped Word Feb 2014
There's so much to do, so much to say
But words always get in the way
Restricting the meaning, the true emotion
Showing the anger, hiding the devotion

It's a strange thing, a cause of distress
How words are the reason we can't really express
A fake freedom granted, without an end
Restricting any chance to actually comprehend

I want to tell you so many things
Words, that only happiness bring
There is still so much left to say
But, words always get in the way
1.1k · Feb 2016
Summers with my mother
The Flipped Word Feb 2016
Veins of leafy plants creeping and
Peeping from the cracks in the wall of stone
As the koyal sat regally and chirped
On its wooden branch of a throne

Out in the veranda sitting
Cross legged as you tugged
My messy long tresses with coconut oil
And made that wretched braid I loathed

The smell of ripe mangoes lingered
In the summer air and starry night
As I lay on my back on the folding bed-which was as ancient as my grandma-
And tried to decipher those stars in all my childlike might

Running barefoot in the haveli corridors
Built in that old colonial style
Chasing you as you outran me in your sarree
Almost as if I was chasing my dreams

I remember the playful teasing
As you became a child with me
I also picture grandma's white haired bun
And the flyaway hair coming loose as she chased after me

I remember those lazy peaceful afternoons
When dreams exceeded reality
It was a droning hum of a life
I miss it all so dearly

So whenever I want to go back to you, mum
To visit those summer glows
I just close my eyes and think of that haveli
And once again I smell the mangoes
I wrote this poem while thinking about the summer vacations we used to get and how my mother would take me to my nana's haveli
The Flipped Word Feb 2014
These floating possibilities in my head
End in happiness, end in dread
To which oft I ignorant lay
Unknown to reality, a protected stray

Whirring continuously in my mind
Warring for supremacy, these thoughts wild
Always encounter, always collide
Like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Blurry shapes sometimes do take the form
Of a thousand suns, of a thousand storms
Re Materialize then again
Poking and teasing my strained brain

These lingering "could be"s stay afloat
Demanding my attention, demanding me to take note
That I still am right where I was
With an un acknowledged uniqueness and deliberate flaws
1.1k · Dec 2014
Peace for Peshawar
The Flipped Word Dec 2014
Innocent eyes, Innocent lives
the day the world lost it's light
In times that are so dark and dreary
Hope only breeds eternal misery

Little toddlers trickling in
preteens just going about
Teenagers just about to begin
All like chalk, were wiped out

Witnesses to horrific crimes
it'd have been better if they were blind
What was their fault, i ask
they hadn't even begun their lives

One death murdered two
a child's death killed his parents too
What was their pathetic excuse
to embarrass humanity,such abuse

Oh those young supple lives
How great was love's demise
So many worlds jolted with shock
Of how humanity came to a full stop.
1.1k · Jun 2015
Desires of the Youth
The Flipped Word Jun 2015
I desire to be loved
I desire to be held
I desire to find someone
That makes my heart melt

I desire to travel the world
I desire to wide-eyed see
Every inch of our universe
Every nook and cranny

I desire to be fire
I desire to be ice
I want to be my own yin and yang
ah I want to suffice

I desire to achieve
I desire to bring pride
For myself and my family
Only confidence in my stride

I desire to touch lives
I desire to make a difference
I desire to leave a bigger effect
To leave my own print

I desire so much
It's the magic of youth you see
Right now everything's possible
If i just allow myself to dream

So when I grow wrinkly and old
And have quenched all these fires
I hope I still have the courage
And the freedom to let myself desire
1.0k · Nov 2014
The Flipped Word Nov 2014
Let’s climb up the bed and adjust the fluff
Let’s just sleep because being awake is so tough
Let’s shut the blinds and draw the curtains
Let’s be comforted by the mild darkness so certain
Let’s close the windows and shut the doors
Let’s be embraced by those welcoming blackholes
Let’s leave everyone else out just you and me
Because all I really want is some privacy.
1.0k · Dec 2013
And so I look on
The Flipped Word Dec 2013
I watch beauty at its work
Watching it unfold
Like a sunrise in summer
First gentle then an explosion of gold

