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Stephanie Franco Nov 2017
Entrapping myself in the echos of its poetry
Reciting those same words over and over again,
“Not good enough. Try again.”

How do I simply express this complex, complicated, convoluted figure
A person who knows himself is a person who lies;
Is a person who dies
They die too early and they die knowing nothing

To know it all is to know no adventure
It is to know what you never knew
So as I sit here contemplating what I am -
I come up with nothing, but the words,
“Try Again.”
Stephanie Franco Nov 2017
“I used to dream about love”
Six words that have suddenly hit me so hard
A nostalgic feeling overwhelms me
Of the days that were easy and planned out
I dreamt of finding love in a crowd of people
I would bump into some stranger
We would hit it off and share a lingering and tender kiss
However, as I grow older,
Those dreams slowly begin to fade
The reality of it all is there is no stranger
There is no lingering and tender kiss
There is no love
Just tears and that nostalgic feeling
Stephanie Franco Nov 2017
The most important people always seem to come at the most hardest time of your life
Right when everything seems to feel like it's going the opposite direction
Someone always seems to sweep you off your feet and show you the world again
They hypnotize you to think in a different way you never would have thought of
They manipulate your heart until it can only beat when they’re around
They manipulate your brain until it only thinks of them

And you,
You can’t control any of it

It makes you go crazy for you never thought you could ever feel this way again
It almost seemed impossible until they came into your life
You could finally be happy and smile and laugh and most importantly, feel
But, as always, life has a way of making times hard all over again
It hurts you again and again and again
And once again, that person that beautifully manipulated your soul vanishes
The only thing they leave you with are the agonizingly beautiful memories you both shared

Life makes you say that sentence over and over again:
Stephanie Franco Nov 2017
A new start in this morning bloom
But all of it seems so gloom,
From the tears and shouts
And the frowning pouts.

What happened to the lovely sun?
Instead now you passed me a gun
With the words “Goodbye” engraved
And the memory of how you last waved.

Starved from your ecstasy and love
While you watch me from up above.
It all feels so surreal
It was all because of that ****** deal.

I crave to have the pain you gave
Even if that means that I must be brave
Just to be able to feel
For I haven’t felt anything since the deal.

I’ve cried and swore
It’s beginning to feel like one big chore.
Oh, how I yearn to stare deeply into you
But that feeling is long yet overdue

There’s no such thing as second chances
Especially under the circumstances.
I’ll continue to slowly drown
If only you could hold me down
Stephanie Franco Nov 2017
I think I have double vision
When I look at you
I see the real you and the fake you
I see how you feel about me
But I also see the facade you try to show me

Why are there two sides of you
Why can’t there just simply be you
With no disguise and fabricated exterior
That you leave for the naive and gullible people

Well, I won’t have it
I see through your bluffs and your veil
So don’t expect me to love you
Because if I am to love you
I want to love you for you
And not this mirage you display
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