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rey Jun 2018
I’m tired of being alone,
Letting myself fall back into depression.
Sometimes I wish somebody
Would love me.

My family is great,
But they don’t realize my pain.
I wish somebody
Would miss me.

I feel sad.
I need someone to care,
Or pretend to, at least.

Maybe it’s a “phase”
Maybe one day I won’t be lonely.
That one day, someone, who cares,
Will be brave enough to hug me.

Could someone possibly tell me,
I’m all they’ve ever wanted?
Tell me I’m gorgeous,
And say I’m the only person,
Perfect enough for them?

Not now at least.
Probably never.
Could be close.
I’m not sure.

Maybe someone will adore me,
As much as I adore them.
Hopefully, they won’t have
To pretend.

© Regan
I need hope.
rey Jun 2018
Play a song, guitar
Let me be the melody
And you’re the beat.

© Regan
rey Jun 2018
Cold, salty droplets
They’re always showing up
I can’t control them.

© Regan
Update: So I thought today would go exactly the same as usual, and then I check my emails, and notice i had 26 notifications from hello poetry. Thank you all so much, I’m truly in tears because of how happy I am to see how much growth this poem has received.
rey Jun 2018
My heart is a bottom-less pit,
Waiting for a ladder.

My heart is burning,
From where you set me on fire.

My heart is depressed,
Longing for someone to love.

My heart is lonely,
Stuck in my lonesome body.

My heart is broken,
From the words you jabbed into it.

© Regan
rey Jun 2018
Let my body drift,
Amongst the ice cold water,
Forget about me.

© Regan
rey Jun 2018
Driving through an untouched place,
The modern era has kept it’s distance,
Mother-nature has taken over.

We arrive to a grassy area,
Only the trees to provide shade,
We strike a match.

We walk aware of the beauty around us,
We walk in an unmodernized place,
No shops, buildings, and factories.

The urban areas have purpose,
But sometimes, just sometimes,
Rural feels more like home.

© Regan
I can’t find my retainer and I’m kinda scared so I wrote this poem instead
Update: it was in my couch.
rey Jun 2018
Picture me in a crowd, looking for you.
Picture me in a dress, sitting by you.
Picture me in the grass, holding hands with you.
Picture me in your arms, loving you.
Picture me shocked, looking at you.
Picture me sad, not because of you.
Picture me in a gown, marrying you.
Picture me yours, that’s all I want from you.

Picture you, loving me.
Picture you, holding me.
Picture you, with me.

Picture you without me,
Picture me without you.
Just picture me.

© Regan
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