I watch grace as it hums
To a melody or two
Too unapologetic yet not brazen
Lost in her own blues

I watch happiness as it glides
Innocent in its strokes
It stays but for a little while
Then away it floats

I watch innocence as it melts
Like an eclectic winter snowflake
Dancing and moving like the wind
Leaving warmth in its wake

And so I watch, a mere spectator
As she, in all her glory manifests
Too spellbound by her enigmatic being
Her beauty encompassing the best
975 · Nov 2015
Midnight musings
The Flipped Word Nov 2015
Put out a crisp white sheet
On the harder mahogany desk
Keep the pen ready and
Make the light ambient
Fold your arms
And close your eyes
Sit and wait
For the ideas to strike
Hold still! Don't move
Or you'll chase them away
And be left in the dark
With darkness barely at bay
As the trickling movements
Get reduced to peaceful sleep
You'll sit on that unforgiving wooden chair
Waiting for words to come and greet
So rub those furrowed eyebrows
And coax that pensive mind
Ignore the calls your bed sounds
Keep it waiting through the night
It is then when you're ready
To almost pull your hair and scream
That the elusive minx will tiptoe up to you
And tap on your shoulders gently
Be grateful to yourself my friend
For not giving up
Because when you stain the paper it'll  be red
You'll rhyme with your blood
962 · Nov 2013
Poetic Vacancies
The Flipped Word Nov 2013
Emptiness staring back at me, not of the paper but my soul indeed.
Shaking hands try to come up with something, an idea to pen down atleast.
This vast emptiness scares me the most for, devoid of my creativity
I'm just like the others, so incomplete myself. An entirely faceless entity
I always turn to this paper and pen, in hope of letting myself flow
Because this plain God doesn't judge when I thus let myself go
When you write, you write down a part of yourself. A part you never even knew existed
And what happens when you don't know what to write of? You're limited, you're restricted
I write not to impress. For I know my musings are hardly worthy of praise.
But it's how I complete myself when I connect to the paper in such unnatural ways.
So, I write, I soar, I fly. This is how I dance
And now and then, ever so lovingly, I give my soul a glance.
934 · Dec 2013
Hey there! Slow Down
The Flipped Word Dec 2013
So many lives buzzing past us
Each lost in its own misery
****** in the oceans of doubt and despair
Drowning in others' judgemental scrutiny

Who really understands their insignificance
Too caught up in their thoughts bizarre
Too misled by their empty passions
About how minute they are

If only everyone could see
The bigger things that surround
That there's so much more than money & fame
How all around us beauty abounds

Maybe beings are ignorant on purpose
Or their visions are just clouded
By the mist of self-obsession
Or ambition & envy shrouded

There are so many lives whirring away
With you just in the background
So can't you take yourself a little less seriously
Can't you just slow down?
921 · Nov 2013
I Dreamt Of You
The Flipped Word Nov 2013
I dreamt and I saw the sky,
The sky above the trees
I saw the truth among the stars
The truth about you and me

I dreamt and I saw the world,
The world for what it was
I found you there in everything
The happiness and the chaos.

I dreamt and I saw from height,
A bird eye view of all
I saw you, higher, stronger and better
Than every brazen wall.

I dreamt and I saw a flower sweet,
A simple beauty alone
I felt you there, nurturing it.
Beautifying every ugly seed sown.

I dreamt and I saw a story,
A story yet untold
It was a beautiful myth, full of colors
About us, audacious and bold.

