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Stephanie Franco Nov 2017
I knew that this high would end
It was going on for far too long
And knowing my luck
It was bound to end soon

Now I sit here outside
In this rusty old couch
Wishing to rewind the unwinding clock
And see if I could feel the high once again

But that is far too easy
Of course, life has got to be one convoluted mess
There can’t can’t be twists without any turns
Or any angel without it’s horns

The break I’ve been yearning for
Has long been over
Now I must sit here with this crooked frown
With nothing but that high putting me down
Stephanie Franco Nov 2017
The cruelty of our passions
Burnt down into small pieces of ashes
By those who despise us
Even though this very country
Was built on freedom of speech
So although we keep fighting
Hoping to win this battle
Between all odds
We’ll keep attacking
With the power of words
And the power of the human soul
We’ll raise hell if we have to
For that is who we are
We are the brilliant,
The omnipotent,
The spontaneous
Hell Raisers

— The End —