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Oct 2016 · 375
I Am Alive
Ren Oct 2016
brittle beneath the confliction of a soft and strong structure
perfectly still but ashen enough to drift in the wind
drops of salt that flow like morsels to taste past lips
folded in half once every several days to shed vermillion and renew
silent with the thud of a bass drum tuned to an individual eternity
insignificant to a dying star burning light years away
and a hungry giant within a single chaotic orbit
Sep 2016 · 270
Ren Sep 2016
The worst days are the stillest.
The quietest. The loneliest.
The days you fill each speck of time to move it along.
The days where midnight is not a relief and 3AM, you hope, is bedtime.
Days it cracks it's locks and grows in you, blooming ugly into lungs so you are reminded with each inhale.
Days you shut your eyes and count like shouting back at yourself.
Days where you're not even sure what day it is.
Jul 2016 · 290
History is Tomorrow
Ren Jul 2016
Did they feel the war coming?
Taste it like metal on their tongues?
Even if the paths were unclear,
were the seams and cracks
where nations began to crumble detected?
Did they feel the war coming?
Like a bad dream that kept getting worse?
Even if the voices shushed them,
did they know it was upon them
did they feel like this too?
Jul 2016 · 359
Ren Jul 2016
if my chest were a juicebox
i could stick a straw through
the filmy layer between my ribs
wrap my arms around myself
and squeeze
and squeeze
until every drop of me was drained
Jun 2016 · 257
some days
Ren Jun 2016
scratch the ink from beneath my skin
in the places that you've been
twenty years from now i'll say i'm burning
and churning and churning an absence of yearning
the taste between my tongue and cheek
gritty regret extracting bitter from sweet
forget me please like i've done you
if only if only that were true
Apr 2016 · 2.4k
Ren Apr 2016
lesbians will want to write about your hands
the way they wrap around warm cups of tea
and clench and unclench with rage and pride
she'll notice the delicate length of your fingers
how they feel pressing and bruising into soft flesh
the art they make, the stories they create
the blood sprouted from knuckles in societal protest
their kindness, their firmness, their warmth
lesbians memorize every mark and line of them
how they never strike her
how they settle in her own, how they feel inside her
how you use them to clasp your bra and pin up your hair
the way you draw them together, how they fold into you
when they touch to your lips, when they touch to hers
how they pass through her barriers, sneak under shirts
wake her from sleep, lull her to rest, appear in her dreams
lesbians will take them in her own
hold them to her mouth, her breast, her heart
wonder what they are doing at any time of the day
feature them in fantasies and daydreams
claim them as her own, as if they were hers
love them when they shake and when they are steady
she'll want your hands to be her hands and hers to be yours
interchangeable, familiar, worshiped
Apr 2016 · 637
Ren Apr 2016
Now words you said feel like a ghost
I’ll raise a glass to myself a toast
Forgetting how our lips would fit
And lustful nights, they don't exist
Endearing words sit different here
In memories that aren’t so clear
How nothing makes me miss the days
And all my love goes on and fades
haven't posted anything in a while
Dec 2015 · 377
Ren Dec 2015
my body is a ticking clock
the thud thud of seconds passed
they burn away in my chest
and pound against my eardrums
a steady race with accomplishment
of pride, worth, and meaning
crippled under a stern reminder
the constant sound of ticking
tick tick, thud thud, tick tick, thud thud
I only hope the day that comes
when I'm met with my demise
I will have found myself enough
to greet the last and final tick
warm with relief and content
for now I am afraid of death
because the fear of life still fills me
Oct 2015 · 530
The Sky Is The Limit
Ren Oct 2015
And she said
Don't limit me to the sky when all the stars are waiting
For me to take my place amongst them
Writing tiny things to drag myself out of writers block.
Oct 2015 · 526
Greet Your Monarch
Ren Oct 2015
That women there silenced jaw in a glare
bold bands of devotion streaked through her hair.
Defiant soles to the tops of a stools
speaking conviction to deaf eared fools.
Your everyday overdue
fresh eyed, baby girl, honey sweet, jewel.
This is a verse from a song I've been writing. Unfinished things are unfinished.
Oct 2015 · 766
Ren Oct 2015
I swim in the strangest of pools
Of down weighted accounts
Never in company with the man of slumber
In darkness of mind I wish to be taken
To soon forgotten dreams and fitful terrors
The whispered thought and whimpers come
Wrapped in silence unrested bones lay waking
To swim in the strangest of pools
Never in company with the man of slumber
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
The Tribe
Ren Oct 2015
The burrows of a life inside
of deep and narrow almost lies
until the brave of full disclosure
I live and breathe beneath exposure

A soul its own a natural seed
who struggles in the normalcy
a pace of right that’s set for we
the tribe of unconformity
*Unconformity (n)
     -the condition of being unconformable.
Oct 2015 · 305
First Storm
Ren Oct 2015
fist full of her sweater
the blue with the white letters
nothing poetic about a first time beggar
I said “I wouldn’t hurt you, I wouldn’t
but I could you should know”

if you’re lightning I’m thunder
and this sky is our home

when you’re 18 and hungry
for how life was told
first time on your feet and feeling real bold
you say “I wouldn’t hurt you, I wouldn’t
but I could you should know”

when you’re 18 and foolish
and don’t want to let go

I could make this a letter; a sorry to all
I could have done better
and you’re not painted in gold
I said “I wouldn’t hurt you, I wouldn’t
but I could you should know”

if you’re lightning I’m thunder
and that sky was our home
First poem up! Glad to be here. Let me know what you think? Constructive crit  accepted.
*the lowercase makes me twitch too but it just happened that way...

— The End —