And thus I dreamt on and on,
Floating perfunctorily
I felt you there in my heart
Dreaming along with me.
883 · Dec 2013
Sounds Of the Soul
The Flipped Word Dec 2013
Slipping off the luscious ivory 
Tumbling fingers melting to nature's symphony 
A dip here, a hustle there 
The strings bent in their own misery 
But a gentle uprising, still beginning 
The pulsing anger in the soulful sound 
Ebbing away gently to be bound 
By the shackles of self, isolated limitations 
Flowing reflectively in its melodious imitations 
A broken heart looking for solace
 But finding music instead 
Tinkles hopefully
Realizing that it's too soon to be dead...
860 · Apr 2016
Should've written it down
The Flipped Word Apr 2016
Guess I should've written it down
Long ago when it had entered my mind
It's  like all the ink bled right out
From the pen I've been ignoring for a while
Almost as if the words got tired of being tired
And walked away from this tunnel of a mind
They dutifully packed up their bags and left
Trudged on into the night
And try as I might now, to place that typewriter
The sounding of the keys sounds hollow
just like the clanging of fake jewellery maybe I've lost it, maybe I never had it
And finally has that realisation dawned
This is all just a rant anyway
I haven't slept properly in too **** long
831 · Mar 2015
Not India's Daughter
The Flipped Word Mar 2015
The tears keep falling
drip drip drip
And they keep tearing my clothes
rip rip rip
Just take some tape and put it on my lips
Freedom of speech is an illusion as it is
They say our "culture" isn't a place for a woman
so that's why 70% of Hindu gods are male

Oh Wait
Ah well, better to be worshipped than to be whipped, I say

Oh please don't glorify me, it's not what i need
i can do without your worship, I plead
you don't have to set me up on a plank
just treat me like an equal among your ranks

Why is it becoming so hard to breathe?
It is the necklace of your fingers round my throat
Why are you choking what you claim as your own?
I'm not India's daughter, I'm India's ******
829 · Mar 2014
I've Started
The Flipped Word Mar 2014
I've Started reading my old works
My own literary corpses
From other places, other times
And lives I used to don

I've started meeting my old words
Like those friends forgotten
The ones, that even though have left
Still linger in the niches of my heart

I've started thinking of my past feats
Instead of my present failures
I gaze longingly at this visage of time
To make up for my lost delights

I've started questioning myself
My beliefs, my dreams and me
If I shed this cloak of apathy
What will I really be?

I've started something,  I'm not sure
But it's something unimportant
As it's just for me, my own tryst
But I've started finally.
788 · Jul 2014
My Poetry
The Flipped Word Jul 2014
My poetry lies there forgotten
Amidst the bustling crowd
Piled up books weighing it down
Books about practicality, books about reality

My poetry is still bursting
With possibilities of magic and of love
Ah! But the weight of logic
Weights down upon it

My poetry is all I rely on
Because the real world
Is too much to carry with myself
So I don't let it in

My poetry is my only visitor
On days when all is lost
It comes passionately, doesn't stay for long
And it retires exhausted

My poetry is.
My poetry was.
But, will my poetry be?
Ah! My poetry is 'me'
677 · Aug 2014
The Flipped Word Aug 2014
I loved you
That was my Hamartia,
You lost me.
and that is yours.
A Hamartia is a fatal error
669 · Jul 2016
The Flipped Word Jul 2016
Cries shrieks and guttural sounds
They form the chorus of the war
While the thumping of hooves
And clashing of swords forms the tempest
In the weather of war
Thick fog or maybe it's the smoke of burning flesh
Lies heavy upon the ground
While the battle sets are painted muddy and red
From the amalgamation of the flesh torn wounds
into a big throb of disgusting comedy
There is no escaping from this purgatory
Except maybe the moment when one lies cut open on the ground and heaves his last breath
663 · Aug 2016
The Flipped Word Aug 2016
People are better when you don't know them
They can be whoever you want them to be
It's not the same when you get to know them
Their reality limits them  
I think that's the problem,
I've put everyone that I find the teeniest bit interesting up on a pedestal
Why do I forget that they are humans. Just humans.
Guess you don't have to be religious to be into idolatry
Just some 2 am thoughts
657 · Feb 2014
The Shaky Waters
The Flipped Word Feb 2014
More than once storms do arise
In the shaky waters of my dark lies
And though some see reflections of hope
The transient waters change my ability to cope

These liquidities always blur the contour
In their chance to ******, in their chance to lure
And though some may easily drown
Some still look on with a pious frown

But the waters never cease to amaze
Me at my own own lies and games
And thus, ignorant of my own depth
I drown in these waters, these cheats adept

For how can you expect lilies to bloom
In this mud of charlatans all to be doomed
And how can you expect me to rise
From the dark shaky waters of my own lies
645 · Apr 2016
The Flipped Word Apr 2016
Your touch sends jolts of
Electricity crackling along
My skin, creating rifts
Like an earthquake does on the
Ground. You split me into halves two-
What I am now & what I was before you

Your voice drenches me
Like a tsunami wave, from
My head to my toes.
In your decibels I'm soaked
And I'd rather be wet and high
With you than dry and low

Your words are tornadoes
Wreaking havoc And I'm the
centre eye. They're All I hear
and see. Even your Chaos
appeals to me and Is what
I want to be Surrounded by

**** boy, you're a natural disaster
Waiting to happen.
And like Any smart rat
I know I should flee
But I want to be wrecked by you
You're my very own calamity
639 · Dec 2016
The sleeping man
The Flipped Word Dec 2016
In the creeping halt of cars
When the signal turned red
I saw him on the pavement
There he was that sleeping man
In the blistering heat, On the Bed of stones
I came across him as accidentally as one
stubs a toe on the edge of a table
-and as painfully too-
I wondered who he was, What he had been and
what he had become
Did he have a family? Someone to wake up for?
I also wondered how easily I could pity him;
And not extend the same sympathy to my own self
  But of course the only answer he graced me with
Was his raspy snore, Breathing in and out, in and out
So peaceful. So raw. So oblivious.
I wished him sweet dreams.
The signal turned green and the world was awake and moving again
608 · Jul 2016
The Flipped Word Jul 2016
I wish I could roll you up in a joint
Lick that dry paper with the wet pad of my tongue
and smoke you all day long
Your words get me high
They are so abrasive masculine and rough
I want more
Not that I'm going to tell you
Being one of the many lovestruck
Is too much for my ego
I am more of a far away observer
Immersed but distant
You're a guilty pleasure and a secret thrill
Not that you'll ever know
Because I'd rather burn far from you
Than turn to ashes in front of your
You see pretty you may be
But you're still just one of the guys
607 · Feb 2014
Dear Silence
The Flipped Word Feb 2014
Oh Dear Silence, who do you conceal?
Is someone there, or to a shadow I speak
I call out once and then restrain, a tiring act
Is someone there or not? Are you there for a fact
Sometimes, you respond, depends on your blues
Me? I'm just happy to get an answer from you
It leaves my stingy, this emotional hide-and-seek
For once and for all will you truly speak
Happiness on one, doubt on the other hand
Emotions so extreme, for once something bland
Would actually suffice, would be okay
Just tell me this once, Are You Going To Stay?
605 · Feb 2016
The Flipped Word Feb 2016
I'd always been a goody two shoes
Till the day you came along
Because while I abhorred out of the ordinary
You were all about the fun
You introduced me to myself,
A side I never knew
And I felt invincible
Whenever it was just us two
And I decided these memories
Were the ones I'd always keep
But all good things must end
Even happy eyes do weep
And that's when the summer came
And it became too hot
And all of that invincibility,
Like us, began to rot
You still check in on me
In hopes that I'll run back
But I've suffocated that part of me
All there is, is jet black
And I think of you consistently
Constantly, deeply, all the time
Failing to remember that even though
You're scorched in my brain
I'm never on your mind
And they say what doesn't ****
Ends up making you stronger
So one day I will have been reborn
To last a little bit longer.
588 · Jan 2017
Why did you have to leave?
The Flipped Word Jan 2017
There he lies, the one I love
Separated from me by 6 feet of soil
And every day so many people pass by
And they look on with unperturbed eyes
Have veiled conversations about how he died
These people, the majestically impaired
Carry on with their scattering lives
But I still go there and my fingers lightly touch
The stone that now shows your name
And trace its cold permanent outline
like I used to touch your warm face
And though these tears make it hard to see
They can never block the image of your smile
And though the heavy silence presses upon my ears
I hear your faint laugh echo in the light.
Oh it's torture to be able to feel but not to be able to feel you here
So I make my way back to your stone and trace the outlines with my tears
541 · Nov 2014
Paint it Red
The Flipped Word Nov 2014
let's go hunting tonight
i'm in the mood to don my armour
let's go slay, let's ignite
i'm feeling like a carnivorous flower

I paint my nails red
the colour of blood
and soon this color will
adorn my tongue

i darken the tints
to match the hue
of my intentions tonight
of what i'll do with you

of lithe movements and pretty lies
watch you fall for my honey eyes
of sweet perfumes and deja vu
you'll be my number twenty-two

finally some idea in your eyes
realisation of danger to your life
ah but my friend you're too late
my lips have already sealed your fate

with a ferile roar this all ends
before you can move or comprehend
the red of my nails matches the red of my teeth
temporarily sated, a beautiful beast

it's another night, another time
i'm in the mood to go hunting tonight
number twenty-three soon to be dead
And i'll just paint my nails blood red
531 · Oct 2016
Shouting from the windows
The Flipped Word Oct 2016
Hair, head, neck, shoulders
Emerging out the window from the
Back seat of a car whizzing
Down a Mountain she fell in love with
Before knowing what love was
One arm overstretched and out as if she was
hugging the eroded Giants that towered over aged valleys
Just then a gust blows so strongly that
She sways a little, almost as if
The mountain winds were hugging her back
(She likes to think they were)
Hair billowing and whipping around;
A tumultuous halo
An unknown flutter in the Hollow
Of the centre of her chest expands
While she feels like she has shrunk
Or maybe has just realised How big the world is;
The feeling grows; Delighted, ecstatic and erratic
She shouts in her exploding happiness
Shouts the flutter from her belly
up her throat and out to the world
She makes love to the giant moss wearing rocks
Later, she sticks her head back in
(Like a touch-me-not flower shrinks back inside)
And leans back on the headrest, panting happily, eyes sparkling
And just looks in wonder as the mountains
keep on unfolding themselves to her
the car keeps going on and on and on.
The Flipped Word Nov 2016
They fall in love with her
Because she's mean
They like the chase
They just don't know
That she doesn't get caught
While I'm beside standin still
And they don't see me
Won't see me till
She runs away or breaks their heart
And they come to me to mend their parts
They say I wish I'd fallen for you
You'd never treat me like she'll do
And I smile because it's true
I'd like to think so too
But that wouldn't happen, They won't fall for me
You see Boys only want love when it's agony
504 · Dec 2014
I get wet.
The Flipped Word Dec 2014
i get wet, drowning in your existence
my own, a forgotten mirage
i let go of all I own
Immersing myself in your corners and depths

I speak not of lust,
but something as fiery
something happens because
I'm a goner for you honey

My past fades away
when you come in sight
i'm all you want me to be,
everyday and every night

why do my trodden paths not matter
in the light of your own
why are women such fools in love
don't they know how it will all go

so with the pen of your wants
write down what you want me to be
I'll just dive in this ocean again
Because I'm a goner for you honey
500 · Nov 2014
Meet our childhood
The Flipped Word Nov 2014
let's go on a trip
and revisit our childhood
let's delve into our old streets
and remember those long gone moons

let's shake hands
with our enthusiastic younger self
do you see a mirror
or a stranger withing your shell?

let us laugh at the stuff
that once made us cry
let us shed a tear or two
at the happiness goneby

come let's wear the cloak
of inexperience and see
the difference in views and the difference in colors
and the difference in what could be

how different it must seem
to not carry the weight
of all our responsibilities
and freely dance again

ah let’s cut ourselves loose
from reality for minute or three
let us go meet to our childhood
and embrace those welcoming memories
497 · Aug 2016
Gaping wide
The Flipped Word Aug 2016
It's times like these
When my usually tiny gaps
Tear into huge chasms
They are waiting to be filled
With what, I don't know
With who, I'm scared to know
But it's when I'm gaping wide like this
That the words start to trickle out
Like ****** mud stains under wet flowerpots
All I know is that I don't know
I am empty and hollow, devoid of
Something I'm not even aware of
Such a comic tragedy, wouldn't you say?
It's like Hepburn said
I can handle the murky blues
But I can't handle the Reds-
Those moments when I don't even know why I'm so uneasy
Maybe it's been too long since I have been challenged
Or maybe I'm just flaky,
fluttering from one inconsequential thing to another;

Ah, If only knowledge of my incompleteness could make me complete
...I'd be bloated by now
491 · Aug 2017
My lover is distance
The Flipped Word Aug 2017
I whisper poems in your ears when you've fallen asleep
Half wanting to be heard and half wanting to stay safe

I leave maps all over kitchen counters for you
The ones that are so Easy to read that even I would be able to make sense of them

I turn my head to look back at you while I'm walking away, Just like they do in those movies I've memorised
But you get swallowed up by the people too **** easy for me to be able to meet your eyes

I sing my jokes and laughs in the valley of your sadness and when they echo, they reverberate in pride
-Oh to be the one who made you laugh-
But my own sighs fall flat on your ground, I can't deal with my own grief, the only impasse

I swallow my wooden ego down My throat
-I will always swallow gladly-
And open my mouth to get you to open yours
But your silence has become my frequency

We've run out of things to say and games to play
But we still keep on rolling the dice
I have a thing for love but my lover is distance himself
No wonder then that abandoning you is the only love poem I know how to write
487 · Aug 2014
Magical night
The Flipped Word Aug 2014
The night is mine, it's darkness my own
It doesn't question my moves
It leaves me peacefully alone
For in the day I wonder
For in the day I wander
Aimless,  hopeless and oh so plain
Ah! But the night is magical
Possibilities lurking in every shade
Just me and the world, no pretense
Just me and myself,  finally making sense.
In the daylight I slog, far too uncaring
In the night I'm almost graceful, beautifully daring
So I split the day, divide it into parts
These slots of sunlight,  one for each shard
Of my hidden abilities, my overriden self
To carry into the dark , when I delve in myself
And this is how I set my nights ablaze
I call the darkness my own but still light up the grays
485 · Apr 2016
The island
The Flipped Word Apr 2016
My bed is an island
And I, its sole inhabitant
It used to be a coven once
Long long ago
When I used to lay with you
Tangled,  like the headphones you kept misplacing
But now it's almost bare even though
I've placed a thousand fluffy pillows
(just the kind you hated)
And I go to sleep knowing that
Nobody else can get in
Cuz I'm on a freaking island of my own
Isolated even from isolation.
471 · Nov 2016
Ballad of the night
The Flipped Word Nov 2016
Walking barefoot head swaying
To the music that the moon plays
only for me on nights like these
My hair scraping the very shoulders
That stand proudly arched back
  Under  dark windy skies
  But otherwise stoop with the sun's weight
I could say that I am tangled
Or maybe I toy around with the idea
of being a mess,   One who's knots you'll lovingly detangle
With your calloused inked fingers.
I dream with open eyes
And surround myself with longing sighs
I'd rather experience you as a pain
Than not remember you at all
That's what these nights do to me
They Take my movements and turn them into a ballad
If only daytime was as light
467 · Dec 2013
literary satisfaction 10w
The Flipped Word Dec 2013
When I read
The words don't come alive;
**I do.
465 · Oct 2015
Stuck on replay
The Flipped Word Oct 2015
Tired of writing the same old poem
Sick of humming the same old song
Thirst for a change of scenery
Someone pull me out of this dump

Driving in a circle
Reach right back to the start
Same old stupid ending
It's becoming too hard

Routine emotional wrecks
have lost their charm
I'm so through with all the drama
Feel like a ****** piece of art

So take those words back
Shove them right back into your mouth
Because I trust based on actions
Not what you say or how you sound

I might seem like such a fool
Because you say the same words each time
And I let you back in
But baby won't ever commit that crime

Its said that you should trust
People Based On their actions
And you'll never be fooled by the crust
Of their spoken contraptions

So open your eyes and watch me do
What I should've done a long time ago with you
Perk up your ears and listen up as I say
Welcome to solitude, Enjoy your stay.
462 · Jan 2015
The Reel and Real Women
The Flipped Word Jan 2015
bombarded with outer perfection
surrounded with glamour
is any woman portrayed
in her real manner?

You give me make up to hide behind
you write blogs that tell me to be attractive
you govern my beauty with your outlook
and say you want me natural as it is

What a hoax!
If you wanted perfection, buy a barbie doll
it is less expensive and has the emotions you demand
If you wanted ***, talk to your hand
Your preferences are polished yet so bland
If you want glamour, go and read
a barbaric and well-suited magazine
But if you want a woman who's real and true
Don't look at billboards, look in front of you
Media portrays women as these perfect beings and such depictions just create a more  demanding and superficial society
459 · Nov 2014
Bitter Aftertaste
The Flipped Word Nov 2014
Can taste the steel in your mouth?
As it envelops your ******* venomous embrace,
That bitter after taste, residual doubt
Still there not going away

This aftermath is so familiar,
Growing distance between me and my happy ending
Ah! Why does it always end like this?
Even though it has a glorious beginning

Everyone says “this time it will be different”
Well then why hasn’t anything changed?
It’s like a pre-decided sequence of events,
All taking place like a future already arranged

I thought you were different, I always do
But why should I make excuses for you?
It’s the anticipation, it’s the buildup really
Setting me up for disappointment so dreary

When in reality it’s the idea of you
That excites me more than you could ever do
The reality of you is just misplaced
Leaving only a bitter aftertaste
443 · Oct 2016
The Flipped Word Oct 2016
They gave me wings called integrity
But I'm still learning how to fly
It is hard to flap these wings
In the fogs of malice and avarice
Newly sprouted respect
Left my shoulders sore
It's tiring to carry a weight
That only few people adore
But I can't let growing pains stop  me from fixing my moral compass north
The cloak of honour is hard to wear
But the only way to go is forth
So I try, again and again
For nobility is a stubborn trait
I watch these wings grow
With every sincere choice made
Engulfed in moral stoicism
Learning the lows and highs
One day these wings will be strong enough
To navigate the changing skies
432 · Dec 2014
Free Tours
The Flipped Word Dec 2014
i give free tours of my mind palace
to anyone who reads my words
the gates just open themselves
as you devour what you read of my world

such easy access for you
never thought to put a lock on my views
drink up, my lovelies the drinks of my lines
feast on all of the poems i write

go ahead my darlings, judge what i've said
tourists like you only pounce on my shreds
431 · Aug 2017
Sister Sister
The Flipped Word Aug 2017
You are my skin
My bones,
My blood,
You're flowing through me
You ARE me.

I feel you.
Rushing in my veins when something exciting happens,
Because whatever it is, I'm rushing to get it to your ears.

I feel you.
Pounding in my head like the reverberation of a deep bass song

I feel you.
When I hug our mother and you're not there to hijack that hug
Or when no one argues with me when I say that I'm the favourite kid.
I'm not the favourite kid.
I promise I'm not.

I feel you.
I've grown up watching your smile take over your whole face so when something makes those very lips tremble and cry, I taste it in my own mouth like acid.

I feel you.
Every hit and every blow that you have ever felt is a bruise that I have tried to heal on my own body.

I feel you.
So deep inside that unreachable part of me that to hug you I sleep in a foetal position, all bent inwards.

I miss you.
So much that my throat constricts and expands and constricts, as if I'm trying to choke myself

But THAT is where I finally stop.

I stop myself
Because you said that
If I don't breathe,
Then you don't breathe.
And you,
You better keep on breathing.
430 · Nov 2015
When did I grow up?
The Flipped Word Nov 2015
When did I grow up?
Was it when Santa never came
Or the no of candles grew on my cake
Was it when I got to see
That Maturity often leads to misery
Or adults aren't perfect, they ***** up
You've to work hard for forgiveness and harder for love
Was it when problems began to change
From candies and hopscotch to heartbreaks and pains
Was it when I realised that God
Wasn't everywhere, had to be found
Or everything you think isn't supposed to be said
That some feelings may never fully be dead
Was it when I saw how dark people could be
They spoke so well but didn't mean a thing
Or that the ones you love can become sick and go,
That there's such a thing as being truly alone
I guess it was when my awareness started to show up
*Ah, Why the hell did I grow up?
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